I have a list of strings that represent a path. These are unique, unsorted values that look like this:
li = ['1/', '1/2/4/', '1/23/4/', '1/2/', '1/1/3/', '1/2/3/4/', '1/1/', '1/23/', '1/2/3/']
It can also be assumed that every path has a parent, e.g. 1/2/
has parent 1/
The goal is to organise these items in a structured XML format, where the parent-relation is clear, i.e. where deeper elements are part of their parents, mimicking a directory tree. Desired output for the list above would be:
<include path="1/">
<include path="1/1/">
<include path="1/1/3/"/>
<include path="1/2/">
<include path="1/2/3/">
<include path="1/2/3/4/"/>
<include path="1/2/4/"/>
<include path="1/23/">
<include path="1/23/4/"/>
The following works (run it here), but I am not sure about efficiency. The actual list can be thousands of values long. I am also curious about memory management, because I am writing all XML nodes in-memory. The eventual goal is to print the final XML to a file.
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import re
li = ['1/', '1/2/4/', '1/23/4/', '1/2/', '1/1/3/', '1/2/3/4/', '1/1/', '1/23/', '1/2/3/']
li = sorted(li)
# In Python >= 3.6 dicts maintain order
# Sets don't? So use best of both worlds, dict: speed and order
di = {l: False for l in li}
root = ET.Element('root')
# First build the root nodes, remove them from dict
for p in list(di.keys()):
if len(list(filter(None, p.split('/')))) == 1:
del di[p]
root.append(ET.Element('include', {'path': p}))
# Because dict (and so keys()) are ordered, we can assume that the nodes higher
# in the include tree are created before the more in-depth ones
for p in list(di.keys()):
parent_path = re.sub('\d+\/$', '', p)
parent = root.find(f'.//include[@path="{parent_path}"]')
parent.append(ET.Element('include', {'path': p}))
except Exception:
print(f"parent not found for {p}")
This indeed returns the expected output (not pretty-printed). I am wondering if there is a better option and whether there are flaws in my approach. I'll only be using Python >= 3.6, which is quite important for the order of the dictionary.
I noticed a bug with the sorting of the list/dict because actually the sorting was done on the strings which isn't what we want. (e.g. 1001/ would be before 134/) I rewrote part of the code, and use sets assuming these are faster.
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
import re
def get_xml(paths):
root = ET.Element('paths')
root_paths = set()
for p in paths:
# If only one item, use as first-level node - e.g. 1/
if len(list(filter(None, p.split('/')))) == 1:
root.append(ET.Element('include', {'path': p}))
# Remove root_paths from set
paths = paths.difference(root_paths)
# We can't use regular sort because that'll sort by string
# Instead, sort by array of ints representation. E.g. `12/1001/14/` -> [12, 1001, 14]
sorted_paths = sorted(paths, key=lambda item: [int(n) for n in list(filter(None, item.split('/')))])
for p in sorted_paths:
# Find parent_path by removing last part of string
parent_path = re.sub('\d+\/$', '', p)
parent = root.find(f'.//include[@path="{parent_path}"]')
parent.append(ET.Element('include', {'path': p}))
except AttributeError:
print(f"parent {parent_path} not found for {p}", flush=True)
return root
s = {'1/', '1/2/4/', '1/23/4/', '1/2/', '1/1/3/', '1/2/3/4/', '1/1/', '1/23/', '1/2/3/'}
xml = get_xml(s)