Edit: This code was reworked and repostetd under a new question: Generic Skip list implementation in C++ Version 3
This is a follow up of: Non generic Skip List implementation in C++
If you don't know what a Skiplist is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skip_list
I continued the work on the Skiplist. I tried to incorporate the improvements suggested. I still don't feel ready to add more stuff ( Iterator class, Template Skipnode). I think it's better to first present the progress so far.
A short summary of what has changed:
Documentation / Clean up the code:
I added alot more comments and tried to make the code more readable in general. I hope the code is now easier to follow. I think one of the reasons not many people commented last time, was the missing explanations in the code.
I removed the false micromanagement of vectors size.
Random Generator:
The random generator was reworked like suggested.
Rules of Five:
I implemented the missing functions Copy Constructor, Move Constructor, Copy Assignment and Move assignment.
Implementation of Head Element:
Head now doesn't hold key and value anymore, it only contains pointers.
Unit Tests:
I added Unit Tests in seperate cpp / h files to test the vector more systematically.
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <vector>
namespace skiplist {
class Skiplist {
Skiplist() = default; // constructor
~Skiplist() noexcept; // destructor
Skiplist(const Skiplist& other); // copy constructor
Skiplist& operator=(const Skiplist& other); // copy assignment
Skiplist(Skiplist&& other); // move constructor
Skiplist& operator=(Skiplist&& other); // move assignment
void insert(int key, int value); // insert elements, double keys are not allowed
bool erase(int key); // search for an element and erase it from the skip list
int* find(int key); // find element by key and return the value
void clear() noexcept; // erase all elements
size_t size() const; // return count of nodes
int get_top_level() const { return top_level; } // maximum height the skiplist has reached
void print(std::ostream& os) const; // prints out all elements in list, replace if iterators implemented (for const auto & x : skiplist)
void debug_print(std::ostream& os) const; // show all the levels for debug only. can this be put into skiplist_unit_tests ?
struct Skipnode; // forward declaration so Basenode can have Skiplist*
struct Basenode { // Empty node, mainly created to represent head element.
// Is there a way to get a empty head with no key / values without using this ?
Basenode(int in_level);
Basenode(const std::vector<Skipnode*>& in_next);
std::vector <Skipnode*> next;
struct Skipnode : Basenode { // derived so with Basenode* we can start the iteration of the node on head
Skipnode(int in_key, int in_value, int in_level);
Skipnode(int in_key, int in_value, const std::vector<Skipnode*>& in_next);
int key;
int value;
size_t top_level_of_new_node(); // helper function to calculate level of new node random
Basenode head{0}; // element before first element containg pointers to all the first elements of each level
size_t top_level = 0; // maximum level the nodes have reached so far
std::mt19937 random_engine = std::mt19937{ std::random_device{}() }; //random generator member
bool next_level(std::mt19937& eng); // flip coin helper function returning true or false random
#include "skiplist.h"
namespace skiplist {
Skiplist::Basenode::Basenode(int in_level)
:next{ in_level,nullptr }
Skiplist::Basenode::Basenode(const std::vector<Skipnode*>& in_next)
: next{ in_next }
Skiplist::Skipnode::Skipnode(int in_key, int in_value, int in_level)
:key{ in_key }, value{ in_value }, Basenode{in_level}
Skiplist::Skipnode::Skipnode(int in_key, int in_value, const std::vector<Skipnode*>& in_next)
: key{ in_key }, value{ in_value }, Basenode{in_next}
Skiplist::~Skiplist() noexcept // destructor
if (top_level == 0) return;
Skipnode* current_position = head.next[0]; //start on first element
while (current_position->next[0] != nullptr) {
Skipnode* lastpos = current_position;
current_position = current_position->next[0];
delete lastpos;
delete current_position; //delete last element
Skiplist::Skiplist(const Skiplist& other) // copy constructor
:head{other.head},top_level{other.top_level}, random_engine{other.random_engine }
// on the first level let the other Skiplist present its elements and make a deep copy of them
// now still the higher levels point to the other node so this is fixed in the second part
// then the next level pointers are installed linked to the elements of the new node
