Here I uploaded a very basic Barabasi-Albert network generator and then a percolator which conducts percolation over the network following some rules. I have used openmp to parallelize the loops.
Here 3 arrays, maxclus
and entropycalc
are shared between the parallel threads and netmap1
and random
are made private to the threads. What it basically does is that, suppose you have a vector, and two arrays, then,
int* arrayresult = new int [N];
int* array;
#pragma omp parallel shared(arrayresult) private(array)
vector<int> someVec;
array = new int [N]
for(int k=0;k<somenum;k++) array[k] = 0;
#pragma omp for
for(int i=0;i<somenum;i++)
// do something with someVec;
// do something with array;
for(int j=0;j<somenum1;j++)
#pragma omp atomic
arrayresult[j] += someResult;
delete [] array;
Now this snippet describes the main gist of the code I am posting here. This shows a performance degradation proportional to the number of cores or threads being used. I am providing both the linear code and the parallel code.
How can I make the parallel one more efficient?
//compile with icpc filename.cpp -o executable -O3 -std=c++14 -qopenmp
//#include "openacc_curand.h"
using namespace std;
int EMPTY = 0;
int connectionNumber = 0; // it indexes the connection between different nodes of the network
// this function does the union find work for the percolation
//#pragma acc routine seq
int findroot(int ptr[],int i)
if(ptr[i]<0) return i;
return ptr[i]=findroot(ptr,ptr[i]);
int main()
int seed,vertices,m,run,filenum,M;
//I am just going to set the initial value for your need
cout<<"enter seed size: ";
cout<<"enter vertice number: ";
cout<<"order number: ";
cout<<"order of Explosive Percolation: ";
cout<<"enter ensemble number: ";
cout<<"enter filenumber: ";
seed = 6;
vertices = 500000;
m = 5;
M = 12;
run = 50;
filenum = 1;
//this sets up the connection and initializes the array;
int con = 0;
for(int i=1;i<seed;i++)
con = con + i;
con = con + (vertices-seed)*m;
//int* netmap1 = new int[con+1]; //node 1 that is connected to a certain connectionNumber
//int* netmap2 = new int[con+1]; //node 2 that is connected to a certain connectionNumber
//for(int i=1;i<=con;i++)
// netmap1[i] = 0;
// netmap2[i] = 0;
connectionNumber = con;
int A,B,C;
A = vertices;
B = run;
C = filenum;
//saved filename
string filename1;
filename1 = "maxclus_";
string filename2;
filename2 = "delmx_";
string filename3;
filename3 = "entropy_";
filename1 = filename1+to_string(A)+"node_"+to_string(m)+"m_"+to_string(M)+"M_"+to_string(B)+"ens"+to_string(C)+".dat";
filename2 = filename2+to_string(vertices)+"node_"+to_string(m)+"m_"+to_string(M)+"M_"+to_string(run)+"ens"+to_string(filenum)+".dat";
filename3 = filename3+to_string(vertices)+"node_"+to_string(m)+"m_"+to_string(M)+"M_"+to_string(run)+"ens"+to_string(filenum)+".dat";
ofstream fout1,fout2,fout3;//,fout3;
//int* random = NULL;
//random = new int[connectionNumber+1];
double* maxclus = NULL;
maxclus = new double[vertices+1];
double* delmx = NULL;
delmx = new double[connectionNumber+1];
double* entropycalc = NULL;
entropycalc = new double[connectionNumber+1];
for(int i=0;i<=vertices;i++)
//for(int i=0;i<=connectionNumber;i++)
// random[i] = i;
//this is the pointer that needs to be made private for all the parallel loops
//int* ptr = new int[vertices+1];
//for(int i=0;i<vertices+1;i++) ptr[i]=0;
//the main program starts here
int* ptr; int* netmap1; int* netmap2; int* random;
int runcounter = 0;
#pragma omp parallel shared(con,runcounter,maxclus,delmx,entropycalc) private(ptr,netmap1,netmap2,random) firstprivate(connectionNumber)
