I'm a fairly new programmer and have been learning c++ for about 8 months now. I've written a program that can take either binary, hexadecimal, and decimal inputs and convert them to the other two values. For example, if the user inputs a binary value, then the program will output both decimal and hexadecimal conversions of the number. Unfortunately, the colouring of the output is unsatisfactory due to the fact that chaning colours in cmd changes the colour off all texts in that terminal. Instead of using the cmd colour commands, I used a custom header file provided by my teacher that didn't change the colour of all the texts in the terminal. Instead of adding the header file, I replaced all the custom colour commands with cmd colour commands, for convinience. Besides all that, it would mean a lot if you could review my code and point out on where I could improve on. Please keep in mind that I'm still new to programming in general and wouldn't understand some "programmer/coding" vocabulary.
Thank you.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <conio.h>
using namespace std;
long long num_limit;//user input for decimal
long long hex_remainder;//hexadecimal remainder
long long hexint = 0;//integer value for user input
char user_inp;//identifier for user input
bool userinput = true;//validator for illegal input
string hex_assign;//assiging hex remainder string value
string bitassign = "";//identifier assigning binary values to hex
void load()//loading effect
int g, c;//loop counter
cout << " ";
system("color 07");
for (g = 1; g <= 80; g++)
for (c = 1; c <= 2850000; c++) {}
cout << "*";
//used in void bit(), void hex(), and void dec()
void integer_only()
while (!num_limit > 0)//checking for illegal input
cin.ignore(1000, '\n');
system("color 04");
cout << " Invalid input...try again: ";
cin >> num_limit;//user input
cin.ignore(1000, '\n');
//used in void bit(), void hex(), and void dec()
void hexassign()
switch (hex_remainder)//using <remainder> as a switch to assign hex characters
case 0: hex_assign = "0"; break;
case 1: hex_assign = "1"; break;
case 2: hex_assign = "2"; break;
case 3: hex_assign = "3"; break;
case 4: hex_assign = "4"; break;
case 5: hex_assign = "5"; break;
case 6: hex_assign = "6"; break;
case 7: hex_assign = "7"; break;
case 8: hex_assign = "8"; break;
case 9: hex_assign = "9"; break;
case 10: hex_assign = "A"; break;
case 11: hex_assign = "B"; break;
case 12: hex_assign = "C"; break;
case 13: hex_assign = "D"; break;
case 14: hex_assign = "E"; break;
case 15: hex_assign = "F"; break;
//used in void bit() and void dec()
void hex_input_validator()
switch (user_inp)
case '0':userinput = true; break;
case '1':userinput = true; break;
case '2':userinput = true; break;
case '3':userinput = true; break;
case '4':userinput = true; break;
case '5':userinput = true; break;
case '6':userinput = true; break;
case '7':userinput = true; break;
case '8':userinput = true; break;
case '9':userinput = true; break;
case 'A':userinput = true; break;
case 'B':userinput = true; break;
case 'C':userinput = true; break;
case 'D':userinput = true; break;
case 'E':userinput = true; break;
case 'F':userinput = true; break;
default: userinput = false;
//used in void hex()
void hex_binary_assign()
switch (user_inp)
case '0':bitassign = "0000 "; break;
case '1':bitassign = "0001 "; break;
case '2':bitassign = "0010 "; break;
case '3':bitassign = "0011 "; break;
case '4':bitassign = "0100 "; break;
case '5':bitassign = "0101 "; break;
case '6':bitassign = "0110 "; break;
case '7':bitassign = "0111 "; break;
case '8':bitassign = "1000 "; break;
case '9':bitassign = "1001 "; break;
case 'A':bitassign = "1010 "; break;
case 'B':bitassign = "1011 "; break;
case 'C':bitassign = "1100 "; break;
case 'D':bitassign = "1101 "; break;
case 'E':bitassign = "1110 "; break;
case 'F':bitassign = "1111 "; break;
//used in void hex()
void hex_int_assign()
switch (user_inp)
case '0':hexint = 0; break;
case '1':hexint = 1; break;
case '2':hexint = 2; break;
case '3':hexint = 3; break;
case '4':hexint = 4; break;
case '5':hexint = 5; break;
case '6':hexint = 6; break;
case '7':hexint = 7; break;
case '8':hexint = 8; break;
case '9':hexint = 9; break;
case 'A':hexint = 10; break;
case 'B':hexint = 11; break;
case 'C':hexint = 12; break;
case 'D':hexint = 13; break;
case 'E':hexint = 14; break;
case 'F':hexint = 15; break;
//used in void hex()
void bit()//binary input
char user_input = 'x';//user input (1/0)
int num;//identifier assigned integer value for user input
int i, v, y;//loop counter
long long total_dec;//decimal value
long long dec_count = 0;//total decimal value
long long quotient = 0;//quotient for bimary
long long decimal;//identifier to be used to find decimal value
string hex_val = "";//total hex value in one string
bool hex = true;//validator for hex calculation
system("color 09");
cout << " Enter the total number of digits: ";
cin >> num_limit;//user input
cin.ignore(1000, '\n');
integer_only();//checking for illegal input
cout << endl;//blank line
y = num_limit;//assigning max index value value
for (i = 0; i < num_limit; i++)
system("color 09");
cout << " Num #" << i + 1 << ": ";
user_input = _getwche();//user input
cout << endl;//blank line
switch (user_input)
case '0':num = 0; break;
case '1':num = 1; break;
while (user_input != '1' && user_input != '0')//checking for illegal input
system("color 07");
cout << " Invalid input...try again: ";
user_input = _getwche();//user input
cout << endl;//blank line
switch (user_input)
case '0':num = 0; break;