if (top_level == 0) return; // no elements are present so dont bother to allocate nodes
// installment of lowest level, each element is located here
Skipnode* other_node = other.head.next[0];
Basenode* current_position = &head;
while (other_node != nullptr) {
Skipnode* new_node = new Skipnode{ other_node->key,other_node->value,other_node->next };
current_position->next[0] = new_node;
current_position = current_position->next[0];
other_node = other_node->next[0];
current_position->next[0] = nullptr;
// installment of the other levels
for (size_t curr = 1; curr < top_level; ++curr) {
Basenode* current_position = &head; // the current position of the level[curr]
Skipnode* next_position = current_position->next[curr]; // next position after curr containing still pointers to the other skiplist
Basenode* lowest_position = &head; // lowest level position used to find the new pointers and attach them "behind" current
while (lowest_position != nullptr && next_position != nullptr) {
if (lowest_position->next[0]->key == next_position->key) { // check by unique key, address of next pos is still of the other skiplist
current_position->next[curr] = lowest_position->next[0]; // lowest is the valid address of new node
current_position = current_position->next[curr];
next_position = next_position->next[curr]; // go to next element of other node
if (next_position == nullptr) { // case end is reached
current_position->next[curr] = nullptr;
current_position = current_position->next[curr];
else { // forward position of lowest level until other key == next position key
lowest_position = lowest_position->next[0];
Skiplist& Skiplist::operator=(const Skiplist& other) // copy assignment
// copy assignmnt currently the same as copy constructor
// would it be better to reuse the already existing space?
// maybe override the values of already available nodes
if (&other == this) return *this;
head = other.head;
top_level = other.top_level;
random_engine = other.random_engine;;
if (top_level == 0) return *this; // no elements are present so dont bother to allocate nodes
// installment of lowest level, each element is located here
Skipnode* other_node = other.head.next[0];
Basenode* current_position = &head;
while (other_node != nullptr) {
Skipnode* new_node = new Skipnode{ other_node->key,other_node->value,other_node->next };
current_position->next[0] = new_node;
current_position = current_position->next[0];
other_node = other_node->next[0];
current_position->next[0] = nullptr;
// installment of the other levels
for (size_t curr = 1; curr < top_level; ++curr) {
Basenode* current_position = &head; // the current position of the level[curr]
Skipnode* next_position = current_position->next[curr]; // next position after curr containing still pointers to the other skiplist
Basenode* lowest_position = &head; // lowest level position used to find the new pointers and attach them "behind" current
while (lowest_position != nullptr && next_position != nullptr) {
if (lowest_position->next[0]->key == next_position->key) { // check by unique key, address of next pos is still of the other skiplist
current_position->next[curr] = lowest_position->next[0]; // lowest is the valid address of new node
current_position = current_position->next[curr];
next_position = next_position->next[curr]; // go to next element of other node
if (next_position == nullptr) { // case end is reached
current_position->next[curr] = nullptr;
current_position = current_position->next[curr];
else { // forward position of lowest level until other key == next position key
lowest_position = lowest_position->next[0];
return *this;
Skiplist::Skiplist(Skiplist&& other) // move constructor
:head{ other.head }, top_level{ other.top_level }, random_engine{ other.random_engine }
head.next = other.head.next; // point all other nodes to new location
other.head = Basenode{ 0 }; // empty other head so the connections to the nodes are gone
other.top_level = 0;
other.random_engine = std::mt19937{ std::random_device{}() };
Skiplist& Skiplist::operator=(Skiplist&& other) // move assignment
head = other.head;
top_level = other.top_level;
random_engine = other.random_engine;
head.next = other.head.next; // point all other nodes to new location
other.head = Basenode{ 0 }; // empty other head so the connections to the nodes are gone
other.top_level = 0;
other.random_engine = std::mt19937{ std::random_device{}() };
return *this;
size_t Skiplist::top_level_of_new_node()
// flips a "coin" true / false . As long as the result is true the level gets increased
// the chance to reach a higher level decreases evey time by roughly half
// e.g. level 2 = 50% 3 = 25% etc.