ptr = new int[vertices+1];
netmap1 = new int[connectionNumber+1];
netmap2 = new int[connectionNumber+1];
random = new int[connectionNumber+1];
for(int l=0;l<=con;l++)
netmap1[l] = 0;
netmap2[l] = 0;
random[l] = l;
for(int l=0;l<=vertices;l++)
ptr[l] = EMPTY;
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for(int i=1;i<=run;i++)
//#pragma omp critical
//cout<<"run : "<<i<<endl;
//vector<size_t> network;
vector<int> network;
/*for(int l=0;l<=con;l++)
netmap1[l] = 0;
netmap2[l] = 0;
random[l] = l;
for(int l=0;l<=vertices;l++)
ptr[l] = EMPTY;*/
connectionNumber = 0;
//seeds are connected to the network
for(int i=1;i<=seed;i++)
for(int j=1;j<=seed;j++)
connectionNumber=connectionNumber + 1;
netmap1[connectionNumber]=i; //connections are addressed
network.push_back(i); // the vector is updated for making connection
int concheck = 0;
int ab[m]; //this array checks if a node is chosen twice
int countm = 0;
for(int i = seed+1;i<=vertices; i++)
countm = 0;
for(int k=0;k<m;k++) ab[k] = 0;
for(int j = 1; ;j++)
concheck = 0;
int N1=network.size() ;
int M1=0;
int u = M1 + rand()/(RAND_MAX/(N1-M1+1) + 1);
for(int n=0;n<m;n++)
if(ab[n] == network[u]) concheck = 1;
//if condition is fulfilled the connection are given to the nodes
//the data is saved in the arrays of the connection
if(concheck == 0 && network[u]!=i)
ab[countm] = network[u];
netmap1[connectionNumber] = i;
netmap2[connectionNumber] = network[u];
if(countm==m) break;
//the random list of connection are shuffled
for(int rx=1;rx<=1;rx++)
int index=0,big=0,bigtemp=0,jump=0,en1=0,en2=0;
int nodeA=0,nodeB=0;
int indx1=0;
int node[2*M+1];// = {0};
int clus[2*M+1];// = {0};
double entropy = log(vertices);
for(int i=0;i<=vertices;i++) ptr[i] = EMPTY;
for(int i=1;i<=vertices;i++)
int algaRandomIndex = 0;
for(int nodeindex = 0; nodeindex<2*M; nodeindex+=2)
node[nodeindex] = netmap1[random[i + algaRandomIndex]];
node[nodeindex + 1] = netmap2[random[i + algaRandomIndex]];
for(int nodeindex = 0; nodeindex<2*M; nodeindex++)
if(ptr[node[nodeindex]]==EMPTY) clus[nodeindex] = 1;
int x = findroot(ptr,node[nodeindex]);
clus[nodeindex] = -ptr[x];
int clusmul[M];
int clusindex1 = 0;
for(int clusindex = 0; clusindex<M; clusindex++)
clusmul[clusindex] = clus[clusindex1]*clus[clusindex1+1];
clusindex1 += 2;
bool clusmulCheck = true;
for(int ase = 0; ase < M; ase++)
bool clusmulCheck1 = true;
if(clusmul[ase] == 1) clusmulCheck1 = true;
else clusmulCheck1 = false;
clusmulCheck = clusmulCheck && clusmulCheck1;
nodeA = node[0];
nodeB = node[1];
for(int someK = 1; someK < M; someK++)
int N1=connectionNumber;
int M1=i+M;
int u = M1 + rand()/(RAND_MAX/(N1-M1+1) + 1);
int temp = random[u];
random[u] = random[i+someK];
random[i+someK] = temp;
int low = clusmul[0];
indx1 = 1;
for(int as=0;as<11;as++)
low = clusmul[as];
indx1 = as+1;
nodeA = node[2*indx1 - 2];
nodeB = node[2*indx1 - 1];
int temp = random[i+(indx1-1)];
random[i+(indx1-1)] = random[i];
random[i] = temp;
for(int ase = 1; ase < M; ase++)
int N1=connectionNumber;
int M1=i+M;
int u = M1 + rand()/(RAND_MAX/(N1-M1+1) + 1);
int temp = random[u];
random[u] = random[i+ ase];
random[i+ ase] = temp;
if(ptr[nodeA]==EMPTY && ptr[nodeB]==EMPTY)
ptr[nodeA] = -2;
ptr[nodeB] = nodeA;
index = nodeA;
entropy = (double)(entropy-(-2.0/vertices*log(1.0/vertices))+(-2.0/vertices*log(2.0/vertices)));
if(entropy<0) entropy = 0;
else if(ptr[nodeA]==EMPTY && ptr[nodeB]!=EMPTY)
int e = findroot(ptr,nodeB);
en2 = -(ptr[e]);
ptr[nodeA] = e;
