Food for thought:
From my (now deleted) comment:
Your operators are associative, but your data structure is not. Is there a different data representation which is associative?
I think you want to do more with this tree than just printing it, right?
The problem is you want Q Unit (Q Unit Unit)
to be equal to Q (Q Unit Unit) Unit
. Find a 'canonical' representation!
Think about an answer or scroll down to find mine. The next steps just set it up.
Pulling out the operator?
You've already seen this in the comment:
data Operator = ExclamationMark | QuestionMark
data Tree = Unit | BinaryNode Operator Tree Tree
Type parameters
Your example seems to be a minimal working example, but you certainly want your Unit
to contain some identifier, e.g. data BinTree a = Leaf a | BinaryNode Operator BinTree BinTree
. Do the same with Operator
and you've got:
data BinTree op a = Leaf a | BinaryNode op (BinTree op a) (BinTree op a)
Based on your haskell experience, you might want to write your Functor
, Applicative
, Monad
and Traversable
The type parameter op
can be instantiated with Operator
, but maybe also String
in the context of (pretty-)printing. Or go further and have a function in place of op
evalBinTree :: BinTree (a -> a -> a) a -> a
evalBinTree (Leaf x) = x
evalBinTree (BinaryNode f left right) = f (eval left) (eval right)
of course get yourself a function to make these tasks easier:
mapOp :: (op -> op') -> BinTree op a -> BinTree op' a
Associativity Hint
data Binary a = Binary a a
is isomorphic to a pair (a,a)
, which always contains two a
s. What data structure allows you to have an arbitrary number of a
s? Next section is some sort of filler to hide the solution.
Haskell philosophy
Haskell is a functional language. While "functional" puts the emphasis on functions, it is actually data-centric. Defining new data structures and converting between them is easier and more concise than in, say, Java. What I am trying to say here: You can keep the BinTree
and the AssocTree
of the following section and write functions that transforms one representation to the other.
Associativity Solution
First a non-parametric data type that allows an arbitrary number of children:
data AssocTree = Unit | Node [AssocTree]
but I will continue with:
data AssocTree op a = ALeaf a | ANode op [AssocTree op a]
And left as an exercise, you want a function:
toAssocTree :: BinTree op a -> AssocTree op a
But toAssocTree
cannot collect your associative operators. That needs equality on op
collectAssoc :: (Eq op) => AssocTree op a -> AssocTree op a
This way, you divide your computation into little steps.
Why turn Operator
into a type parameter op
Here is the reason why I supposed to make the operation a type parameter: With an abstract type, the type system prevents this error:
data BTree = Unit | E Tree Tree | Q Tree Tree
data ATree = AUnit | AE [Tree] | AQ [Tree]
toATree (E left right) = AE [left,right]
toATree (Q left right) = AE [left,right] -- c&p error: should be AQ, not AE
Yes, abstracting out the type prevents errors.
data Tree = Unit | Subtree Kind Tree Tree
could be the argument forsurround
and produce connecting symbol inshow
. \$\endgroup\$Tree
makes it a lot easier to handle, also for other applications one might have. I think your suggestion covers exactly what I was asking for. So please consider adding it as an anwer! \$\endgroup\$