I've only been learning Python for a few days after a Humble Bundle book sale, but I made a functional Blackjack game on which I'd like some constructive criticism as far as my coding structure and any suggestions for improvement from more experienced coders.
Edit: This is coded in Python 3.8.2
import random
import time
deck = []
firstDraw = 0
usedCards = []
playerHand = []
playerHandValue = 0
dealtCard1 = ''
dealtCard1Number = 0
dealtCard2 = ''
dealtCard2Number = 0
dealerHand = []
dealerHandValue = 0
def dealHand():
global deck
global playerHand
global playerHandValue
global dealerHand
global dealerHandValue
global firstDraw
firstDraw = 0
# The starting deck is created #
deck = ['2sp', '3sp', '4sp', '5sp', '6sp', '7sp', '8sp', '9sp', '10sp', 'Jsp', 'Qsp', 'Ksp', 'Asp', '2cl', '3cl', '4cl', '5cl', '6cl', '7cl', '8cl', '9cl', '10cl', 'Jcl', 'Qcl', 'Kcl', 'Acl', '2he', '3he', '4he', '5he', '6he', '7he', '8he', '9he', '10he', 'Jhe', 'Qhe', 'Khe', 'Ahe', '2di', '3di', '4di', '5di', '6di', '7di', '8di', '9di', '10di', 'Jdi', 'Qdi', 'Kdi', 'Asp']
playerHand = []
playerHandValue = 0
dealerHand = []
dealerHandValue = 0
# Two cards are dealt to the player #
dealtCard1Number = random.randint(0, len(deck)-1)
del deck[dealtCard1Number]
dealtCard2Number = random.randint(0, len(deck)-1)
del deck[dealtCard2Number]
# Two cards are dealt to the dealer #
dealerCard1Number = random.randint(0, len(deck)-1)
dealerCard1 = deck[dealerCard1Number]
del deck[dealerCard1Number]
dealerCard2Number = random.randint(0, len(deck)-1)
dealerCard2 = deck[dealerCard2Number]
del deck[dealerCard2Number]
# The player's starting hand is revealed to the player #
print('\n' + 'Your current hand is ' + str(playerHand) + '\n')
def findHandValue():
global playerHand
global playerHandValue
# Resets the player's hand value to 0 for new deals #
playerHandValue = 0
# The value of the player's cards is determined #
if '2sp' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 2
if '3sp' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 3
if '4sp' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 4
if '5sp' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 5
if '6sp' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 6
if '7sp' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 7
if '8sp' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 8
if '9sp' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 9
if '10sp' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 10
if 'Jsp' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 10
if 'Qsp' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 10
if 'Ksp' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 10
if 'Asp' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 11
if '2cl' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 2
if '3cl' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 3
if '4cl' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 4
if '5cl' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 5
if '6cl' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 6
if '7cl' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 7
if '8cl' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 8
if '9cl' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 9
if '10cl' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 10
if 'Jcl' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 10
if 'Qcl' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 10
if 'Kcl' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 10
if 'Acl' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 11
if '2he' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 2
if '3he' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 3
if '4he' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 4
if '5he' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 5
if '6he' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 6
if '7he' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 7
if '8he' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 8
if '9he' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 9
if '10he' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 10
if 'Jhe' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 10
if 'Qhe' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 10
if 'Khe' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 10
if 'Ahe' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 11
if '2di' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 2
if '3di' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 3
if '4di' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 4
if '5di' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 5
if '6di' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 6
if '7di' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 7
if '8di' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 8
if '9di' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 9
if '10di' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 10
if 'Jdi' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 10
if 'Qdi' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 10
if 'Kdi' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 10
if 'Adi' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue + 11
# Allows Aces to convert from 11 points to 1 point if the hand value is over 21 #
if playerHandValue > 21:
if 'Asp' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue - 10
if playerHandValue > 21:
if 'Acl' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue -10
if playerHandValue > 21:
if 'Adi' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue -10
if playerHandValue > 21:
if 'Ahe' in playerHand:
playerHandValue = playerHandValue -10
# Displays the player's hand value to the player #
print("Player hand value = " + str(playerHandValue) + '\n')
def hitOrStay():
global dealtCard1
global firstDraw
# The dealer's first card is revealed to the player #
if firstDraw == 0:
print('The dealer draws 2 cards and reveals ' + str(dealerHand[0]) + '\n')
firstDraw = 1
