I am learning Haskell programming language mainly from this source. And there I have encouraged with "an elegant" realization of the quicksort sorting algorithm (the Quick, sort! section). Here it is:
Book's implementation
quicksort :: ( Ord a ) = > [ a ] -> [ a ]
quicksort [] = []
quicksort ( x : xs ) =
let smallerSorted = quicksort [ a | a <- xs , a <= x ]
biggerSorted = quicksort [ a | a <- xs , a > x ]
in smallerSorted ++ [ x ] ++ biggerSorted
The problem with this implementation (as I think) is doubled number of comparisons inside the let
binding every time. Isn't the fact that those of a
's that already in the smallerSorted
list cannot be in the biggerSorted
list, so we don't need to compare x
with them anymore.
In order to "improve" the above approach I have written my own implementation, where I use auxiliary local function split
that splits a list into two parts: less than (or equal to) x
and greater than x
My implementation
quick_sort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
quick_sort [] = [] --edge condition
quick_sort (x : xs) = --general condition
let (lt, gt) = split x xs
in (quick_sort lt) ++ [x] ++ (quick_sort gt)
--split function is used to split a list
--into two sublists: one for elements
--less or equal (lt) than some value - x
--and one for those that greater (gt) than x
--NOTE: split function is also recursive
split x [] = ([], []) --edge condition
split x (h : hs) --general condition
| h <= x =
let (lt, gt) = split x hs
in ( (h : lt), gt )
| otherwise =
let (lt, gt) = split x hs
in ( lt, (h : gt) )
P.S. For a while I am not able to compare two approaches, but on the worst cases (when list to sort is already sorted) it seems that my implementation is a bit slower.