// This is to make sure that on higher levels there are less nodes then on the lower ones
// the count of nodes on each levels should be arround half of the count of nodes on the level before
// if calculated level is bigger than the max level it gets increased
size_t new_node_level = 0;
do {
if (new_node_level == (top_level + 1)) { //new node can maximum grow by one lvl;
head.next.resize(head.next.size() + 1, nullptr); // head.next size must be always = top size
} while (next_level(random_engine)); //flip coin. every time it is true go to the next lvl
return new_node_level;
void Skiplist::insert(int key, int value)
// first key and value is inserted into a new insert_node.
// the level until were the node is present is calculated "random"
// Then the right position for the node is searched:
// The search starts on the highest level of the insert_node
// if next node on the level is not exist or the value of the key bigger
// check if node is high enough to be on this height
// if high enough install node between current and next
// make a new node which is present until the calculated_level
Skipnode* new_node = new Skipnode(key, value, top_level_of_new_node()); //create new node
size_t current_level = top_level; //start on highest lvl
Basenode* current_position = &head; //start on first element
bool node_added = false;
do {
const size_t curr = current_level - 1; // for readability
if (current_position->next[curr] == nullptr || current_position->next[curr]->key > key) {
if (new_node->next.size() >= current_level) { // is node on this level?
node_added = true;
new_node->next[curr] = current_position->next[curr]; // install new node before next node
current_position->next[curr] = new_node;
--current_level; // go to the next lower lvl
else {
current_position = current_position->next[curr]; // move to the next element on the level
} while (current_level > 0);
if (!node_added) // case new node could not be added if new key == key in table
delete new_node;
bool Skiplist::erase(int key)
// starts search on the highest lvl of the skiplist
// if a node with the erase key is found the algorith goes
// down until the lowest lvl.
// on the way down all links with the key in the list are removed
// on the lowest lvl the current node which contains the erase key is deleted
size_t current_level = top_level; //start on highest lvl
Basenode* current_position = &head; //start on head
while (current_level > 0) {
const size_t curr = current_level - 1; // for readability
const size_t top = top_level - 1; // for readability
if ((current_position->next[curr] == nullptr) || (current_position->next[curr]->key > key)) {
else if (current_position->next[curr]->key == key) { //key found on current lvl
--current_level; // go down first before link is deleted
if (current_level != 0)
current_position->next[curr] = current_position->next[curr]->next[curr]; // take out pointer of found element from list on current level
else { // first level of skip node is reached
Skipnode* delete_node = current_position->next[current_level]; // store position for delete
current_position->next[curr] = current_position->next[curr]->next[curr]; // take out pointer of list
delete delete_node; // delete current position found node
while (head.next[top_level - 1] == nullptr /*&& top_level > 1*/) { //no nodes on highest lvl
if (top_level == 0)
return true;
else {
current_position = current_position->next[curr]; // iterate horizontal on current lvl
return false;
int* Skiplist::find(int key)
// find element by key and return pointer to value
// first it is iterated horizontal and vertical until the last level is reached
// on the last level if the keys match the val is returned
Basenode* current_position = &head; //start on head
size_t current_level = top_level; //start on highest lvl
while (current_level > 1) {
const size_t curr = current_level - 1; // for readability
if (current_position->next[curr] == nullptr || (current_position->next[curr]->key >= key)) {
--current_level; // traverse veertical
else {
current_position = current_position->next[curr]; // traverse horizontal
while (current_position->next[0] != nullptr) {
if (current_position->next[0]->key == key) { // element found
current_position = current_position->next[0];
return &static_cast<Skipnode*>(current_position)->value;
current_position = current_position->next[0];
