I have collected a .csv
file with some statistics about football games in the following format. Here is a sample .csv
My code does the following:
- Calculate a summary of statistics for the given subset of games,
- Calculate a summary of statistics for the each individual team,
- Filter games by date or by range of some stat, and
- Print a summary as
I have some questions about my code.
- How should I write unit tests for checking the correctness of functions that calculate stats?
- How to make a function that prints output to work with an arbitrary list of fields, instead of a particular one? Since I print a lot of fields, passing them one by one is tedious. Maybe I could create some common templates and pass one of them?
- Can I simplify
? Maybe it can be improved by usingCounter()
or some third party library.
Any or all other feedback is welcomed!
import csv
import datetime
from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
from statistics import mean
FILENAME = 'epl 18_19 games.csv'
Game = namedtuple('Game', ['Date', 'Home', 'Away', 'HomeShots', 'AwayShots',
'HomeBT', 'AwayBT', 'HomeCrosses', 'AwayCrosses',
'HomeCorners', 'AwayCorners', 'HomeGoals',
'AwayGoals', 'HomeXG', 'AwayXG'])
def csv_to_list_of_games(filename=FILENAME):
Makes a list of Game from a csv file.
games = []
with open(FILENAME) as f:
csv_reader = csv.reader(f)
for game in csv_reader:
date = game[0].split('.')
year = int(date[2])
month = int(date[1])
day = int(date[0])
date_object = datetime.date(year, month, day)
games.append(Game(date_object, *game[1:]))
return games
def get_teams_list(games):
Makes a list of teams in the given list of games.
return list(set([game.Home for game in games] + [game.Away for game in games]))
def get_games_by_team(teamname, games):
Returns a list of Game featuring the given team.
return [game for game in games if game.Home == teamname or game.Away == teamname]
def calculate_team_stats(teams, games):
Calculates team stats for each team in the list.
team_stats = dict()
for team in teams:
team_stats[team] = defaultdict(int)
team_stats[team]['HomeShotsFor'] = sum(int(game.HomeShots) for game in games if game.Home == team)
team_stats[team]['HomeShotsAgainst'] = sum(int(game.AwayShots) for game in games if game.Home == team)
team_stats[team]['HomeBoxTouchesFor'] = sum(int(game.HomeBT) for game in games if game.Home == team)
team_stats[team]['HomeBoxTouchesAgainst'] = sum(int(game.AwayBT) for game in games if game.Home == team)
team_stats[team]['HomeCrossesFor'] = sum(int(game.HomeCrosses) for game in games if game.Home == team)
team_stats[team]['HomeCrossesAgainst'] = sum(int(game.AwayCrosses) for game in games if game.Home == team)
team_stats[team]['HomeCornersFor'] = sum(int(game.HomeCorners) for game in games if game.Home == team)
team_stats[team]['HomeCornersAgainst'] = sum(int(game.AwayCorners) for game in games if game.Home == team)
team_stats[team]['HomeGoalsFor'] = sum(int(game.HomeGoals) for game in games if game.Home == team)
team_stats[team]['HomeGoalsAgainst'] = sum(int(game.AwayGoals) for game in games if game.Home == team)
team_stats[team]['HomeXGoalsFor'] = sum(float(game.HomeXG) for game in games if game.Home == team)
team_stats[team]['HomeXGoalsAgainst'] = sum(float(game.AwayXG) for game in games if game.Home == team)
team_stats[team]['HomeGames'] = sum(1 for game in games if game.Home == team)
team_stats[team]['AwayShotsFor'] = sum(int(game.AwayShots) for game in games if game.Away == team)
team_stats[team]['AwayShotsAgainst'] = sum(int(game.HomeShots) for game in games if game.Away == team)
team_stats[team]['AwayBoxTouchesFor'] = sum(int(game.AwayBT) for game in games if game.Away == team)
team_stats[team]['AwayBoxTouchesAgainst'] = sum(int(game.HomeBT) for game in games if game.Away == team)
team_stats[team]['AwayCrossesFor'] = sum(int(game.AwayCrosses) for game in games if game.Away == team)
team_stats[team]['AwayCrossesAgainst'] = sum(int(game.HomeCrosses) for game in games if game.Away == team)
team_stats[team]['AwayCornersFor'] = sum(int(game.AwayCorners) for game in games if game.Away == team)
team_stats[team]['AwayCornersAgainst'] = sum(int(game.HomeCorners) for game in games if game.Away == team)
team_stats[team]['AwayGoalsFor'] = sum(int(game.AwayGoals) for game in games if game.Away == team)
team_stats[team]['AwayGoalsAgainst'] = sum(int(game.HomeGoals) for game in games if game.Away == team)
team_stats[team]['AwayXGoalsFor'] = sum(float(game.AwayXG) for game in games if game.Away == team)
team_stats[team]['AwayXGoalsAgainst'] = sum(float(game.HomeXG) for game in games if game.Away == team)
team_stats[team]['AwayGames'] = sum(1 for game in games if game.Away == team)
team_stats[team]['ShotsFor'] += team_stats[team]['HomeShotsFor'] + team_stats[team]['AwayShotsFor']
team_stats[team]['ShotsAgainst'] += team_stats[team]['HomeShotsAgainst'] + team_stats[team]['AwayShotsAgainst']
team_stats[team]['CrossesFor'] += team_stats[team]['HomeCrossesFor'] + team_stats[team]['AwayCrossesFor']
team_stats[team]['CrossesAgainst'] += team_stats[team]['HomeCrossesAgainst'] + team_stats[team]['AwayCrossesAgainst']
team_stats[team]['BoxTouchesFor'] += team_stats[team]['HomeBoxTouchesFor'] + team_stats[team]['AwayBoxTouchesFor']
team_stats[team]['BoxTouchesAgainst'] += team_stats[team]['HomeBoxTouchesAgainst'] + team_stats[team]['AwayBoxTouchesAgainst']
team_stats[team]['CornersFor'] += team_stats[team]['HomeCornersFor'] + team_stats[team]['AwayCornersFor']
team_stats[team]['CornersAgainst'] += team_stats[team]['HomeCornersAgainst'] + team_stats[team]['AwayCornersAgainst']
team_stats[team]['GoalsFor'] += team_stats[team]['HomeGoalsFor'] + team_stats[team]['AwayGoalsFor']
team_stats[team]['GoalsAgainst'] += team_stats[team]['HomeGoalsAgainst'] + team_stats[team]['AwayGoalsAgainst']
team_stats[team]['XGoalsFor'] += team_stats[team]['HomeXGoalsFor'] + team_stats[team]['AwayXGoalsFor']
team_stats[team]['XGoalsAgainst'] += team_stats[team]['HomeXGoalsAgainst'] + team_stats[team]['AwayXGoalsAgainst']
team_stats[team]['Games'] += team_stats[team]['HomeGames'] + team_stats[team]['AwayGames']
team_stats[team]['HomeShotsRatio'] = team_stats[team]['HomeShotsFor'] / (team_stats[team]['HomeShotsFor'] + team_stats[team]['HomeShotsAgainst'])
team_stats[team]['AwayShotsRatio'] = team_stats[team]['AwayShotsFor'] / (team_stats[team]['AwayShotsFor'] + team_stats[team]['AwayShotsAgainst'])
team_stats[team]['ShotsRatio'] = team_stats[team]['ShotsFor'] / (team_stats[team]['ShotsFor'] + team_stats[team]['ShotsAgainst'])
team_stats[team]['HomeCrossesRatio'] = team_stats[team]['HomeCrossesFor'] / (team_stats[team]['HomeCrossesFor'] + team_stats[team]['HomeCrossesAgainst'])
team_stats[team]['AwayCrossesRatio'] = team_stats[team]['AwayCrossesFor'] / (team_stats[team]['AwayCrossesFor'] + team_stats[team]['AwayCrossesAgainst'])
team_stats[team]['CrossesRatio'] = team_stats[team]['CrossesFor'] / (team_stats[team]['CrossesFor'] + team_stats[team]['CrossesAgainst'])
team_stats[team]['HomeBoxTouchesRatio'] = team_stats[team]['HomeBoxTouchesFor'] / (team_stats[team]['HomeBoxTouchesFor'] + team_stats[team]['HomeBoxTouchesAgainst'])
team_stats[team]['AwayBoxTouchesRatio'] = team_stats[team]['AwayBoxTouchesFor'] / (team_stats[team]['AwayBoxTouchesFor'] + team_stats[team]['AwayBoxTouchesAgainst'])
team_stats[team]['BoxTouchesRatio'] = team_stats[team]['BoxTouchesFor'] / (team_stats[team]['BoxTouchesFor'] + team_stats[team]['BoxTouchesAgainst'])
team_stats[team]['HomeCornersRatio'] = team_stats[team]['HomeCornersFor'] / (team_stats[team]['HomeCornersFor'] + team_stats[team]['HomeCornersAgainst'])
team_stats[team]['AwayCornersRatio'] = team_stats[team]['AwayCornersFor'] / (team_stats[team]['AwayCornersFor'] + team_stats[team]['AwayCornersAgainst'])
team_stats[team]['CornersRatio'] = team_stats[team]['CornersFor'] / (team_stats[team]['CornersFor'] + team_stats[team]['CornersAgainst'])
team_stats[team]['HomeGoalsRatio'] = team_stats[team]['HomeGoalsFor'] / (team_stats[team]['HomeGoalsFor'] + team_stats[team]['HomeGoalsAgainst'])
team_stats[team]['AwayGoalsRatio'] = team_stats[team]['AwayGoalsFor'] / (team_stats[team]['AwayGoalsFor'] + team_stats[team]['AwayGoalsAgainst'])
team_stats[team]['GoalsRatio'] = team_stats[team]['GoalsFor'] / (team_stats[team]['GoalsFor'] + team_stats[team]['GoalsAgainst'])
team_stats[team]['HomeXGoalsRatio'] = team_stats[team]['HomeXGoalsFor'] / (team_stats[team]['HomeXGoalsFor'] + team_stats[team]['HomeXGoalsAgainst'])
team_stats[team]['AwayXGoalsRatio'] = team_stats[team]['AwayXGoalsFor'] / (team_stats[team]['AwayXGoalsFor'] + team_stats[team]['AwayXGoalsAgainst'])
team_stats[team]['XGoalsRatio'] = team_stats[team]['XGoalsFor'] / (team_stats[team]['XGoalsFor'] + team_stats[team]['XGoalsAgainst'])
team_stats[team]['CornersTotalPg'] = (team_stats[team]['CornersFor'] + team_stats[team]['CornersAgainst']) / team_stats[team]['Games']
team_stats[team]['HomeBoxTouchesTotal'] = (team_stats[team]['HomeBoxTouchesFor'] + team_stats[team]['HomeBoxTouchesAgainst'])
team_stats[team]['AwayBoxTouchesTotal'] = (team_stats[team]['AwayBoxTouchesFor'] + team_stats[team]['AwayBoxTouchesAgainst'])
team_stats[team]['HomeBoxTouchesTotalPg'] = team_stats[team]['HomeBoxTouchesTotal'] / team_stats[team]['HomeGames']
team_stats[team]['AwayBoxTouchesTotalPg'] = team_stats[team]['AwayBoxTouchesTotal'] / team_stats[team]['AwayGames']
team_stats[team]['BoxTouchesTotalPg'] = (team_stats[team]['HomeBoxTouchesTotal'] + team_stats[team]['AwayBoxTouchesTotal']) / team_stats[team]['Games']
return team_stats
def print_team_stats_html(team_stats):
Prints a subset of team stats in HTML format.