# If the player's hand value is less than or equal to 21, the player has the choice to hit or stay #
if playerHandValue <= 21:
hitOrStayChoice = ''
while hitOrStayChoice != 'hit' or 'stay':
hitOrStayChoice = input('Do you \'hit\' or \'stay\'?' '\n')
if hitOrStayChoice == 'hit':
dealtCard1Number = random.randint(0, len(deck)-1)
dealtCard1 = deck[dealtCard1Number]
del deck[dealtCard1Number]
print('You were dealt ' + dealtCard1)
if hitOrStayChoice == 'stay':
# If the player's hand value is over 21, the player loses automatically #
elif playerHandValue > 21:
def revealDealerHand():
global playerHand
global playerHandValue
global dealerHand
global dealerHandValue
dealerHandValue = 0
# The value of the dealer's cards is determined in the same manner as the player's cards #
if '2sp' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 2
if '3sp' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 3
if '4sp' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 4
if '5sp' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 5
if '6sp' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 6
if '7sp' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 7
if '8sp' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 8
if '9sp' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 9
if '10sp' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 10
if 'Jsp' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 10
if 'Qsp' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 10
if 'Ksp' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 10
if 'Asp' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 11
if '2cl' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 2
if '3cl' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 3
if '4cl' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 4
if '5cl' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 5
if '6cl' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 6
if '7cl' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 7
if '8cl' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 8
if '9cl' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 9
if '10cl' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 10
if 'Jcl' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 10
if 'Qcl' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 10
if 'Kcl' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 10
if 'Acl' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 11
if '2he' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 2
if '3he' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 3
if '4he' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 4
if '5he' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 5
if '6he' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 6
if '7he' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 7
if '8he' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 8
if '9he' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 9
if '10he' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 10
if 'Jhe' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 10
if 'Qhe' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 10
if 'Khe' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 10
if 'Ahe' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 11
if '2di' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 2
if '3di' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 3
if '4di' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 4
if '5di' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 5
if '6di' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 6
if '7di' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 7
if '8di' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 8
if '9di' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 9
if '10di' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 10
if 'Jdi' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 10
if 'Qdi' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 10
if 'Kdi' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 10
if 'Adi' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue + 11
# this section is to allow Aces to convert from 11 points to 1 point if the hand value is over 21 #
if dealerHandValue > 21:
if 'Asp' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue - 10
if dealerHandValue > 21:
if 'Acl' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue -10
if dealerHandValue > 21:
if 'Adi' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue -10
if dealerHandValue > 21:
if 'Ahe' in dealerHand:
dealerHandValue = dealerHandValue -10
# The dealer's hand is revealed #
print('\n' + 'The dealer\'s hand is ' + str(dealerHand) + ' with a value of ' + str(dealerHandValue) + '\n')
if dealerHandValue <= 16:
if dealerHandValue > 16:
def dealerHit():
global dealerHitCard1Number
global dealerHitCard1
global dealerHand
global dealerHitCard1
global dealerHitCard1Number
dealerHitCard1Number = random.randint(0, len(deck)-1)
dealerHitCard1 = deck[dealerHitCard1Number]
del deck[dealerHitCard1Number]
print('The dealer hits and draws ' + dealerHitCard1)
def dealerStay():
if playerHandValue <= dealerHandValue:
if dealerHandValue <= 21:
if playerHandValue > 21:
if dealerHandValue >21 and playerHandValue <= 21:
if playerHandValue > dealerHandValue:
if playerHandValue <= 21:
if playerHandValue >21:
def loseGame():
global playerHandValue
if playerHandValue <= 21:
print('You lose! Your hand value was ' + str(playerHandValue) + ', while the dealer\'s was ' + str(dealerHandValue) + '\n')
elif playerHandValue > 21:
print('You busted!' + '\n')
def winGame():
global playerHandValue
global dealerHandValue
print('You won! Your hand value was ' + str(playerHandValue) + ', while the dealer\'s was ' + str(dealerHandValue) + '\n')
newGame = ''
while newGame != 'yes' or 'no':
def askNewGame():
newGame = input('Do you want to play another game? \'Yes\' or \'No\'.')
while newGame != 'yes' or 'no':
if newGame == 'yes' or 'Yes' or 'y' or 'Y':
if newGame == 'no' or 'No' or 'n' or 'N':
print('Welcome to Blackjack' + '\n')
input("Press Enter to deal your first hand.")