
I am self taught in python. I love to play the lottery and play with numbers. I put this program together as a hobby to learn python and build something that people can use.

I used and reused code throughout the program, so some variables in different methods are the same, but still accomplish the goal.

Eventually I would like to build a GUI around this program, but I am not that far advanced yet. I was hoping to get some pointers and advice to improve the design.

__author__ = 'Daniel Ynacay'
import csv
import random
import urllib2
import time
from itertools import groupby

def main():
    # update all files for the program

''' control function so that every time the main() is called the program wont download all
    the files again '''

def run_once(f):

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        if not wrapper.has_run:
            wrapper.has_run = True
            return f(*args, **kwargs)
    wrapper.has_run = False
    return wrapper

def update_all_files():

    # this function downloads the cvs files needed for the program. 30 & 180 day numbers list.

    pb_30 = 'http://www.wvlottery.com/assets/diw/downloads/powerball-numbers-30.csv'
    mm_30 = 'http://www.wvlottery.com/assets/diw/downloads/megamillions-numbers-30.csv'
    hl_30 = 'http://www.wvlottery.com/assets/diw/downloads/hotlotto-numbers-30.csv'
    c25_30 = 'http://www.wvlottery.com/assets/diw/downloads/cash25-numbers-30.csv'
    d3_30 = 'http://www.wvlottery.com/assets/diw/downloads/daily3-numbers-30.csv'
    d4_30 = 'http://www.wvlottery.com/assets/diw/downloads/daily4-numbers-30.csv'

    pb6 = 'http://www.wvlottery.com/assets/diw/downloads/powerball-numbers-180.csv'
    mm6 = 'http://www.wvlottery.com/assets/diw/downloads/megamillions-numbers-180.csv'
    hl6 = 'http://www.wvlottery.com/assets/diw/downloads/hotlotto-numbers-180.csv'
    c26_6 = 'http://www.wvlottery.com/assets/diw/downloads/cash25-numbers-180.csv'
    d3 = 'http://www.wvlottery.com/assets/diw/downloads/daily3-numbers-180.csv'
    d4 = 'http://www.wvlottery.com/assets/diw/downloads/daily4-numbers-180.csv'
    with open('powerball-numbers-180.csv', 'wb') as a:
    with open('megamillions-numbers-180.csv', 'wb') as b:
    with open('hotlotto-numbers-180.csv', 'wb') as c:
    with open('cash25-numbers-180.csv', 'wb') as e:
    with open('daily3-numbers-180.csv', 'wb') as f:
    with open('daily4-numbers-180.csv', 'wb') as g:

    with open('powerball-numbers-30.csv', 'wb') as a:
    with open('megamillions-numbers-30.csv', 'wb') as b:
    with open('hotlotto-numbers-30.csv', 'wb') as c:
    with open('cash25-numbers-30.csv', 'wb') as e:
    with open('daily3-numbers-30.csv', 'wb') as f:
    with open('daily4-numbers-30.csv', 'wb') as g:
    print ('All files updated!')

def main_menu():
    # creates the menu
    print ('Welcome to WV Lottery Tool.')
    print ('Please choose from the following menu items')
    print ("")
    print ("Main Menu:               Type")
    print ("----------------------------")
    print ("Powerball Tool ---------- 1")
    print ("Mega Millions Tool ------ 2")
    print ("Hot Lotto Tool ---------- 3")
    print ("Cash 25 Tool  ----------- 4")
    print ("Daily Pick3 Tool -------- 5")
    print ("Daily Pick4 Tool -------- 6")
    print ("----------------------------")
    # Get user input here
    choice = raw_input('Please select your tool:')
    # --------check to see if the user entered the correct data.----------
        choice = int(choice)
    except ValueError:
        print("Please type a number from the menu above!")

    if choice <= 0 or choice >= 7:
        print ("Please choose a number from the above menu")
    # --------------continue with program-----------------------

    if choice == 1:
    if choice == 2:
    if choice == 3:
    if choice == 4:
    if choice == 5:
    if choice == 6:

