I have recently built a class that is an implementation of kMeans from scratch. I believe there is room for improvement and I would happily receive some feedback. The project can be found at: https://github.com/EmpanS/kMeans-From-Scratch
All code for the class is found below:
# Import useful libraries
import numpy as np
class kMeans:
"""A class used to perform the k-means clustering algorithm on a data set. The maximum number of
iterations is set by the user, if it converges to a solution, it stops iterating.
AVAILABLE_DIST_F : (list of str)
Contains the available distance functions. L1_norm is the Manhattan distance, L2_norm is the
ordinary Euclidean distance.
k : (int)
Represents the number of clusters
X : (numpy array)
The data to cluster, must be an (m x n)-numpy array with m observations and n features.
verbose : (boolean)
A boolean representing if printing should be done while training the model.
h_params : (dictionary)
Contains two hyper-parameters, number of iterations (n_iter) and distance function (dist_f)
random_state : (int)
Optional setting for the random state. The k-means algorithm does not guarantee finding a
global minimum, but the final clusters depends on the initial random cluters.
labels : (numpy array)
Contains the predicted label for each observation, i.e., what cluster it belongs to.
cluster_centers (numpy array)
Contains the n-dimensional coordinates for each cluster.
update_h_params(self, h_params)
Updates hyper parameters.
fit(self, X=None)
Performs the k-means algorithm on the passed data X or, if no data is passed, on self.X
__calculate_distances(X, centers)
Calculates the distances between all observations in X and all centers of clusters. Uses the
distance function already specified as a hyper-parameter.
__validate_param(h_param, setting)
Validate new hyper-parameter settings.
def __init__(self, k, X, verbose=True, h_params=None, random_state=None):
self.AVAILABLE_DIST_F = ["L1_norm", "L2_norm"]
self.k = k
self.X = X
self.verbose = verbose
self.h_params = {'n_iter':100, 'dist_f':'L2_norm'}
if h_params != None:
self.labels = np.full((X.shape[0], 1), np.nan)
self.cluster_centers = np.full((self.k, 1), np.nan)
def update_h_params(self, h_params):
"""Updates the hyper parameters.
h_params : (dict)
Dictionary containing the hyper parameter/s and its updated setting/s.
if type(h_params) != dict:
raise TypeError('The argument must be a dictionary.')
for h_param, setting in h_params.items():
self.__validate_param(h_param, setting)
self.h_params[h_param] = setting
def fit(self, X=None):
"""Performs the k-means algorithm. First, all observations in X gets randomly assigned a
label. Then, the function iterates until a solution is found (converged) or the maximum
number of iterations is reached. Each iteration performs the following:
- Update labels
- Check convergence
- Calculate new cluster centers
X : (numpy array)
The data to cluster, must be an (m x n)-numpy array with m observations and n features.
wss : (numpy array)
A numpy array that saves the within cluster sum of squares for each iteration.
Labels : (numpy array)
A numpy array containing all new labels for the observations in X.
if X == None:
X = self.X
if (n := self.random_state) != None:
# Initiate array to save within cluster sum of squares
wss = np.zeros((1, self.h_params['n_iter']))
# Randomly draw k observations and set them as the initial cluster centers
center_index = np.random.choice(X.shape[0], size=self.k, replace=False)
cluster_centers = X[center_index]
old_labels = None
for iter in range(self.h_params['n_iter']):
# Label the observations using the updated cluster centers
distances = self.__calculate_distances(X, cluster_centers)
labels = np.argmin(distances, axis=1)
# Calculate the within-sum-of-squares
wss[0,iter] = sum(np.min(distances, axis=1))
# Check convergence
if np.all(labels == old_labels):
if self.verbose:
print(f"Converged to a solution after {iter} iterations!")
return(wss[0,:(iter)], labels)
old_labels = labels
# Calculate new cluster centers
for i in range(self.k):
cluster_centers[i] = np.sum(X[labels==i],axis=0)/(X[labels==i].shape[0])
if self.verbose:
print(f"Did not converged, reached max iterations. Completed {iter+1} iterations.")
return(wss[0,:], labels)
def __calculate_distances(self, X, centers):
Calculates the distances between all observations in X and all cluster centers. The already
specified distance function (found in self.h_params) is used to calculate the distances.
X : (numpy array)
A matrix (m x n) containing all observations.
centers : (numpy array)
A matrix (k x n) where k is the number of clusters, containing all cluster centers.
labels : (numpy array)
A numpy array containing all new labels for the observations in X.
# Initiate a distance matrix
distance_m = np.tile(centers.flatten(), (X.shape[0],1))
# Duplicate data matrix to same dimension as distance matrix
X_m = np.tile(X, (centers.shape[0]))
if self.h_params["dist_f"] == "L2_norm":
# Complete the distance matrix using the L2-norm
distance_m = np.reshape(distance_m - X_m, (X.shape[0]*centers.shape[0], X.shape[1]))
distance_m = np.sum(np.square(distance_m),axis=1, keepdims=True)
# Reshape distance matrix
distance_m = np.sqrt(np.reshape(distance_m, (X.shape[0], len(centers))))
elif self.h_params["dist_f"] == "L1_norm":
# Complete the distance matrix using the L1-norm
distance_m = np.reshape(distance_m - X_m, (X.shape[0]*centers.shape[0], X.shape[1]))
distance_m = np.sum(np.abs(distance_m),axis=1, keepdims=True)
# Reshape distance matrix
distance_m = np.reshape(distance_m, (X.shape[0], len(centers)))
raise ValueError('Could not calculate distance, no distance function found.')
def __validate_param(self, h_param, setting):
Validates a given hyper-parameter update. The update must must have a valid key and value.
h_param : (str)
The hyper parameter to update
setting : (int) or (str)
The new setting of the hyper parameter
None - (Throws an error if not valid.)
if h_param not in self.h_params.keys():
raise KeyError("No hyper parameter is named " + str(h_param) + ", it is a wrong value of key. Must be either 'n_iter' or 'dist_f'.")
if h_param == "n_iter":
if type(setting) != int or setting <= 0:
raise ValueError("n_iter must be a positive integer which " + str(setting) + " is not.")
else: # Setting for the distance function
if setting not in self.AVAILABLE_DIST_F:
raise ValueError(str(setting) + " is not an available distance function. Available functions are: " + str(self.AVAILABLE_DIST_F))