ptr[e] += -1;
index = e;
entropy = entropy-(-(double)1.0/vertices*log(1.0/(double)vertices))-(-(double)en2/vertices*log((double)en2/vertices))+(-( double)(-ptr[index])/vertices*log((-ptr[index])/(double)vertices));
if(entropy<0) entropy = 0;
else if(ptr[nodeA]!=EMPTY && ptr[nodeB]==EMPTY)
en2 = 1;
int f = findroot(ptr,nodeA);
en1 = -(ptr[f]);
ptr[nodeB] = f;
ptr[f] += -1;
index = f;
entropy = entropy-(-(double)1.0/(double)vertices*log(1.0/(double)vertices))-(-(double)en1/(double)vertices*log((double)en1/vertices))+(-(double)(-ptr[index])/vertices*log((-ptr[index])/(double)vertices));
if(entropy<0) entropy = 0;
else if(ptr[nodeA]!=EMPTY && ptr[nodeB]!=EMPTY)
int g,h;
g = findroot(ptr,nodeA);
en1 = -(ptr[g]);
h = findroot(ptr,nodeB);
en2 = -(ptr[h]);
ptr[g] += ptr[h];
ptr[h] = g;
index = g;
ptr[h] += ptr[g];
ptr[g] = h;
index = h;
entropy = entropy-(-(double)en1/(double)vertices*log((double)en1/(double)vertices))-(-(double)en2/vertices*log((double)en2/(double)vertices))+(-(double)(-ptr[index])/vertices*log((double)(-ptr[index])/(double)vertices));
if(entropy<0) entropy = 0;
#pragma omp atomic
maxclus[i] += big;
#pragma omp atomic
delmx[i] += jump;
if(entropy<0) entropy = 0;
#pragma omp atomic
entropycalc[i] += entropy;
bigtemp = big;
if(-ptr[index]>big) big = -ptr[index];
jump = big - bigtemp;
#pragma omp atomic
maxclus[i] += big;
#pragma omp atomic
delmx[i] += jump;
if(entropy<0) entropy = 0;
#pragma omp atomic
entropycalc[i] += entropy;
bigtemp = big;
#pragma omp atomic
int rem = (runcounter * 100/run) % 5;
if(rem == 0)
cout<<"Progress: "<<(double)runcounter*100/run<<"%"<<endl;
delete [] ptr;
delete [] netmap1;
delete [] netmap2;
delete [] random;
connectionNumber = con;
for(int i=1;i<=vertices;i++)
//delete[] random;
//random = NULL;
//delete [] netmap1;
//netmap1 = NULL;
//delete [] netmap2;
//netmap2 = NULL;
//delete [] ptr;
//ptr = NULL;
delete[] maxclus;
maxclus = NULL;
delete[] delmx;
delmx = NULL;
delete[] entropycalc;
entropycalc = NULL;
return 0;
//#include "openacc_curand.h"
using namespace std;
//vector<int> network;
int EMPTY = 0;
int connectionNumber = 0; // it indexes the connection between different nodes of the network
// this function does the union find work for the percolation
//#pragma acc routine seq
int findroot(int ptr[],int i)
if(ptr[i]<0) return i;
return ptr[i]=findroot(ptr,ptr[i]);
/*#pragma acc routine seq
int findroot(int ptr[],int i)
//cao = 1;
int r,s;
r = s = i;
while (ptr[r]>=0)
ptr[s] = ptr[r];
s = r;
r = ptr[r];
return r;
int main()
int seed,vertices,m,run,filenum,M;
//I am just going to set the initial value for your need
/* cout<<"enter seed size: ";
cout<<"enter vertice number: ";
cout<<"order number: ";
cout<<"order of Explosive Percolation: ";
cout<<"enter ensemble number: ";
cout<<"enter filenumber: ";
seed = 6;
vertices = 500000;
m = 5;
M = 12;
run = 50;
filenum = 10;
//this sets up the connection and initializes the array;
int con = 0;
for(int i=1;i<seed;i++)
con = con + i;
con = con + (vertices-seed)*m;
int* netmap1 = new int[con+1]; //node 1 that is connected to a certain connectionNumber
int* netmap2 = new int[con+1]; //node 2 that is connected to a certain connectionNumber
for(int i=1;i<=con;i++)
netmap1[i] = 0;
netmap2[i] = 0;
connectionNumber = con;
int A,B,C;
A = vertices;
B = run;
C = filenum;
//saved filename
string filename1;
filename1 = "maxclus_";
string filename2;
filename2 = "delmx_";
string filename3;
filename3 = "entropy_";
filename1 = filename1+to_string(A)+"node_"+to_string(m)+"m_"+to_string(M)+"M_"+to_string(B)+"ens"+to_string(C)+".dat";
filename2 = filename2+to_string(vertices)+"node_"+to_string(m)+"m_"+to_string(M)+"M_"+to_string(run)+"ens"+to_string(filenum)+".dat";
filename3 = filename3+to_string(vertices)+"node_"+to_string(m)+"m_"+to_string(M)+"M_"+to_string(run)+"ens"+to_string(filenum)+".dat";
ofstream fout1,fout2,fout3;//,fout3;
int* random = NULL;
random = new int[connectionNumber+1];
double* maxclus = NULL;
maxclus = new double[vertices+1];
double* delmx = NULL;
delmx = new double[connectionNumber+1];
double* entropycalc = NULL;
entropycalc = new double[connectionNumber+1];
for(int i=0;i<=vertices;i++)
for(int i=0;i<=connectionNumber;i++)
random[i] = i;
//this is the pointer that needs to be made private for all the parallel loops
int* ptr = new int[vertices+1];
for(int i=0;i<vertices+1;i++) ptr[i]=0;
//the main program starts here
//#pragma acc data copy(maxclus[0:connectionNumber],delmx[0:connectionNumber],entropycalc[0:connectionNumber]), copyin(netmap1[0:connectionNumber],netmap2[0:connectionNumber])
for(int i=1;i<=run;i++)
cout<<"run : "<<i<<endl;
//vector<size_t> network;
vector<int> network;
connectionNumber = 0;
//seeds are connected to the network
for(int i=1;i<=seed;i++)
for(int j=1;j<=seed;j++)
connectionNumber=connectionNumber + 1;
netmap1[connectionNumber]=i; //connections are addressed
network.push_back(i); // the vector is updated for making connection
int concheck = 0;
int ab[m]; //this array checks if a node is chosen twice
int countm = 0;
for(int i = seed+1;i<=vertices; i++)
countm = 0;
for(int k=0;k<m;k++) ab[k] = 0;
for(int j = 1; ;j++)
concheck = 0;
int N1=network.size() ;
int M1=0;
int u = M1 + rand()/(RAND_MAX/(N1-M1+1) + 1);
for(int n=0;n<m;n++)
if(ab[n] == network[u]) concheck = 1;
//if condition is fulfilled the connection are given to the nodes
//the data is saved in the arrays of the connection
if(concheck == 0 && network[u]!=i)
ab[countm] = network[u];
netmap1[connectionNumber] = i;
netmap2[connectionNumber] = network[u];
if(countm==m) break;
//the random list of connection are shuffled
double rand_seed = time(NULL);
//this is where the problem lies
//basically i want to make all the rx loops parallel in such a way that every parallel loop will have their own copy of ptr[ ] and random[ ] which they can modify themselves
// this whole part does the 'explosive percolation' and saves the data in maxclus, delmx, entropycalc array of different runs
//#pragma acc update device(maxclus,delmx,entropycalc,netmap1,netmap2)
//#pragma acc data copy(maxclus[0:connectionNumber],delmx[0:connectionNumber],entropycalc[0:connectionNumber]), copyin(netmap1[0:connectionNumber],netmap2[0:connectionNumber])
//#pragma acc parallel loop private(ptr[0:vertices+1]) firstprivate(random[0:connectionNumber])
for(int rx=1;rx<=1;rx++)
int index=0,big=0,bigtemp=0,jump=0,en1=0,en2=0;
int nodeA=0,nodeB=0;
int indx1=0;
int node[2*M+1];// = {0};
int clus[2*M+1];// = {0};
double entropy = log(vertices);
//curandState_t state;
for(int i=0;i<=vertices;i++) ptr[i] = EMPTY;
//#pragma acc loop seq
for(int i=1;i<=vertices;i++)
int algaRandomIndex = 0;
for(int nodeindex = 0; nodeindex<2*M; nodeindex+=2)
node[nodeindex] = netmap1[random[i + algaRandomIndex]];
node[nodeindex + 1] = netmap2[random[i + algaRandomIndex]];
for(int nodeindex = 0; nodeindex<2*M; nodeindex++)
if(ptr[node[nodeindex]]==EMPTY) clus[nodeindex] = 1;
int x = findroot(ptr,node[nodeindex]);
clus[nodeindex] = -ptr[x];
int clusmul[M];
int clusindex1 = 0;
for(int clusindex = 0; clusindex<M; clusindex++)
