
I wrote my Sierpinski Triangle fractal animation using HTML canvas with JavaScript: JsFiddle

What do you think about it? How I can optimize it, if you see a need for that?


const canvas = document.getElementById("c");
const context = canvas.getContext('2d');

var iterations = 0; //how many iterations to perform in current frame, count of fractal func invokes grows exponentially and can be calculated from sum: E 3^k, k = 0 to iterations
const maxIterations = 8; //used when animating, it's better to set 'gradientAnimation' to false, when setting 'maxIterations' to bigger values 
const center = { x: canvas.width * 0.5, y: canvas.height * 0.5 };
const halfTriangleSide = 250;

//color animation
const gradientAnimation = true;
var t = 0;
var speed = 0.1;

//division animation
var divideAnim = true;
var divide = true; //loop flag
var mod = 0.0; //color modificator

function drawTriangle(A, B, C)
    context.moveTo(A.x, A.y);
    context.lineTo(B.x, B.y);
    context.lineTo(C.x, C.y);
    context.lineTo(A.x, A.y);

        context.fillStyle = 
        "rgb(" + 
            ((A.x + A.y) * 0.19 * mod) + "," + 
            ((B.x + B.y) * 0.15 * mod) + "," + 
            ((C.x + C.y) * 0.22 * mod) + 

function fractal(center, halfSideLen, i)
    var quaterSide = halfSideLen * 0.5;
    //calc new triangle coords
    var A = { 
        x: center.x - quaterSide, 
        y: center.y
    var B = {
        x: center.x + quaterSide, 
        y: center.y
    var C = {
        x: center.x, 
        y: center.y + halfSideLen   
    drawTriangle(A, B, C);
    if(i < iterations)
        fractal({x: A.x, y: A.y + quaterSide}, quaterSide, i);
        fractal({x: B.x, y: B.y + quaterSide}, quaterSide, i);
        fractal({x: C.x, y: C.y - (halfSideLen + quaterSide)}, quaterSide, i);

function update()
    context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
    //init coords
    var A = { 
        x: center.x - halfTriangleSide, 
        y: center.y + halfTriangleSide
    var B = {
        x: center.x + halfTriangleSide, 
        y: center.y + halfTriangleSide
    var C = {
        x: center.x, 
        y: center.y - halfTriangleSide      
    context.fillStyle = "#F00";
    drawTriangle(A, B, C);  
    context.fillStyle = "#000";
    if(iterations != 0) fractal(center, halfTriangleSide, 0);   
    t += speed;
    if(t > Math.PI * 2)
        t = 0;
            if(iterations == maxIterations) divide = false;
            else if(iterations == 0) divide = true;
            if(divide) iterations++;
            else iterations--;
        mod = 1.25 - Math.sin(t) * 0.5;

1 Answer 1


Good things:

  • const is used for variables that shouldn't be re-assigned
  • requestAnimationFrame() is used for animating
  • constants and global variables are declared at the top of the script.
  • only three functions are used


  • add a space after control structures like if for readability: this is recommended in many style guides (e.g. AirBnB, Google)
    Instead of


    Add a space:

    if (gradientAnimation)
  • Also recommended by some popular style guides: avoid var unless a global variable is needed. Default to using const to avoid accidental re-assignment (which seems to be a topic of this discussion on your other JS post). If re-assignment is needed then use let.

  • Use equality operators that don’t coerce types when not needed:

    Instead of:

    if(iterations == maxIterations)

    Use ===

     if (iterations === maxIterations)
  • A common convention in many languages (including C-based and others) is to have constants that truly never change named using ALL_CAPS - e.g. MAX_ITERATIONS instead of maxIterations, HALF_TRIANGLE_SIDE instead of halfTriangleSide, etc.

  • the lone i++ at the start of fractal() can be moved down to conditional after the call to drawTriangle() and converted to a pre-increment:

        if (++i < iterations)
  • Most of the (idiomatic) JS code and JS Style guides I have seen have opening braces on the same line as the function signature or control structure instead of a new line. Perhaps having them on a new line is common in another style guide (e.g. C++, C#, etc.).

  • \$\begingroup\$ In C# brackets starting blocks are always in a new line, maybe that's where it's coming from. \$\endgroup\$
    – potato
    Commented Jul 9, 2020 at 13:50
  • \$\begingroup\$ @potato- thanks for the insight - I have taken it into account as I updated that section \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jul 9, 2020 at 15:52

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