Honestly, I'm doing a practice and get blocked. Problem link.
The problem is simple, given a string, calculate the number of max length palindromes (Any substring is valid, which means you can take any chars you want and reorder them as you want). Return the result modulo 1000000007.
For example, given amim
, the answer is 2
and mam
Full Code
import math
import os
import random
import re
import sys
from itertools import permutations
from functools import lru_cache
# Complete the initialize function below.
def initialize(s):
# This function is called once before all queries.
s = [ord(i) - 97 for i in s]
results = [[0] * 26]
for i, v in enumerate(s):
result = results[i].copy()
result[v] += 1
return results
def count(s):
result = [0] * 26
for i in s:
result[i] += 1
return result
factorial = lru_cache(None)(math.factorial)
p = 1000000007
pow = lru_cache(None)(pow)
# Complete the answerQuery function below.
def answerQuery(l, r):
# Return the answer for this query modulo 1000000007.
counted1 = counted_list[l - 1]
counted2 = counted_list[r]
counted = [counted2[i] - counted1[i] for i in range(26)]
left = 0
total = 0
divide = []
for temp in counted:
left += temp & 1
total += temp >> 1
divide.append(temp >> 1)
total = factorial(total)
total = total % p
for i in divide:
temp = factorial(i)
temp = pow(temp, p - 2, p)
total = total * temp
result = total * (left or 1)
return result % p
if __name__ == '__main__':
s = input()
counted_list = initialize(s)
q = int(input())
for q_itr in range(q):
lr = input().split()
l = int(lr[0])
r = int(lr[1])
result = answerQuery(l, r)
The code above can pass #0~#21 testcases and will fail in #22 due to timeout. (Just copy it to Problem link page given at the top)
As #22 testcase is very huge, I cannot post it here. So here is the link:
If I can use numpy to rewrite this function, I think it will be better. But I cannot, I can only use the standard libs.
I use another customized factorial
function but exceed memory usage limitation :/ But it really reduces the total time cost.
factorial_table = [1, 1]
def factorial(n):
if n < len(factorial_table):
return factorial_table[n]
last = len(factorial_table) - 1
total = factorial_table[last]
for i in range(last + 1, n + 1):
total *= i
return total