return nullptr; //element was not found;
void Skiplist::clear() noexcept
if (top_level == 0) return;
Skipnode* current_position = head.next[0]; //start on first element
while (current_position->next[0] != nullptr) {
Skipnode* lastpos = current_position;
current_position = current_position->next[0];
delete lastpos;
delete current_position; //delete last element
top_level = 0;
head = Basenode{ 0 };
size_t Skiplist::size() const
// size of the skipnode is calculated on request
if (top_level == 0) return 0; //special case nothing is build yet
size_t size = 0;
const Basenode* current_position = &head;
if (current_position->next.empty())
return size;
while (current_position->next[0] != nullptr) {
current_position = current_position->next[0];
return size;
void Skiplist::print(std::ostream& os) const
//prints out all elements
if (top_level == 0)
const Skipnode* current_position = head.next[0];
while (current_position != nullptr) {
os << current_position->key << "/" << current_position->value << " ";
current_position = current_position->next[0];
os << "\n";
void Skiplist::debug_print(std::ostream& os) const
//messy debug routine to print with all available layers
if (top_level == 0) {
os << "empty" << '\n';
Basenode* current_position = const_cast<Basenode*>(&head);
size_t current_level = current_position->next.size() - 1;
current_position = current_position->next[current_level];
if (head.next[0] == nullptr)
while (current_level >= 0) {
os << "lvl: " << current_level << "\t";
Basenode* lastpos = const_cast<Basenode*>(&head);
while (current_position != nullptr) {
if (current_level > 0) {
int void_count = 0;
while (lastpos != nullptr && static_cast<Skipnode*>(lastpos)->key != static_cast<Skipnode*>(current_position)->key) {
lastpos = lastpos->next[0];
for (int i = 0; i < void_count - 1; ++i)
os << "-/-- ";
if (current_position != &head)
os << static_cast<Skipnode*>(current_position)->key << "/" << static_cast<Skipnode*>(current_position)->value << " ";
current_position = static_cast<Skipnode*>(current_position->next[current_level]);
os << "\n";
if (current_level == 0)
current_position = const_cast<Basenode*>(&head);
bool next_level(std::mt19937& eng)
static auto val = std::mt19937::result_type{ 0 };
static auto bit = std::mt19937::word_size;
if (bit >= std::mt19937::word_size)
val = eng();
return val & (std::mt19937::result_type{ 1 } << (bit++));
#ifndef SKIPLIST_UNIT_TEST_GUARD_280620182216
#define SKIPLIST_UNIT_TEST_GUARD_280620182216
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <chrono>
#include "skiplist.h"
namespace skiplist::unit_test {
int get_random(int min, int max);
void insert_print(int key, int val, Skiplist& sk, const std::string& skiplist_name, std::ostream& os);
void erase_print(int key, Skiplist& sk, const std::string& skiplist_name, std::ostream& os);
void info_print(const Skiplist& a, const std::string& a_name, std::ostream& os);
void test_insert_and_erase(std::ostream& os);
void test_leakage_of_memory(std::ostream& os);
void test_find(std::ostream& os);
void test_copy_constructor(std::ostream& os);
void test_move_constructor(std::ostream& os);
void test_copy_assignment(std::ostream& os);
void test_move_assignment(std::ostream& os);
void test_performance_of_insert_delete(std::ostream& os, const int repeats, const int count_of_elements);
#include "skiplist_unit_test.h"
namespace skiplist::unit_test{
int get_random(int min, int max)
static std::random_device rd;
static std::mt19937 mt(rd());
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(min, max);
return distribution(mt);
void insert_print(int key, int val, Skiplist& sk, const std::string& skiplist_name, std::ostream& os)
sk.insert(key, val);
os << "insert in " << skiplist_name << " key " << key << " and val " << val << '\n' << '\n';
void erase_print(int key, Skiplist& sk, const std::string& skiplist_name, std::ostream& os)
os << "erase from " << skiplist_name << " key " << key << '\n' << '\n';
void info_print(const Skiplist& a, const std::string& a_name, std::ostream& os)
os << "Skiplist " << a_name << ":\n";
os << "top_lvl:" << a.get_top_level() << '\n';
os << "size:" << a.size() << '\n' << '\n';
void test_insert_and_erase(std::ostream& os)
os << "test_insert_and_erase START\n";
Skiplist skiplist;
std::vector<int> keys{ 1,6,2,7,3,8,4,9,5 };
for (const auto& x : keys) {
skiplist.insert(x, x + 10);
