I would like to advise if the following production code is good to be unit tested. The segment of the production code gets data from a backend service and displays it on the page. It is a class:
// Extract this code into a separate method because it is called in more than 1 place
Keywords.prototype.addKeyword = function(keyword) {
$("ul").append("<li>" + keyword + "</li>");
// This is the method that I want to test
Keywords.prototype.getKeywords = function(forGroup) {
// AppDao contains a bunch of methods that get data
var keywords = AppDao.getKeywords(forGroup),
that = this;
$.each(keywords, function(i, keyword) {
I'm planning to test it in the following way:
- Stub Keywords.prototype.addKeyword() and make sure that it will be called with 3 arguments: "KW A", "KW B", and "KW C"
- Stub AppDao.getKeywords() and make sure that it will be called with "Test Group" and will return 3 keywords: "KW A", "KW B", and "KW C"
- Invoke Keywords.prototype.getKeywords() and verify the stubs
I didn't start the actual implementation of the test yet because I would like to advise with you guys if you think that something can be better done. Thanks.