I tried to make a simple recursive web scraper using Python. My idea was to grab all the links, titles and tag names.
Website: https://lifebridgecapital.com/podcast/
Course of Action:
Grab all the tags links from the Website.
tag_words_links(Website) --> [https://lifebridgecapital.com/tag/multifamily/][2]
My script fetches all the links, tag names and titles from those links which tag_words_links
returned. Some of these pages have pagination and some don't, so I used an if
condition to catch those pages which contain class="page-numbers"
By looking at the code, anyone can see clearly there is a lot of repetition going on in there, therefore I'd like to keep it DRY. Any suggestions and ideas are much appreciated.
Here is the code:
from requests_html import HTMLSession
import csv
import time
def tag_words_links(url):
global _session
_request = _session.get(url)
tags = _request.html.find('a.tag-cloud-link')
links = []
for link in tags:
links.append(link.find('a', first=True).attrs['href'])
return links
def parse_tag_links(link):
global _session
_request = _session.get(link)
article_links = _request.html.find('h3 a')
tag_names = [tag.text for tag in _request.html.find('div.infinite-page-caption')]
articles = [article.find('a', first=True).attrs['href'] for article in article_links]
titles = [title.text for title in _request.html.find('h3.gdlr-core-blog-title')]
if 'class="page-numbers"' in _request.text:
next_page = _request.html.find('a.page-numbers')
url = {url.find('a', first=True).attrs['href'] for url in next_page}
for page in url:
next_page_request = _session.get(page)
article_links = next_page_request.html.find('h3 a')
for article in article_links:
articles.append(article.find('a', first=True).attrs['href'])
for title in article_links:
titles.append([title.text for title in title.find('h3.gdlr-core-blog-title')])
for tags in article_links:
tag_names.append([tags for tags in tags.find('div.infinite-page-caption')])
scraped_data = {
'Title': titles,
'Tag_Name': tag_names,
'Link': articles
return scraped_data
if __name__ == '__main__':
data = []
_session = HTMLSession()
url = 'https://lifebridgecapital.com/podcast/'
links = tag_words_links(url)
for link in links:
with open('life-bridge-capital-tags.csv', 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csv_file:
writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=data[0].keys())
for row in data: