I know I never have to reinvent the wheel, but I did because I need speed performance. Also, I need these features:
- introspection or metaprogramming
- actuate like API backend
- private variables interpolation
- embedded Perl code inside template like text template
- avoid in the minimal no core modules
- work with eval in environment secure (Eval::Closure)
- have block or macros to process behavior like subroutines when you used block HTML and code Perl
Template::Toolkit has almost all the features listed above, but it is slow.
Is this code good?
package Myapp::Template;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Eval::Closure;
use B qw( perlstring );
use Carp qw( confess );
sub new {
my $class = shift;
return bless {}, $class;
sub parser {
my ($self, $html_file, $hash ) = @_;
my @delims = qw( [% %] );
my $regexp = join('|', map quotemeta($_), @delims);
my @code;
push @code, 'sub {';
push @code, 'my $OUT = q();';
map { push @code, 'my $'.$_.' = "'.$hash->{$_}.'"; ' } (keys %{$hash} );
my @parts = split /($regexp)/, $html_file;
my $mode = 'text';
while (@parts) {
my $next = shift @parts;
if ($next eq $delims[0]) {
$mode = ($mode eq 'text') ? 'code' : confess("Impossible state");
if ($next eq $delims[1]) {
$mode = ($mode eq 'code') ? 'text' : confess("Impossible state");
if ($mode eq 'text') {
$code[-1] .= sprintf('$OUT .= %s;', perlstring($next));
elsif ($next =~ /\A=/) {
$next =~ s/(\(\)|\(\s+?\))/\($self->{id_plugin}\)/g if exists $self->{id_plugin};
$code[-1] .= sprintf('$OUT .= do { %s };', unpack("x1A*", $next), );
elsif ($next =~ /\A\sBLOCK/) {
my $theblock = "sub " . unpack("x6A*", $next) . ' { my $OUT; ';
$code[-1] .= sprintf(" %s;", $theblock);
elsif ($next =~ /\A\sPROCESS/) {
my $runsub = unpack("x8A*", $next);
$code[-1] .= sprintf('$OUT .= %s;', $runsub . "();");
elsif ($next =~ /\A\sEND/) {
my $theblock = 'return $OUT; } ';
$code[-1] .= sprintf(" %s;", $theblock);
else {
$code[-1] .= sprintf(" %s;", $next);
push @code, '$OUT;';
push @code, '}';
my ($thecode) = \@code;
return eval_closure( source => $thecode )->();
sub get_blocks {
my $self = shift;
my $html_file = shift;
my $thisblock = shift;
my $id_plugin = shift;
if (!defined $thisblock){
my @blocks = $html_file =~ /(?>BLOCK\s+)(\w+)/g;
return join "<br>", (@blocks);
$self->{id_plugin} = $id_plugin;
my @blockprocess;
my @main_block;
my $check_block = sub {
my $the_block = shift;
for (split /\n/, $html_file) {
if (/(?>BLOCK\s+)($the_block)/../(END)/){
push @blockprocess, $1 if $_ =~ /(?>PROCESS\s+)(\w+)/;
push @main_block, $_;
map{ $check_block->($_) } @blockprocess;
push @main_block, "[% PROCESS $thisblock %]";
my $allbkocks = join "", @main_block;
return $self->parser($allbkocks);
Example HTML with block and process:
[% BLOCK function_sub %]
<div class="box">example</div>
[% use Module::Runtime;
my $var = 'this is not printing here';
%]<div class="another">bla</div>
[%= $var; #print %]
[% END %]
<div class="dashboard widgetBox">
<div class="widgetTopBar">
[% PROCESS function_sub %]