
I have these 3 methods for ATM mock program.

    public decimal CheckBalance(BankAccount account)
        return account.AccountBalance;

    public void Deposit(BankAccount account, BankTransaction bankTransaction)
        account.AccountBalance += bankTransaction.TransactionAmount;

    public void Withdraw(BankAccount account, BankTransaction bankTransaction)
        if(bankTransaction.TransactionAmount > account.AccountBalance)
            throw new Exception("Withdraw failed. Transaction amount is more than account balance.");

        account.AccountBalance -= bankTransaction.TransactionAmount;

And here are my xUnit unit test methods. The test data is in-memory for this version.

    [Theory, MemberData(nameof(CheckBalanceShouldReturnValidBalanceAmount_Data))]
    public void CheckBalanceShouldReturnValidBalanceAmount(BankAccount account, decimal accountBalance)
        // Act
        var balance = _atm.CheckBalance(account);

        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(accountBalance, balance);

    [Theory, MemberData(nameof(DepositShouldPass_Data))]
    public void DepositShouldPass(BankAccount account, BankTransaction bankTransaction, BankAccount accountExpected)
        // Act
        _atm.Deposit(account, bankTransaction);
        var balance = _atm.CheckBalance(account);

        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(accountExpected.AccountBalance, balance);

    [Theory, MemberData(nameof(WithdrawShouldPass_Data))]
    public void WithdrawShouldPass(BankAccount account, BankTransaction bankTransaction, BankAccount accountExpected)
        // Act
        _atm.Withdraw(account, bankTransaction);
        var balance = _atm.CheckBalance(account);

        // Assert
        Assert.Equal(accountExpected.AccountBalance, balance);

    [Theory, MemberData(nameof(WithdrawAmountMoreThanBalanceShouldFail_Data))]
    public void WithdrawAmountMoreThanBalanceShouldFail(BankAccount account, BankTransaction bankTransaction)
        // Assert and Act
        var exception = Assert.Throws<Exception>(() => _atm.Withdraw(account, bankTransaction));
        Assert.Equal("Withdraw failed. Transaction amount is more than account balance.", 

All tests passed successfully. Any comments on coding style of unit test?

Edited After Answer with extra class:

namespace XUnitSample.ClassLib.Models
    public class BankAccount
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public int BankAccountNo { get; set; }
        public decimal AccountBalance { get; set; }

namespace XUnitSample.ClassLib.Models
    public class BankTransaction
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public decimal TransactionAmount { get; set; }
        public TransactionTypeEnum TransactionType { get; set; }

    public enum TransactionTypeEnum
        Deposit, Withdraw, ThirdPartyTransfer

1 Answer 1


Is your mock ATM class literally named _atm?! Or is it a non-static class that you have assigned to an instance named _atm? Either way, I don't like it and find the _atm class to be useless in your limited example.

The BankAccount class, which you do not share, should have a Deposit and Withdraw method, both accepting a BankTransaction as a input argument. You should include validation of a particular transaction within each method, i.e. do not accept a deposit of negative amount. You also do not share BankTransaction with us.

CheckBalance is not needed, as you would just as easily show the BankAccount.AccountBalance property. Also the property name could be shortened to Balance since it is the balance of the bank account.

  • \$\begingroup\$ My ATM class is named as AtmApp. Yeah, it is a non-static class and I instantiate it in my constructor at this AtmAppTest class and name the instance as _atm. I have added BankAccount and BankTransaction class at my original post. But these class is anemic. Oh this means Deposit and Withraw method should moved to BankAccount. Okay, thanks. \$\endgroup\$
    – Steve Ngai
    Commented Jun 15, 2020 at 23:08

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