I am creating a prototype for a text-adventure to get into game development, and i wanted to take the opportunity to also try to use OOP concepts, since i have been struggling to understand the OOP design.
Here is my code so far (warning of funky names):
class Character:
def __init__(self, name, sex):
self.name = name
self.sex = sex
self.inventory = {
"albums": [],
"instruments": []
self.coordinates = {
'n': 0,
'e': 0,
's': 0,
'w': 0
def get_inventory(self):
def get_coordinates(self):
def str_coordinates(self):
to_string = [str(v) for k, v in self.coordinates.items()]
return ' '.join(to_string)
def __str__(self):
return self.name
class Map:
def __init__(self, *args):
self.rooms = [*args]
def get_room(self, room_coordinates):
current_room = ''
for room in self.rooms:
if room.coordinates == room_coordinates:
current_room = room
return current_room
def get_rooms(self):
rooms_str = ''
for room in self.rooms:
rooms_str += room.coordinates + "\n"
return rooms_str
class Room:
def __init__(self, coordinates, name, actions, items, next_rooms):
self.coordinates = coordinates
self.name = name
self.actions = actions
self.items = items
self.next_rooms = next_rooms
def str_actions(self):
return ', '.join(self.actions)
def get_items_types(self):
items_types = [item.item_type for item in self.items]
return items_types
def get_items_names(self):
items_names = [item.name for item in self.items]
return items_names
def __str__(self):
return self.name
class Item:
def __init__(self, item_type, name):
self.item_type = item_type
self.name = name
class Album(Item):
def __init__(self, item_type, name, lyrics):
super().__init__(item_type, name)
self.lyrics = lyrics
def __str__(self):
return self.item_type
ttng_animals = Album("Album", "Animals",
"Let's talk about facts, the very best moment we have")
math_rock_3 = Album("Album", "Math rock 3",
"Doesn't__init__ know the lyrics, play awesome guitar solo with tapping")
sort_of = Album("Album", "A test",
"Doesn't__init__ know the lyrics, play awesome guitar solo with tapping")
standard_actions = ["look", "move", "coordinates", "inventory", "take"]
player = Character("Mabuelalelelejando", "male")
start = Room("0 0 0 0", "Start", standard_actions, [math_rock_3, ttng_animals, sort_of], ['n'])
room_2 = Room("1 0 0 0", "Room 2", standard_actions, [("instrument", "nya")] , ['s'])
game_map = Map(start, room_2)
def update_north():
if player.coordinates['s'] > 0:
player.coordinates['s'] -= 1
player.coordinates['n'] += 1
def update_east():
if player.coordinates['w'] > 0:
player.coordinates['w'] -= 1
player.coordinates['e'] += 1
def update_south():
if player.coordinates['n'] > 0:
player.coordinates['n'] -= 1
player.coordinates['s'] += 1
def update_west():
if player.coordinates['e'] > 0:
player.coordinates['e'] -= 1
player.coordinates['w'] += 1
def update_coordinates(movement):
if movement.lower() == 'n':
return update_north()
if movement.lower() == 'e':
return update_east()
if movement.lower() == 's':
return update_south()
if movement.lower() == 'w':
return update_west()
def ask_for_action():
current_room = game_map.get_room(player.str_coordinates())
action_decision = input('').split()
while action_decision[0] not in current_room.actions:
action_decision = input('').split()
return action_decision
def move(*args):
current_room = game_map.get_room(player.str_coordinates())
directions = current_room.next_rooms
print("You can move to: {}. A direction alsjeblieft:".format(', '.join(directions)))
direction = input('')
while direction.lower() not in directions:
print("{}. A direction alsjeblieft:".format(directions))
direction = input('')
def take(*args):
current_room = game_map.get_room(player.str_coordinates())
items_types = list(map(str.lower, current_room.get_items_types()))
items_names = list(map(str.lower, current_room.get_items_names()))
separated_items_names = []
for item_name in items_names:
for word in item_name.split():
if args:
arg_in_name = []
arg_not_in_name = set()
for arg in args:
if arg in separated_items_names:
print(arg_in_name, arg_not_in_name)
if len(arg_not_in_name) > 0 and len(arg_in_name) > 0:
for i in range(0, len(items_names)):
if arg_in_name[0] in items_names[i]:
item_index = i
print("Do you want to take the {}?".format(items_names[item_index]))
if len(arg_not_in_name) == 0 and len(arg_in_name) > 0:
asked_items = set()
for i in range(0, len(items_names)):
for name in arg_in_name:
if name in items_names[i]:
item_index = i
if len(asked_items) > 1:
print("Do you want to take the {}?".format(items_names[item_index]))
actions = {
"move": move,
"take": take,
"inventory": player.get_inventory,
"coordinates": player.get_coordinates
def main():
while True:
action = ask_for_action()
if action[0] in actions:
args = action[1:]
if len(args):
print("Sorry please, alsjeblieft ):")
Please, let me know about any way you think this can be further improved. I haven't introduced things like puzzles, so items are not very useful. I just implemented the take function.
Also, any suggestion to improve the OOP design on this game, as well as my understanding in OOP will be very appreciated.
class from the standard library. \$\endgroup\$