headers = ['Team', 'HomeBoxTouchesRatio', 'AwayBoxTouchesRatio',
'HomeBoxTouchesTotalPg', 'AwayBoxTouchesTotalPg',
'HomeCornersRatio', 'AwayCornersRatio']
print('<table border=1>')
print('<tr>', end='')
for header in headers:
print('<th>{}</th>'.format(header), end='')
for key, value in sorted(team_stats.items()):
def find_games_by_teams_stats(home_stat, away_stat, home_value, away_value, teams_stats, games, home_epsilon=0.05, away_epsilon=0.05):
Finds teams with home and away stat <= EPSILON <= and returns a list of games between those teams.
relevant_home_teams = []
relevant_away_teams = []
for team in teams_stats:
if abs(teams_stats[team][home_stat] - home_value) <= home_epsilon:
if abs(teams_stats[team][away_stat] - away_value) <= away_epsilon:
return [game for game in games if game.Home in relevant_home_teams and game.Away in relevant_away_teams]
def calculate_sample_stats(games):
Calculates summary statistics for the given list of Game.
avg_home_corners = mean(int(game.HomeCorners) for game in games)
avg_away_corners = mean(int(game.AwayCorners) for game in games)
avg_home_bt = mean(int(game.HomeBT) for game in games)
avg_away_bt = mean(int(game.AwayBT) for game in games)
avg_home_goals = mean(int(game.HomeGoals) for game in games)
avg_away_goals = mean(int(game.AwayGoals) for game in games)
avg_home_xgoals = mean(float(game.HomeXG) for game in games)
avg_away_xgoals = mean(float(game.AwayXG) for game in games)
avg_home_bt_ratio = avg_home_bt / (avg_home_bt + avg_away_bt)
avg_away_bt_ratio = avg_away_bt / (avg_home_bt + avg_away_bt)
stats = {
'games_count': len(games),
'avg_home_corners': avg_home_corners,
'avg_away_corners': avg_away_corners,
'avg_home_bt': avg_home_bt,
'avg_away_bt': avg_away_bt,
'avg_home_goals': avg_home_goals,
'avg_away_goals': avg_away_goals,
'avg_home_xgoals': avg_home_xgoals,
'avg_away_xgoals': avg_away_xgoals,
'avg_home_bt_ratio': avg_home_bt_ratio,
'avg_away_bt_ratio': avg_away_bt_ratio,
return stats
def print_sample_stats(stats):
Prints the statistical summary of the list of Game.
print(f'{stats["games_count"]} games have been found')
print(f'Average home corners: {stats["avg_home_corners"]:.2f}')
print(f'Average away corners: {stats["avg_away_corners"]:.2f}')
print(f'Average home BoxTouches: {stats["avg_home_bt"]:.2f}')
print(f'Average away BoxTouches: {stats["avg_away_bt"]:.2f}')
print(f'Average home Goals: {stats["avg_home_goals"]:.2f}')
print(f'Average away Goals: {stats["avg_away_goals"]:.2f}')
print(f'Average home Xgoals: {stats["avg_home_xgoals"]:.2f}')
print(f'Average away Xgoals: {stats["avg_away_xgoals"]:.2f}')
print(f'Average home BoxTouches ratio: {stats["avg_home_bt_ratio"]:.3f}')
print(f'Average away BoxTouches ratio: {stats["avg_away_bt_ratio"]:.3f}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
games = csv_to_list_of_games(FILENAME)
teams = get_teams_list(games)
team_stats = calculate_team_stats(teams, games)
relevant_games = find_games_by_teams_stats('HomeBoxTouchesRatio', 'AwayBoxTouchesRatio', 0.55, 0.45, team_stats, games, 0.03, 0.03)
relevant_stats = calculate_sample_stats(relevant_games)
print(set(game.Home for game in relevant_games))
print(set(game.Away for game in relevant_games))
, even thoughteam_stats
has tens of fields, the function prints only 7 of them and there is no way to specify which ones to print. I would like to parameterize it, however if to list all the fields ony be one, it would be extremely tedious. So my idea is to create some subsets of fields to print at the top-level and pass one of them as a parameter to specify which fields I would like to print. \$\endgroup\$pandas
. If you haven't heard of it that this may be a perfect oppurtunity to learn the library. It has very great tools for handling csv,xlsx,etc types of data and it works better with jupyter notebook. \$\endgroup\$