os << '\n';
os << "size:" << skiplist.size() << '\n';
if (skiplist.size() != keys.size())
std::cout << "Invalid Size!!!\n";
os << "top_level:" << skiplist.get_top_level() << '\n';
std::sort(keys.begin(), keys.end());
for (const auto& x : keys) {
os << '\n';
os << "delete " << x << '\n';
os << "size:" << skiplist.size() << '\n';
os << "test_insert_and_erase FINNISHED\n";
void test_leakage_of_memory(std::ostream& os)
// insert and erase repeatly into a skip list
// if no memory leak there shouldnt be more memory and more memory used
constexpr int fill_size = 100000;;
constexpr int repeats = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < fill_size; ++i)
Skiplist skiplist;
for (int i = 0; i < repeats; ++i) {
for (const auto&x : keys)
skiplist.insert(x, x + 10);
for (const auto&x : keys)
void test_find(std::ostream& os)
os << "test_find START\n";
Skiplist skiplist;
std::vector<int> keys{ 1,6,2,7,3,8,4,9,5 };
for (const auto& x : keys)
skiplist.insert(x, x + 10);
std::sort(keys.begin(), keys.end());
for (const auto& x : keys) {
const int search_value = x + 10;
os << "searching with key " << x << " for value " << search_value << '\t';
int* value = skiplist.find(x);
if (value == nullptr) {
os << "TEST FAILED\n";
os << "found:" << *value << '\t';
if (*value == search_value)
os << "TEST PASSED\n";
os << "TEST FAILED\n";
const int invalid_key = keys.back() + 1;
os << "searching with key " << invalid_key << " not in skiplist" << '\t';
int* value = skiplist.find(invalid_key); // insert element which should not be found
if (value == nullptr) {
os << "not found" << '\t';
os << "TEST PASSED\n";
else {
os << "found:" << *value << '\t';
os << "TEST FAILED\n";
os << "test_find FINNISHED\n";
void test_copy_constructor(std::ostream& os)
os << "test_copy_constructor START\n";
Skiplist a;
for (int i = 2; i<10; ++i)
a.insert(i, i + 10);
info_print(a, "a", os);
Skiplist b{ a };
info_print(b, "b", os);
info_print(a, "a", os);
info_print(b, "b", os);
os << "test_copy_constructor FINISHED\n";
void test_move_constructor(std::ostream& os)
os << "test_move_constructor START\n";
Skiplist a;
for (int i = 2; i<10; ++i)
a.insert(i, i + 10);
info_print(a, "a", os);
Skiplist b{ std::move(a) };
info_print(a, "a", os);
info_print(b, "b", os);
for (int i = 12; i<15; ++i)
a.insert(i, i + 20);
info_print(a, "a", os);
info_print(b, "b", os);
os << "test_move_constructor FINISHED\n";
void test_copy_assignment(std::ostream& os)
os << "test_copy_assignment START\n";
Skiplist a;
for (int i = 2; i<10; ++i)
a.insert(i, i + 10);
info_print(a, "a", os);
Skiplist b;
b = a;
info_print(b, "b", os); // b should be the same like a
a.clear(); // clearing a should do nothing with b
info_print(a, "a", os);
info_print(b, "b", os);
os << "test_copy_constructor FINISHED\n";
void test_move_assignment(std::ostream& os)
os << "test_move_assignment START\n";
Skiplist a;
for (int i = 2; i<10; ++i) // fill first list
a.insert(i, i + 10);
info_print(a, "a", os);
Skiplist b;
for (int i = 12; i<15; ++i) // fill second list with other values
b.insert(i, i + 10);
info_print(b, "b", os);
b = std::move(a);
info_print(a, "a", os); // a should be empty
info_print(b, "b", os); // b should contain a's values, b's values get override
a.clear(); // clearing a should do nothing with b
info_print(a, "a", os);
info_print(b, "b", os);
os << "test_move_constructor FINISHED\n";
void test_performance_of_insert_delete(std::ostream& os,const int repeats, const int count_of_elements)
os << "test_performance_of_insert_delete START\n";
std::vector <int> rnd;
std::map <int, int > mp;
for (int i = 0; i < repeats; ++i) {
//fill vector with n unique random elements
for (int j = 0; j < count_of_elements; ++j) {
int in = 0;
while (true) {
in = get_random(1, std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
bool twice = false;
auto it = mp.find(in);
if (it == mp.end())
mp.insert(std::make_pair(in, i));
os << rnd.size() << "\n";
os << '\n';
//fill map and skiplist and compar
// fill skiplist
auto begin_sk = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
Skiplist sk;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < rnd.size(); ++i)
sk.insert(rnd[i], i);
auto end_sk = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
os << "skiplist filled. Time:" << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end_sk - begin_sk).count() << "\n";
