I am a beginner in Rust, and I am trying to write a program that compares common bits between two lists of bits. The program below does that (with the variable names indicating the domain of application). I would appreciate a code review by anyone who might point out idiomatic and concise ways of accomplishing the same.
extern crate getopts;
extern crate num_bigint;
extern crate num_traits;
extern crate rand;
use num_bigint::BigUint;
use rand::distributions::{IndependentSample, Range};
use num_traits::FromPrimitive;
use std::fs;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
use std::iter::repeat;
use getopts::Options;
use std::env;
use std::collections::HashMap;
struct MyOptions {
mutantlen: u64,
nmutants: u64,
ntests: u64,
nfaults: u64,
nchecks: u64,
nequivalents: u64,
impl ToString for MyOptions {
fn to_string(&self) -> String {
return format!("data/mutantlen={:?}/nequivalents={:?}/nmutants={:?}/nfaults={:?}/ntests={:?}/nchecks={:?}/",
self.mutantlen, self.nequivalents, self.nmutants,
self.nfaults, self.ntests, self.nchecks);
fn genbits(bitlen: u64, nflipped: u64) -> BigUint {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let faulty_bits: u64 = Range::new(1, nflipped + 1).ind_sample(&mut rng);
let mut m: BigUint = FromPrimitive::from_usize(0).unwrap();
for _ in 0..faulty_bits {
let pos: usize = Range::new(0, bitlen).ind_sample(&mut rng) as usize;
let one: BigUint = FromPrimitive::from_usize(1).unwrap();
let fault = one << pos;
m |= fault;
return m;
fn gen_lst(num: u64, len: u64, nflipped: u64) -> Vec<BigUint> {
return (0..num).map(|_| genbits(len, nflipped)).collect(); //::<Vec<_>>
fn gen_mutants(nmutants: u64, mutantlen: u64, nfaults: u64) -> Vec<BigUint> {
return gen_lst(nmutants, mutantlen, nfaults);
fn gen_tests(ntests: u64, mutantlen: u64, nchecks: u64) -> Vec<BigUint> {
return gen_lst(ntests, mutantlen, nchecks);
fn kills(test: &BigUint, mutant: &BigUint) -> bool {
return (test & mutant) > FromPrimitive::from_usize(0).unwrap();
fn zeros(size: usize) -> Vec<BigUint> {
fn mutant_killed_by(m: &BigUint, tests: &Vec<BigUint>) -> usize {
return tests.iter().filter(|t| kills(&t, m)).count();
fn mutant_killscore(
_opts: &MyOptions,
mutants: &Vec<BigUint>,
equivalents: &Vec<BigUint>,
my_tests: &Vec<BigUint>,
) -> HashMap<usize, usize> {
return mutants.iter().chain(equivalents.iter())
.map(|m| mutant_killed_by(m, my_tests))
fn do_statistics(opts: &MyOptions, mutant_kills: &HashMap<usize, usize>) -> () {
let mut ntests = Vec::new();
for i in 0..1001 {
let mut e = 0;
let mut a = 0;
let mut s = 0;
for (_m, k) in mutant_kills {
if *k == i {
e += 1;
if *k >= i {
a += 1;
if *k <= i {
s += 1;
ntests.push((i, a, s, e))
let fname = format!("{:}kills.csv", opts.to_string());
let mut f = File::create(&fname).expect(&format!("Unable to create file: {}", &fname));
f.write_all("ntests, atleast, atmost, exactly\n".as_bytes())
.expect("Unable to write data");
for &(i, a, s, e) in &ntests {
let data = format!("{}, {}, {}, {}\n", i, a, s, e);
f.write_all(data.as_bytes()).expect("Unable to write data");
fn main() {
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect();
let ref _program = args[0];
let mut opts = Options::new();
opts.optopt("l", "mutantlen", "length of a mutant", "mutantlen");
opts.optopt("m", "nmutants", "number of mutants", "nmutants");
opts.optopt("t", "ntests", "number of tests", "ntests");
opts.optopt("f", "nfaults", "maximum number of faults per mutant", "nfaults");
opts.optopt("c", "nchecks", "maximum number of checks per test", "nchecks");
opts.optopt("e", "nequivalents", "number of equivalents", "nequivalents");
let matches = match opts.parse(&args[1..]) {
Ok(m) => m,
Err(f) => panic!(f.to_string()),
let mutantlen = match matches.opt_str("l") {
Some(s) => s.parse().unwrap(),
None => 10000,
let nmutants = match matches.opt_str("m") {
Some(s) => s.parse().unwrap(),
None => 10000,
let ntests = match matches.opt_str("t") {
Some(s) => s.parse().unwrap(),
None => 10000,
let nfaults = match matches.opt_str("f") {
Some(s) => s.parse().unwrap(),
None => 10,
let nchecks = match matches.opt_str("c") {
Some(s) => s.parse().unwrap(),
None => 10,
let nequivalents = match matches.opt_str("e") {
Some(s) => s.parse().unwrap(),
None => 0,
let opts: MyOptions = MyOptions {
eprintln!("{:?}", opts);
fs::create_dir_all(opts.to_string()).unwrap_or_else(|why| {
println!("! {:?}", why.kind());
// first generate our tests
let my_tests = gen_tests(ntests, mutantlen, nchecks);
// Now generate n mutants
let mutants = gen_mutants(nmutants, mutantlen, nfaults);
let equivalents = zeros(nequivalents as usize);
// how many tests killed this mutant?
let mutant_kills = mutant_killscore(&opts, &mutants, &equivalents, &my_tests);
do_statistics(&opts, &mutant_kills);