
This is the follow-up question for A recursive_transform Function For Various Type Nested Iterable With std::variant Implementation in C++ and A get_from_variant function in C++. Thanks to G. Sliepen and Quuxplusone provide detailed review suggestions. However, the existed version of recursive_transform function assumes the return type is always the same as the input type. In other words, it works well with the lambda function like [](double x)->double { return x + 1; } (the type of both input and output are double) or [](int x)->int { return x + 1; } (the type of both input and output are int). In the next step, I want to focus on the case which the return type is different from the input type. For example, [](int x)->std::string { return std::to_string(x); }. Because the origin return type of recursive_transform is specified in T, it can not handle the case which the type of the processed output from the lambda function f is different from T. Let's change type T into auto as below. This auto syntax used here makes type deriving adaptive.

template<class T, class F>
auto recursive_transform(const T& input, const F& f) {
    return f(input);

The another part of this recursive_transform is the recursive structure and it is more complex than above. The container has been specified in std::vector here first.

template<class T, class F> requires is_iterable<T>
auto recursive_transform(const T& input, const F& f) {
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<typename T::iterator>::value_type

    std::vector<decltype(recursive_transform(std::declval<value_type&&>(), f))> output(input.size());
    std::transform(input.begin(), input.end(), output.begin(),
        [f](auto& element)
            return recursive_transform(element, f);
    return output;

The test of the above template function recursive_transform.

std::vector<int> test_vector = {
    1, 2, 3
auto recursive_transform_result = recursive_transform(
    [](int x)->std::string { return std::to_string(x); });                          //  For testing

std::cout << "string: " + recursive_transform_result.at(0) << std::endl;            //  recursive_transform_result.at(0) is a std::string

std::vector<decltype(test_vector)> test_vector2 = {
    test_vector, test_vector, test_vector

auto recursive_transform_result2 = recursive_transform(
    [](int x)->std::string { return std::to_string(x); });                          //  For testing

std::cout << "string: " + recursive_transform_result2.at(0).at(0) << std::endl;     // recursive_transform_result.at(0).at(0) is also a std::string

A Godbolt link is here.

All suggestions are welcome.

  • Which question it is a follow-up to?

    A recursive_transform Function For Various Type Nested Iterable With std::variant Implementation in C++ and

    A get_from_variant function in C++

  • What changes has been made in the code since last question?

    In the previous version of recursive_transform function, it works well when the return type is as same as the input type. The main idea in this question is trying to implement a extended version which the return type is different from the input type.

  • Why a new review is being asked for?

    The previous version recursive_transform function assumes the return type is always the same as the input type. I am trying to focus on the case which the return type is different from the input type to make the function more generic. However, I know that I make my algorithms more specialized in std::vector again in this version of code. I have no idea how to implement a more generic recursive_transform function in both various output type and various container type in a simple and smart way. If there is any suggestion or possible idea about this, please let me know.


1 Answer 1


I'm afraid this is reaching the limits of my knowledge about templates in C++, but I'll try to answer it anyway as best as I can:

Use std::back_inserter() to fill the vectors

Instead of constructing a vector of a given size, just declare an empty vector, but reserve enough capacity, and then use std::back_inserter() to fill it:

std::vector<decltype(recursive_transform(std::declval<value_type&&>(), f))> output;

std::transform(input.begin(), input.end(), std::back_inserter(output),
    [f](auto& element)
        return recursive_transform(element, f);

However, if you don't use std::vector but a different container type, reserve() and/or std::back_inserter() might not be appropriate.

Determining the container type

So ideally, we don't want to declare a std::vector, but rather the outer container of type T. You can use template template parameters to deconstruct templated types:

template<template<class> class Container, class ValueType, class Function>
requires is_iterable<Container<ValueType>>
auto recursive_transform(const Container<ValueType> &input, const Function &f)
    // You want to be able to write this:
    using TransformedValueType = decltype(recursive_transform(*input.begin(), f));
    Container<TransformedValueType> output;

Unfortunately, that doesn't work, at least not with Clang, because a std::vector actually has two template parameters, and other containers might have more or less template parameters. So the solution to that problem is to declare ValueType as a template parameter pack:

template<template<class...> class Container, class Function, class Ts...>
requires is_iterable<Container<Ts...>>
auto recursive_transform(const Container<Ts...> &input, const Function &f)
    using TransformedValueType = decltype(recursive_transform(*input.begin(), f));
    Container<TransformedValueType> output;

Although of course this doesn't forward the second template parameter. Putting everything so far together:

template<typename T>
concept is_iterable = requires(T x)

template<class T, class Function>
auto recursive_transform(const T &input, const Function &f)
    return f(input);

template<template<class...> class Container, class Function, class... Ts>
requires is_iterable<Container<Ts...>>
auto recursive_transform(const Container<Ts...> &input, const Function &f)
    using TransformedValueType = decltype(recursive_transform(*input.begin(), f));
    Container<TransformedValueType> output;

    std::transform(std::begin(input), std::end(input), std::back_inserter(output),
        [&](auto &element)
            return recursive_transform(element, f);

    return output;
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ It turns out that you can just have a generic overload that handles single variables, and a specialization that handles anything that matches is_iterable. I had a stray typename in a template parameter that caused some compiler errors with very unhelpful error messages. I updated the answer. \$\endgroup\$
    – G. Sliepen
    Commented Oct 26, 2020 at 19:58
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ Great work! I tweaked this implementation for another review, and it was very helpful! As written, it needed another overload for std::array. \$\endgroup\$
    – Davislor
    Commented Feb 8, 2023 at 14:21
  • \$\begingroup\$ Ended up being more than a tweak. But, still, very helpful! \$\endgroup\$
    – Davislor
    Commented Feb 8, 2023 at 19:57

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