clusmul[clusindex] = clus[clusindex1]*clus[clusindex1+1];
clusindex1 += 2;
bool clusmulCheck = true;
for(int ase = 0; ase < M; ase++)
bool clusmulCheck1 = true;
if(clusmul[ase] == 1) clusmulCheck1 = true;
else clusmulCheck1 = false;
clusmulCheck = clusmulCheck && clusmulCheck1;
nodeA = node[0];
nodeB = node[1];
for(int someK = 1; someK < M; someK++)
int N1=connectionNumber;
int M1=i+M;
int u = M1 + rand()/(RAND_MAX/(N1-M1+1) + 1);
int temp = random[u];
random[u] = random[i+someK];
random[i+someK] = temp;
int low = clusmul[0];
indx1 = 1;
for(int as=0;as<11;as++)
low = clusmul[as];
indx1 = as+1;
nodeA = node[2*indx1 - 2];
nodeB = node[2*indx1 - 1];
int temp = random[i+(indx1-1)];
random[i+(indx1-1)] = random[i];
random[i] = temp;
for(int ase = 1; ase < M; ase++)
int N1=connectionNumber;
int M1=i+M;
int u = M1 + rand()/(RAND_MAX/(N1-M1+1) + 1);
int temp = random[u];
random[u] = random[i+ ase];
random[i+ ase] = temp;
if(ptr[nodeA]==EMPTY && ptr[nodeB]==EMPTY)
ptr[nodeA] = -2;
ptr[nodeB] = nodeA;
index = nodeA;
entropy = (double)(entropy-(-2.0/vertices*log(1.0/vertices))+(-2.0/vertices*log(2.0/vertices)));
if(entropy<0) entropy = 0;
else if(ptr[nodeA]==EMPTY && ptr[nodeB]!=EMPTY)
int e = findroot(ptr,nodeB);
en2 = -(ptr[e]);
ptr[nodeA] = e;
ptr[e] += -1;
index = e;
entropy = entropy-(-(double)1.0/vertices*log(1.0/(double)vertices))-(-(double)en2/vertices*log((double)en2/vertices))+(-( double)(-ptr[index])/vertices*log((-ptr[index])/(double)vertices));
if(entropy<0) entropy = 0;
else if(ptr[nodeA]!=EMPTY && ptr[nodeB]==EMPTY)
en2 = 1;
int f = findroot(ptr,nodeA);
en1 = -(ptr[f]);
ptr[nodeB] = f;
ptr[f] += -1;
index = f;
entropy = entropy-(-(double)1.0/(double)vertices*log(1.0/(double)vertices))-(-(double)en1/(double)vertices*log((double)en1/vertices))+(-(double)(-ptr[index])/vertices*log((-ptr[index])/(double)vertices));
if(entropy<0) entropy = 0;
else if(ptr[nodeA]!=EMPTY && ptr[nodeB]!=EMPTY)
int g,h;
g = findroot(ptr,nodeA);
en1 = -(ptr[g]);
h = findroot(ptr,nodeB);
en2 = -(ptr[h]);
ptr[g] += ptr[h];
ptr[h] = g;
index = g;
ptr[h] += ptr[g];
ptr[g] = h;
index = h;
entropy = entropy-(-(double)en1/(double)vertices*log((double)en1/(double)vertices))-(-(double)en2/vertices*log((double)en2/(double)vertices))+(-(double)(-ptr[index])/vertices*log((double)(-ptr[index])/(double)vertices));
if(entropy<0) entropy = 0;
//#pragma acc atomic
maxclus[i] += big;
//#pragma acc atomic
delmx[i] += jump;
if(entropy<0) entropy = 0;
//#pragma acc atomic
entropycalc[i] += entropy;
bigtemp = big;
if(-ptr[index]>big) big = -ptr[index];
jump = big - bigtemp;
//#pragma acc atomic
maxclus[i] += big;
//#pragma acc atomic
delmx[i] += jump;
//#pragma acc atomic
if(entropy<0) entropy = 0;
entropycalc[i] += entropy;
bigtemp = big;
/*for(int i=0;i<connectionNumber;i++)
cout<<"maxclus: "<<maxclus[i]<<'\t'<<"delmx: "<<delmx[i]<<'\t'<<"entropy: "<<entropycalc[i]<<'\t'<<endl;
connectionNumber = con;
for(int i=1;i<=vertices;i++)
delete[] random;
random = NULL;
delete[] maxclus;
maxclus = NULL;
delete[] delmx;
delmx = NULL;
delete[] entropycalc;
entropycalc = NULL;
delete [] netmap1;
netmap1 = NULL;
delete [] netmap2;
netmap2 = NULL;
delete [] ptr;
ptr = NULL;
return 0;
function this code is hard to reason about. Maybe split it into multiple function? I've been staring at it for like 15 minutes, and still can't get a gist of what is actually being done. Doing so might even help the optimizer, as it then has more knowledge about the lifetime and scope of variables. \$\endgroup\$