// erase skiplist
auto begin_sk_d = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < rnd.size(); ++i)
auto end_sk_d = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
os << "skiplist deleted. Time:" << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end_sk_d - begin_sk_d).count() << "\n";
os << '\n';
// fill map
auto begin_mp = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
std::map<int, int> mp;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < rnd.size(); ++i)
mp.insert(std::pair<int, int>(rnd[i], i));
auto end_mp = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
os << "map filled. Time:" << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end_mp - begin_mp).count() << "\n";
// erase map
auto begin_mp_d = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < rnd.size(); ++i)
auto end_mp_d = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
os << "map deleted. Time:" << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(end_mp_d - begin_mp_d).count() << "\n";
os << '\n';
os << "test_performance_of_insert_delete FINISHED\n";
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include "skiplist_unit_test.h"
int get_random(int min, int max)
static std::random_device rd;
static std::mt19937 mt(rd());
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distribution(min, max);
return distribution(mt);
int main()
try {
std::ofstream ofs{ "skiplist_unit_test_results.txt" };
skiplist::unit_test::test_performance_of_insert_delete(ofs, 3, 100'000);
catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
std::cerr << e.what() << "\n";
catch (...) {
std::cerr << "unknown error\n";
During making the changes / reworking the code. The following Questions came up:
Representation of the Skipnode-Pointers
Last time it was suggested to replace Vector with sth "faster" for representing the collection of pointers in the nodes. I just have no Idea what could be used.
Probaly related to the vector question is the performance Issue. If i run the test were i insert and delete compared to std::map
the skiplist is still as slow as before. To give you some values:
skiplist filled.Time:2478
skiplist deleted.Time : 2671
map filled.Time : 800
map deleted.Time : 1676
skiplist filled.Time : 5390
skiplist deleted.Time : 5411
map filled.Time : 1650
map deleted.Time : 3408
skiplist filled.Time : 7774
skiplist deleted.Time : 7948
map filled.Time : 2380
map deleted.Time : 4970
So the skiplist is still 3 times slower than map. I get roughly the same results like with the mikromanagement in the vector i did in the last question. So there must be something which really eats alot of performance
EDIT: It was commented that map is superior to skiplist with insert / delete. So which container would be better to use for a compare. Is there a common Skiplist implementation in c++ to use?
Implementation of Copy Assignment
Currently the Copy constructor is implemented like the copy assignment. The code is repeditive. Is it a good idea in the move assignment to take old nodes if present and refill them with the new key / values?
Representation of the Headnode
The Head Element is now a Basenode for the Skipnodes. This is feels kinda ugly like a dirty hack to me. I even have to use at some places in the code statci_cast to cast to the key / values. I tryed to live without head but then the algorithms couldnt be implemented. Any suggestions are very welcome.
Unit Tests
I added the Unit Tests. Im not very expirience in writing Unit Tests. Currently each function tests a aspect of the skiplist and gives some report. Is this a good approach.
Test for leaking Memory
In the Unit Tests i tryed to test for leaking memory. Currently i allocate several times memory and deallocate it. During the run i look if the used memory increases manually in the debugger. Is this a good approach? I assume not.
Random Generator
Last time someone suggested to move Random Generator completely out of the class, and to put it in a separate class. I didn't understand how. Is the current implementation inside the class ok?
Beside these questions who burn me under the tip feel free to make any suggestions for improvements.
implementations use a red-black binary search tree, not a skip list. I've not looked thoroughly at the details of your code, but that may account for the difference. \$\endgroup\$