I'm studying SVMs and wrote a demo in MATLAB (because I couldn't get a quadratic programming package to work correctly in Python). Right now it's simple and can only do linearly-separable cases (nonlinear kernels will be implemented later). This is the first MATLAB program I've written outside of a MATLAB seminar I'm taking, so any thoughts would be appreciated.
% simple SVM demo
clc;clear all;
% input data; y's are labels for data
y = [ -1; -1; -1; -1; -1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1; 1 ];
data = [
0 3;
1 2;
2 1;
3 3;
5 1;
5 5;
6 5;
6 7;
7 3;
8 6;
8 1;
% separate positive and negative datapoints
posDps = data(find(y == 1), :);
negDps = data(find(y == -1), :);
% space is number of dimensions (n-space)
% right now, b/c being plotted in 2D, can only be 2-space
space = size(data, 2);
% n is number of input variables
n = length(data);
[ y1, y2 ] = meshgrid(y, y);
[ i, j ] = meshgrid(1:n, 1:n);
% generate matrices for minimization
P(i, j) = y1(i, j) .* y2(i, j) .* (data(i,:) * data(j,:)');
q = -1 * ones(n, 1);
% generate matrices for inequality constraint (alpha >= 0)
% also can use LB parameter
A = -1 * eye(n);
b = zeros(n, 1);
% generate matrices for equality constraint
Aeq = y';
beq = [ 0 ];
% use quadprog package to generate alphas
alpha = quadprog(P, q, A, b, Aeq, beq, [], [], [], optimoptions('quadprog', 'Display', 'off'));
% calculate w from alpha
w = (data' .* repmat(y', [space 1])) * alpha;
% finding b parameter
% (y_n)(x_n * w + b) = 1 for support vector, so b = y_n - w * x_n
threshold = 1e-5;
svIndices = find(alpha > threshold);
b = y(svIndices(1)) - data(svIndices(1),:) * w;
% display points
hold on;
scatter(posDps(:,1), posDps(:,2));
scatter(negDps(:,1), negDps(:,2));
% draw line (only 2D for now)
margin = 1;
domain = (min(data(:,1)) - margin):(max(data(:,1)) + margin);
plot(domain, (w(1) .* domain + b)/(-w(2)));
% plotting gutters
plot(domain, (-1 + w(1) .* domain + b)/(-w(2)), 'g:');
plot(domain, (1 + w(1) .* domain + b)/(-w(2)), 'g:');
I'd like any feedback, but here are some specific questions I had in mind:
- For storing one-dimensional data (arrays), is there usually a preference between column and row matrices?
Is there an easy way to deal with nested matrices? I tried to combine the labels and attribute vectors like so:
data = [ -1 [ 0 3 ]; -1 [ 1 2 ]; % ... ]
and use more indices (e.g.,
) but that didn't work.- There are a ton of different ways to create matrices, and I'm not sure if the ones I am using are the most appropriate (e.g., via literals,
, etc.). - What is there to do about arbitrary imprecision? For example, I had to put in an arbitrary value
to find non-zero values because usingfind(A > 0)
wasn't working. (Since the values were on the magnitude of about 1e-12, this was larger than the value ofeps()
so that function didn't seem very helpful.) - Naming conventions -- is there one for MATLAB? I don't believe I've seen a consistent style.