
There are many APIs that require some kind of a string key/name. I usually try to avoid using raw strings and prefer to use helpers that can create them for me.

One such a tool is intended to be used with my FeatureService that requries feature names as strings.

Usage examples

In order to use it, I need a new set of extensions that provide alternative APIs / overloads:

public static class FeatureServiceExtensions
    public static Task<T> ExecuteAsync<TScope, T>
        this FeatureService features,
        INamespace<TScope> scope,
        Expression<Func<TScope, T>> feature,
        Func<Task<T>> body
    ) where TScope : INamespace
        return features.ExecuteAsync(FeatureKey<TScope>.Create(feature), body, default);

    public static FeatureService Configure<TScope, T>
        this FeatureService features,
        INamespace<TScope> scope,
        Expression<Func<TScope, T>> feature,
        Func<FeatureOptions, FeatureOptions> configure
    ) where TScope : INamespace
        return features.Configure(FeatureKey<TScope>.Create(feature), configure);

Generic type helper

The first interface you see there is actually a trick to provide the TScope to the method so I don't have to do it explicitly on the Execute method. This is all it is:

// ReSharper disable once UnusedTypeParameter - 'T'  is required.
public interface INamespace<out T> where T : INamespace { }

public static class Use<T> where T : INamespace
    public static INamespace<T> Namespace => default;

// Protects the user form using an unsupported interface by mistake.
public interface INamespace { }

Classic names vs helper

It allows me to rewrite this

_features.Configure(nameof(SayHallo), o => o ^ Enabled);

which uses the feature name SayHallo as

_features.Configure(Use<IDemoFeature>.Namespace, x => x.SayHallo, o => o ^ Enabled);

which will now use Demo.SayHallo.

Interface as name provider

The names are built from an interface. The property's type doesn't matter as it won't be used actually anywhere here. It's all about not having string or even a const.

public interface IDemoFeature : INamespace
    object SayHallo { get; }

by the FeatureKey helper

public static class FeatureKey<TNamespace>
    private static readonly IKeyFactory DefaultKeyFactory = new TypedKeyFactoryAttribute("Feature");

    public static string Create(LambdaExpression keyExpression)
        var keyFactory = keyExpression.ToMemberExpression().Member.GetCustomAttribute<KeyFactoryAttribute>(inherit: true) ?? DefaultKeyFactory;
        return keyFactory.CreateKey(keyExpression);

    public static string Create<TMember>(Expression<Func<TNamespace, TMember>> selectMember)
        return Create((LambdaExpression)selectMember);

Naming conventions with attribute factories

It creates the name by using IKeyFactory. Currently there are two implementations. The SimpleKeyFactory uses only the member name and the TypedKeyFactory also the type name which is the default for the FeatureKey.

public interface IKeyFactory
    string CreateKey(LambdaExpression keyExpression);

public abstract class KeyFactoryAttribute : Attribute, IKeyFactory
    public abstract string CreateKey(LambdaExpression keyExpression);

public class SimpleKeyFactoryAttribute : KeyFactoryAttribute
    public override string CreateKey(LambdaExpression keyExpression)
        return keyExpression.ToMemberExpression().Member.Name;

public class TypedKeyFactoryAttribute : KeyFactoryAttribute
    private readonly string _suffix;

    public TypedKeyFactoryAttribute(string suffix)
        _suffix = suffix;

    public override string CreateKey(LambdaExpression keyExpression)
        var memberExpression = keyExpression.ToMemberExpression();
        return $"{GetScopeName(memberExpression.Member.DeclaringType)}.{memberExpression.Member.Name}";

    private string GetScopeName(Type type) => Regex.Replace(type.ToPrettyString(), $"^I|{_suffix}$", string.Empty);

I can change this behavior by decorating a property with a different attribute like:

public interface IDemoFeature : INamespace
    object SayHallo { get; }

I'm not decorating the class because chaning conventions is a rare operation so I think it's ok to use it only for the exceptional cases.

I often use the MemberExpression so the above code uses one more convenience extension that makes sure the expression is actually a member-expression.

public static class ExpressionExtensions
    public static MemberExpression ToMemberExpression(this LambdaExpression lambdaExpression)
            lambdaExpression.Body is MemberExpression memberExpression
                ? memberExpression
                : throw DynamicException.Create
                    $"Expression '{lambdaExpression}' is not a member-expression."


  • Is this helper intuitive and easy to use?
  • Is it easy to extend and customize?
  • Is it missing any obvious features?

2 Answers 2



Is this helper intuitive and easy to use?

