Problem Summary (USACO Gold 3 February 2016)
Given a rectangular coordinate plane of dimensions
, there areN
vertical fences, andM
horizontal fences. Clearly, the intersection of these fences within the larger rectangle creates(n+1)(m+1)
, the x-coordinates of theN
vertical fences and the y coordinates of theM
horizontal fences, find the minimum amount of fence to remove to create a minimum spanning tree (connect all regions). In order to remove a fence and thus union two adjacent regions, the entire length of fence between them must be removed.
This is clearly a disjoint-set union problem (union-find/Kruskals), but the tricky part is building the edge-list and tree to union. Each edge is weighted by the length of fence between the two nodes that it connects.
Here is a quick outline of the code below:
Read in x,y coords of vertical, horizontal fences (also add 0,0,A,B as "fences")
For each intersection of the fences (some special cases at ends), add the left-facing and up-facing edges to edge list, and additionally add the region between the two edges as a node to the union-find tree.
Run Kruskals, keeping track of distance.
This is an O(ElogV) algorithm, which should be more than fast enough since N and M are less than 2000. Note that the given solution (linked above) is fast enough, where this takes to long (failure) for the last 4/10 test cases.
Where is the performance bottleneck? How can this be improved?
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#define ll long long
using namespace std;
const string PROJ_NAME = "fencedin";
struct edge {
ll dist;
int start;
int finish;
bool operator< (const edge &rhs) const { return dist < rhs.dist || (!(rhs.dist < dist) && start < rhs.start) || (!(rhs.start < start) && finish < rhs.finish); }
struct uf_node {
int parent;
int level;
ll A, B;
int N, M;
set<edge> edge_list;
vector<uf_node> tree;
void make_edge_list(ifstream &fin){
fin >> A >> B >> N >> M;
vector<int> vert(N+2);
vert[0] = 0;
for(int i = 1; i<=N; i++) fin >> vert[i];
vert[N+1] = A;
vector<int> hori(M+2);
hori[0] = 0;
for(int i = 1; i<=M; i++) fin >> hori[i];
hori[M+1] = B;
sort(vert.begin(), vert.end());
sort(hori.begin(), hori.end());
for(int i = 1; i<=N; i++){
for(int j = 1; j<=M; j++){
int curr = (i-1)*M+(j-1);
//Add node to DSU tree
uf_node n = {.parent = curr, .level = 0};
tree[curr] = n;
//Add leftward edge if not at bottom
if(i != N){
edge left = {.dist = hori[j]-hori[j-1], .start=curr, .finish=curr+M};
//Add upward edge if not at right
if(j != M){
edge up = {.dist = vert[i]-vert[i-1], .start=curr, .finish=curr+1};
int find_par(int i) {
if(i != tree[i].parent) {
tree[i].parent = find_par(tree[i].parent);
return tree[i].parent;
void do_union(int i, int j) {
int r = find_par(i);
int s = find_par(j);
if(r == s) return;
else if (tree[r].level > tree[s].level) {
tree[r].parent = s;
} else if (tree[s].level > tree[r].level) {
tree[s].parent = r;
} else {
tree[r].parent = s;
tree[r].level += 1;
int main()
ifstream fin (PROJ_NAME + ".in");
ofstream fout (PROJ_NAME + ".out");
int total_dist = 0;
for(edge e: edge_list){
if(find_par(e.start) != find_par(e.finish)){
do_union(e.start, e.finish);
total_dist += e.dist;
fout << total_dist << endl;
return 0;
tree[r].level > tree[r].level
- a typo? \$\endgroup\$if
beif (i == tree[i].parent)
? \$\endgroup\$