# ==================powerball_tool()==================== #

def powerball_tool():
    # #=====GRAB JACKPOT STRING CODE======Grabs the estimated Jackpot update
    response = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.wvlottery.com/draw-games/powerball/')
    html = response.readlines()
    jackpot = html[427]
    jackpot = jackpot.strip()  # strips whitespace from both sides
    jackpot1 = str(jackpot)[27:-7]  # This cuts the <span></span> tags.
    # #===EMD GRAB JACKPOT STRING CODE==== 'jackpot1' variable is used=====
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    print ('Welcome to the Powerball Tool!')
    print '   ', jackpot1
    print ("Tool:                   Type")
    print ("----------------------------")
    print ("Easy Pick Tool ---------- 1")
    print ("Get Winning Numbers ----- 2")
    print ("See Month of PB Numbers-- 3")
    print ("6 Month Averages PB sets- 4")
    print ("Back to Main Menu ------- 5")
    print ("----------------------------")
    print ("\n" * 1)
    val = raw_input("Please select an option:")
        val = int(val)
    except ValueError:
        print("Please type a number from the menu above!")

    if val <= 0 or val >= 6:
        print ("Please choose a number from the above menu")
    if val == 1:
    if val == 2:
    if val == 3:
    if val == 4:
    if val == 5:

def pb_easy_pick():
    ball1 = random_number_gen()
    ball2 = random_number_gen()
    ball3 = random_number_gen()
    ball4 = random_number_gen()
    ball5 = random_number_gen()
    pball = random.randint(1, 26)

    white_set = [ball1, ball2, ball3, ball4, ball5]
    white_sorted_set = sorted(white_set)
    turn2str = str(white_sorted_set)[1:-1]
    turnpb2str = str(pball)
    addpbtext = ', PB'
    finaloutput = turn2str + ' ' + addpbtext + ' ' + turnpb2str
    # print white_sorted_set
    # print len(white_sorted_set)
    code = [len(list(group)) for key, group in groupby(white_sorted_set)]

    if len(code) == 5:
        print finaloutput
    elif len(code) <= 4:

def random_number_gen():
    ball = random.randint(1, 69)
    return ball

def quick_pb_pick():
    howmany = raw_input('How many Powerball sets? (max of 5:)')
# #--------check to see if the user entered the correct data.----------
        howmany = int(howmany)
    except ValueError:
        print("Please choose a number between 1 - 5 !")

    if howmany <= 0 or howmany >= 6:
        print ("Please choose a number between 1 - 5 !")

    if howmany == 1:
        print ''
        print ''
        pb_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
    if howmany == 2:
        print ''
        print ''
        for i in range(2):
            pb_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
    if howmany == 3:
        print ''
        print ''
        for i in range(3):
            pb_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
    if howmany == 4:
        print ''
        print ''
        for i in range(4):
            pb_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
    if howmany == 5:
        print ''
        print ''
        for i in range(5):
            pb_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
# #===================BEGIN FUCNTION check_pb_numbers()=================#

def check_pb_numbers():
    with open("powerball-numbers-180.csv") as f1:
        csv_f = csv.reader(f1)
        for i, row in enumerate(csv_f):
            print '{:<13}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^8}'.format(*row)
            if i >= 1:
                raw_input('press enter to continue')

# #===================END FUCNTION check_pb_numbers()=================#

def pbfm():
    f = open("powerball-numbers-30.csv")
    csv_f = csv.reader(f)
    for row in csv_f:
        print '{:<13}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^8}'.format(*row)
    raw_input('press enter to continue')

# #===========================GET ALL AVERAGAES FOR NUMBERS OVER 6 MONTHS=======start
# This function is calls 6 functions that send back the average for a 6 month period for each ball in the powerball.

