
While upgrading our code base to take advantage of new features in .Net 4.5, I'm trying to refactor our take of the classic Producer/Consumer algorithm, but I'm concerned my refactoring is going to increase the CPU usage.

Each instance of my WorkItemConsumer class is basically a System.Threading.Thread that is able to process at most MaxConcurrentHandlers items, each of which is handled by a TPL System.Threading.Task.

In my previous implementation, I made use of explicit locking to read from the Queue<T>. Also, the class wrapping the queue set an AutoResetEvent to signal when a new item has been produced. Here was the code:

protected override void Run(string[] args)
    while (true)
        var index = WaitHandle.WaitAny(new[] {StopRequested, queue_.ItemsAvailable});
        if (index == 0)

        if (tasks_.Count == MaxConcurrentHandlers)

        var item = queue_.PopItem();

        // "null" denotes a signal to stop processing subsequent work items

        if (item == null)


    while(tasks_.Count > 0)

I would like to take advantage of the BlockingCollection<T> class, which gives me most of the features I want. It allows a consumer to know when no more items will ever be published and it also allows my to remove any explicit locking. However, I don't have a way to being signaled when new work items are available.

Here is the new code:

    protected override void Run(string[] args)
        while (!queue_.IsCompleted)
            if (StopRequested.WaitOne(0))

            if (tasks_.Count == MaxConcurrentHandlers)

            foreach (var item in queue_.GetConsumingEnumerable().Take(MaxConcurrentHandlers - tasks_.Count))

        while(tasks_.Count > 0)

How would you refactor this code?

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ I think the only way to tell if it increases CPU usage is to put a profiler on it, and run it each way. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Mar 27, 2013 at 19:57

1 Answer 1


Well, after more resarch and testing, it appears that the GetConsumingEnumerable() method of the BlockingCollection<T> is actually blocking when there are no items to consume. And it handles the case where the collection is completed as well.

The final touch, it that, instead of using a ManualResetEvent to signal the consumer to stop, like the original code, I'm using a CancellationToken instead.

This allows me to simplify the code drastically.

Here is the final snippet:

    protected override void Run(string[] args)
            foreach (var item in queue_.GetConsumingEnumerable(cancellation_.Token))
                if (tasks_.Count == MaxConcurrentHandlers)
        catch (OperationCanceledException /* e */)

        while (tasks_.Count > 0)

PS: I should have done more testing before posting. But, I'm leaving the question and its answer here for reference.


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