Several things come to mind right away:
I wouldn't make a custom parseArgs
function, I'd use flag.Parse
. For just a pair of positional arguments it might be overkill but it makes it trivial to add more options, usage output, etc. And either way, it's better to only access os.Args
from main
Instead of fmt.Fprint
to os.Stderr
followed by os.Exit
it's more idomatic to just use log.Fatal
(or Fatalf
or Fatalln
Avoid reading and writing entire files with ioutil
if you can do work while streaming data. If the files are guarenteed to be small it's just a bad habit but if someone ever runs your tool on gigabytes or terabytes of data they'll be in for unpleasant surprise.
In the same vein, I'd make your function API steam-able. Either by implementing an io.Reader
wrapper or by a function that takes an io.Writer
and an io.Reader
(like io.Copy
You could also implementing it as a transform.Transformer
; but that's probably overkill, although perhaps an interesting exercise.
Typically such command line tools in unix act as pipes, that is, if not given file arguments they read from stdin
and write to stdout
. Either you only work with stdin/stdout and make callers use shell redirection if they want to work to work on files or you make the filenames optional. Just initialise an io.Reader
(or io.ReadCloser
) variable to os.Stdin
and an io.WriteCloesr
variable to os.Stdout
. Then when processing the arguments, if provided, open the relevant files and change the variables. Your choice if you use positional arguments as you've done or option arguments (as dd
does and as I did below). Make sure to check for errors closing the destination.
By the way, on unix you can use the standard dd
command to do the byte swapping for you with the conv=swab
dd conv=swab if=someinput_file of=someoutput_file
using files, or in a pipe like this:
bigendian_command | dd conv=swab | littleendian_command
A quick stab at implementing it this way gave me the following.
(Also available at
the gist also has your version as revision 1, and a version using a function with an io.Copy
like signature as revision 2).
package main
import (
func main() {
log.SetPrefix("swab: ")
infile := flag.String("in", "", "input `path`, blank for stdin")
outfile := flag.String("out", "", "output `path`, blank for stdout")
flag.Usage = func() {
"Usage: %s [options]\n", os.Args[0],
if flag.NArg() > 0 {
os.Exit(2) // To match the exit code flag.Parse uses.
var src io.ReadCloser = os.Stdin
var dst io.WriteCloser = os.Stdout
if *infile != "" {
f, err := os.Open(*infile)
if err != nil {
src = f
// Closing the input isn't strictly required in main
// nor for stdio, but it's a good habit. No need to
// check any error; we rely on Read reporting errors of interest.
defer src.Close()
if *outfile != "" {
f, err := os.Create(*outfile)
if err != nil {
dst = f
if _, err := io.Copy(dst, NewSwabReader(src)); err != nil {
// Not this calls os.Exit so no defers get run
// and we don't close the output either, not
// an issue from main.
if err := dst.Close(); err != nil {
type SwabReader struct {
r io.Reader
b byte // extra byte, not yet swapped
haveByte bool // true if b is valid
err error
// NewSwabReader returns an io.Reader that reads from r
// swapping adjacent bytes. The trailing odd byte, if any,
// is left as-is.
func NewSwabReader(r io.Reader) *SwabReader {
return &SwabReader{r: r}
func (sr *SwabReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
if len(p) == 0 || sr.err != nil {
return 0, sr.err
i := 0
if sr.haveByte {
// Copy in the previous saved byte.
p[0] = sr.b
i = 1
//sr.haveByte = false // not strictly required
n, sr.err = sr.r.Read(p[i:])
n += i
p = p[:n]
for i := 1; i < len(p); i += 2 {
p[i-1], p[i] = p[i], p[i-1]
// Remove and save any non-swapped trailing odd byte.
if sr.err == nil {
if sr.haveByte = (n&1 != 0); sr.haveByte {
sr.b = p[n]
//p = p[:n] // not strictly required
return n, sr.err
And a simple test,
package main
import (
var readFilters = []struct {
name string
fn func(io.Reader) io.Reader
{"", nil},
{"DataErrReader", iotest.DataErrReader},
{"HalfReader", iotest.HalfReader},
{"OneByteReader", iotest.OneByteReader},
//{"TimeoutReader", iotest.TimeoutReader},
func TestSwab(t *testing.T) {
const sz = 32<<10 + 1
cases := []struct{ in, out string }{
{"", ""},
{"a", "a"},
{"ab", "ba"},
{"abc", "bac"},
{"abcd", "badc"},
{strings.Repeat("\x01\x80", sz) + "x",
strings.Repeat("\x80\x01", sz) + "x"},
var dst strings.Builder
var r io.Reader
for _, rf := range readFilters {
for _, tc := range cases {
r = strings.NewReader(
if rf.fn != nil {
r = rf.fn(r)
//t.Logf("swabbing %s %.16q",,
//r = iotest.NewReadLogger("<<< src", r)
n, err := io.Copy(&dst, NewSwabReader(r))
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("swab on %s %q failed: %v",,, err,
if want := int64(len(tc.out)); n != want {
t.Errorf("swab on %s %q returned n=%d, want %d",,, n, want,
if got := dst.String(); got != tc.out {
t.Errorf("swab on %s %q\n\tgave %q\n\twant %q",,, got, tc.out,
data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3] = data[1], data[0], data[3], data[2]
. Alternatively, you can just swap pairs in a loop:for i := 0; i<len(data); i+=2 { data[i], data[i+1] = data[i+1], data[i]}