
I have a method that takes as parameter an array of several depth (group) and a name as a string (currentFilterName)

checkFilterValue(group, currentFilterName) {
  group.forEach((element, index) => {
    if (element.children) {
      if (element.name === currentFilterName) {
        this.returnedValue = element.value
      } else {
        this.checkFilterValue(element.children || this.filtersConfig[index + 1], currentFilterName)
    } else {
      if (element.name === currentFilterName) {
        this.returnedValue = element.value

The depth levels are the element.children , being the goal is to return the element.value, at each turn if the element has a depth level I first check if element.name === currentFilterName if it is the case I would like returned the element.value if it is not the case I return the method evening with the next element.children if there is otherwise the original tables with the next index this.filtersConfig [index + 1], if the element has no depth I simply check if element.name === currentFilterName and I return to element.value

The problem I have is that the method is a little verbose, how can we simplify it with an elegant writing?

  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ What other code is in this object's definition? Is it in strict mode? Why do you want to set returnedValue this way? \$\endgroup\$ Dec 11, 2018 at 9:41

1 Answer 1


I think your code has an issue:

this.checkFilterValue(element.children || this.filtersConfig[index + 1], currentFilterName)

The this.filtersConfig[index + 1] is never called as you check element.children first:

if (element.children) {

Your code doesn't need a forEach as a for loop will be better:

checkFilterValue(group, currentFilterName) {
  for (let key in group) {
    const { name, value, children } = group[key]
    if (name === currentFilterName) {
      return value

    if (children) {
        let found = this.checkFilterValue(children, currentFilterName)
        if (found) return found

  return null

By using a for loop you are able to directly return the value if found.

Another issue of your code is you missed to reset this.returnedValue doing so you have a bug if you call 2 different searches and the second one doesn't find anything.

Although you didn't share other code, maybe you should do this in another method.

You can see I use the spread operator to make the code much more concise:

const { name, value, children } = group[key]

and get rid of element.something.

Not sure how to handle the part where you call the function with a different set of data, but maybe inside this method is not the right place of doing it.


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