In the code snipper below:

  • INamespace<TScope> scope seems unused?
public static FeatureService Configure<TScope, T>
        this FeatureService features,
        INamespace<TScope> scope,
        Expression<Func<TScope, T>> feature,
        Func<FeatureOptions, FeatureOptions> configure
    ) where TScope : INamespace
        return features.Configure(FeatureKey<TScope>.Create(feature), configure);

About that generic type helper, I'm just missing how this helps you out. Could you provide an example why INamespace, INamespace<T> and Use<T> are required? To me, atleast, it is not intuitive.

public static class Use<T> where T : INamespace
    public static INamespace<T> Namespace => default;

miscellaneous, off-topic

  • hard-coded string detected :-p

    private static readonly IKeyFactory DefaultKeyFactory = new
  • resharper, this day and age .. really? :)

    // ReSharper disable once UnusedTypeParameter - 'T'  is required.
    public interface INamespace<out T> where T : INamespace { }
  • good usage of DebuggerStepThroughAttribute and DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute

  • \$\begingroup\$ I use that namespace helper because e.g. Configure requires two generic parameters <TScope, T>, I need the first one to select x => x.SayHallo, without the helper I would always need to specify them both explicitly, Configure<IDemoFeature, object>, with the helper I can avoid this and let the compiler figure out the T. \$\endgroup\$
    – t3chb0t
    Commented May 25, 2019 at 9:06
  • \$\begingroup\$ haha, what do you mean with resharper, this day and age? You're right, scope is not used, its only purpose is to deliver TScope so that I can use it with the Expression \$\endgroup\$
    – t3chb0t
    Commented May 25, 2019 at 9:07
  • \$\begingroup\$ @t3chb0t the latest VS comes with much of the interesting features 'inspired' by resharper and has much better performance. \$\endgroup\$
    – dfhwze
    Commented May 25, 2019 at 9:09
  • \$\begingroup\$ I prefer JetBrains Rider, much faster than VS, even the latest VS cannot comepete with Rider. I use VS only sporadically these days. \$\endgroup\$
    – t3chb0t
    Commented May 25, 2019 at 9:27

I think the original API is really not as intuitive as I thought. I simplified it by replacing this

public static FeatureService Configure<TScope, T>
    this FeatureService features,
    INamespace<TScope> scope,
    Expression<Func<TScope, T>> feature,
    Func<FeatureOptions, FeatureOptions> configure
) where TScope : INamespace
    return features.Configure(FeatureKey<TScope>.Create(feature), configure);


public static FeatureService Configure
    this FeatureService features,
    string name,
    Func<FeatureOptions, FeatureOptions> configure
    return features.Configure(name, configure);

where I'm using just the string. The creation of the name is entirely up to the caller. I extracted the previous logic into a new helper:

public static class From<T> where T : INamespace
    public static string Select<TMember>([NotNull] Expression<Func<T, TMember>> selector)
        if (selector == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(selector));
        var member = selector.ToMemberExpression().Member;
            ?? throw DynamicException.Create("KeyFactoryNotFound", $"Could not find key-factory on '{selector}'.");

    [NotNull, ItemCanBeNull]
    private static IEnumerable<IKeyFactory> GetKeyFactory(MemberInfo member)
        // Member's attribute has a higher priority and can override type's default factory.
        yield return member.GetCustomAttribute<KeyFactoryAttribute>();
        yield return member.DeclaringType?.GetCustomAttribute<KeyFactoryAttribute>();

that I use like this:

_features.Configure(From<IDemo>.Select(x => x.Greeting), o => o ^ Enabled);

It gets all information about how to create the name Demo.Greeting from an interface that needs to be properly decorated with.

namespace Features
    public interface IDemo : INamespace
        object Greeting { get; }

This unhides the default key-factory and also extracts the strategy of cleaning-type names into other attributes that can be chained and the user can provide his own logic anytime.

public class TypeMemberKeyFactoryAttribute : KeyFactoryAttribute
    public override string CreateKey(LambdaExpression keyExpression)
        var memberExpression = keyExpression.ToMemberExpression();
        var typeName = memberExpression.Member.DeclaringType.ToPrettyString();
        typeName = memberExpression.Member.DeclaringType.GetCustomAttributes<TypeNameCleanerAttribute>().Aggregate(typeName, (name, cleaner) => cleaner.Clean(name));
        return $"{typeName}.{memberExpression.Member.Name}";

The new set of attributes are of the type ITypeNameCleaner:

public interface ITypeNameCleaner
    string Clean(string name);

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Class)]
public abstract class TypeNameCleanerAttribute : Attribute, ITypeNameCleaner
    public abstract string Clean(string name);

public class RemoveInterfacePrefixAttribute : TypeNameCleanerAttribute
    public override string Clean(string name)
        return Regex.Replace(name, "^I", string.Empty);

So, there are no more unsued parameters now and it looks like every part of it can be now customized.

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ This is a much better design. It feels right now :) \$\endgroup\$
    – dfhwze
    Commented May 25, 2019 at 15:02

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