case '1':num = 1; break;
total_dec = num * pow(2, (y - 1));//y-1 so that calculation is in reverse order
dec_count += total_dec;
decimal = dec_count;
while (hex)//will run while <hex> is true
quotient = decimal / 16;
hex_remainder = decimal % 16;
decimal = quotient;
hexassign();//assiging hex value
hex_val += hex_assign;
if (quotient == 0) { hex = false; }//hex is false when quotient is 0
system("cls");//clearing screen
load();//calling loading effect
cout << endl;//blank line
system("color 06");
cout << " Decimal value =========> ";
cout << dec_count << endl;
system("color 06");
cout << " Hexadecimal value =====> ";
for (v = 1; v <= hex_val.length(); v++)//printing backwards
cout << hex_val[hex_val.length() - v];
cout << endl;//blank line
void hex()//hexadecimal input
int k, o;//loop counter
long long decimalvalue = 0;//total decimal value
long long totaldec = 0;//decimal value
string total_bin = "";//all binary values in one string
system("color 09");
cout << " Enter the total number of digits: ";
cin >> num_limit;//user input
cin.ignore(1000, '\n');
integer_only();//checking for illegal input
cout << endl;//blank line
o = num_limit;//assigning loop counter its value
for (k = 1; k <= num_limit; k++)
system("color 09");
cout << " Enter num #" << k << ": ";
user_inp = toupper(_getwche());//user input
cout << endl;//blank line
hex_input_validator();//validating illegal input
if (userinput)
hex_int_assign();//assigning a integer value
hex_binary_assign();//assiging a binary value
else {
while (!userinput)
system("color 04");
cout << " Invalid input...try again: ";
user_inp = toupper(_getwche());//user input
cout << endl;//blank line
hex_int_assign();//assigning ineger value
hex_binary_assign();//assiging a binary value
hex_input_validator();//validating illegal input
total_bin += bitassign;
totaldec = hexint * pow(16, (o - 1));//o-1 for answer in reverse order
decimalvalue += totaldec;
system("cls");//clearing screen
load();//calling loading effect
cout << endl;//blank line
system("color 06");
cout << " Decimal value ======> ";
cout << decimalvalue << endl;
system("color 06");
cout << " Binary value =======> ";
cout << total_bin;
cout << endl;//blank line
void dec()//decimal input
long long bit_quotient;//binary quotient
long long bit_remainder;//binary remainder
long long bit_decimal;//identier to be used with binary calculation with the value of user input
int f, q;//loop counter
long long hex_quotient;//hexadecimal quotient
long long hex_decimal;//identifier to be used with hex calculation with the value of user input
string total_hex_string;//all hex string values in one string
string bit_string;//assigning binary remainder, binary values
string total_bit_string;//all binary values in one string
bool hex = true;//validator for hex calculation
bool bit = true;//validator for binary calculation
system("color 09");
cout << " Enter number: ";
cin >> num_limit;//user input
cin.ignore(1000, '\n');
integer_only();//checking for illegal input
bit_decimal = num_limit;
hex_decimal = num_limit;
while (bit)
bit_quotient = bit_decimal / 2;
bit_remainder = bit_decimal % 2;
bit_decimal = bit_quotient;
switch (bit_remainder)
case 0:bit_string = "0"; break;
case 1:bit_string = "1"; break;
total_bit_string += bit_string;
if (bit_quotient == 0) { bit = false; }
while (hex)
hex_quotient = hex_decimal / 16;
hex_remainder = hex_decimal % 16;
hex_decimal = hex_quotient;
hexassign();//assigning a hex value
total_hex_string += hex_assign;
if (hex_quotient == 0) { hex = false; }
system("cls");//clearing screen
load();//calling loading effect
cout << endl;//blank line
system("color 06");
cout << " Binary value ===========> ";
for (f = 1; f <= total_bit_string.length(); f++)//printing in backwards order
cout << total_bit_string[total_bit_string.length() - f];
cout << endl;//blank line
system("color 06");
cout << " Hexadecimal value ======> ";
for (q = 1; q <= total_hex_string.length(); q++)//printing in backwards order
cout << total_hex_string[total_hex_string.length() - q];
cout << endl;//blank line
int main()
char user_choice;//identifier for user choice
char run_choice;//identifier for run choice
bool run = true;//validator for running the program
while (run)//will run as long as <run> is true
cout << endl;//blank line
system("color 09");
cout << " Do you want to input (B)inary, (H)exadecimal, or (D)ecimal value? ";
user_choice = toupper(_getwche());//user input
cout << endl;//blank line
cout << endl;//blank line
while (user_choice != 'B' && user_choice != 'H' && user_choice != 'D')//checking illegal emtry
system("color 04");
cout << " Wrong input...enter again: ";
user_choice = toupper(_getwche());//user input
cout << endl;//blank line
cout << endl;//blank line
if (user_choice == 'B') { bit(); }//if user chose binary
else if (user_choice == 'H') { hex(); }//if user chose hexadecimal
else if (user_choice == 'D') { dec(); }//if user chose decimal
cout << endl;//blank line
system("cls");//clearing screen
cout << endl;//blank line
system("color 09");
cout << " Do you want to calculate any more numbers?(Y/N): ";
run_choice = toupper(_getwche());//user input
cout << endl;//blank line
cout << endl;//blank line
while (run_choice != 'Y' && run_choice != 'N')
system("color 04");
cout << " Wrong input...enter again: ";
run_choice = toupper(_getwche());//user input
cout << endl;//blank line
if (run_choice == 'Y') { run = true; system("cls"); }
else if (run_choice == 'N') { run = false; }
system("color 07");//colour reset
system("cls");//clearing screen
return 0;