def get_all_avgs():
    print avg1ball(), ',', avg2ball(), ',', avg3ball(), ',', avg4ball(), ',', avg5ball(), ', PB', avgpball()
    raw_input('press enter to continue')

def avg1ball():
    with open('powerball-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column1 = 1
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column1]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1)/file_len('powerball-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 1)

    return least_value

def avg2ball():
    with open('powerball-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column2 = 2
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column2]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1)/file_len('powerball-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 1)

    return least_value

def avg3ball():
    with open('powerball-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column3 = 3
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column3]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1)/file_len('powerball-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 1)

    return least_value

def avg4ball():
    with open('powerball-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column4 = 4
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column4]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1)/file_len('powerball-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 1)

    return least_value

def avg5ball():
    with open('powerball-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column5 = 5
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column5]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1)/file_len('powerball-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 1)

    return least_value

def avgpball():
    with open('powerball-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        powerballs = 6
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[powerballs]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1)/file_len('powerball-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 1)

    return least_value
# #---------------------------- BEGIN MEGA MILLIONS CODE-------------------------------#

def megamillions_tool():
    print('\n' * 5)
    # #=====GRAB JACKPOT STRING CODE======Grabs the estimated Jackpot update
    response = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.wvlottery.com/draw-games/mega-millions/')
    html = response.readlines()
    jackpot = html[426]
    jackpot = jackpot.strip()  # strips whitespace from both sides
    jackpot1 = str(jackpot)[27:-7]  # This cuts the <span></span> tags.
    # #===EMD GRAB JACKPOT STRING CODE==== 'jackpot1' variable is used=====
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    print ('Welcome to the Mega Millions Tool!')
    print '   ', jackpot1
    print ("Tool:                   Type")
    print ("----------------------------")
    print ("Easy Pick Tool ---------- 1")
    print ("Get Winning Numbers ----- 2")
    print ("See Month of MM Numbers-- 3")
    print ("6 Month Averages MM sets- 4")
    print ("Back to Main Menu ------- 5")
    print ("----------------------------")
    print ("\n" * 1)
    val = raw_input("Please select an option:")
        val = int(val)
    except ValueError:
        print("Please type a number from the menu above!")

    if val <= 0 or val >= 7:
        print ("Please choose a number from the above menu")
    if val == 1:
    if val == 2:
    if val == 3:
    if val == 4:
    if val == 5:

def mm_easy_pick():
    ball1 = randommm_number_gen()
    ball2 = randommm_number_gen()
    ball3 = randommm_number_gen()
    ball4 = randommm_number_gen()
    ball5 = randommm_number_gen()
    pball = random.randint(1, 15)

    white_set = [ball1, ball2, ball3, ball4, ball5]
    white_sorted_set = sorted(white_set)
    turn2str = str(white_sorted_set)[1:-1]
    turnpb2str = str(pball)
    addpbtext = ', MB'
    finaloutput = turn2str + ' ' + addpbtext + ' ' + turnpb2str
    # print white_sorted_set
    # print len(white_sorted_set)
    code = [len(list(group)) for key, group in groupby(white_sorted_set)]

    if len(code) == 5:
        print finaloutput
    elif len(code) <= 4:

def randommm_number_gen():
    ball = random.randint(1, 75)
    return ball

def quick_mm_pick():
    howmany = raw_input('How many Mega Millions sets? (max of 5:)')
    # #--------check to see if the user entered the correct data.----------
        howmany = int(howmany)
    except ValueError:
        print("Please choose a number between 1 - 5 !")

    if howmany <= 0 or howmany >= 6:
        print ("Please choose a number between 1 - 5 !")

    if howmany == 1:
        print ''
        print ''
        mm_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')

    if howmany == 2:
        print ''
        print ''
        for i in range(2):
            mm_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
    if howmany == 3:
        print ''
        print ''
        for i in range(3):
            mm_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
    if howmany == 4:
        print ''
        print ''
        for i in range(4):
            mm_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
    if howmany == 5:
        print ''
        print ''
        for i in range(5):
            mm_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')

# #===================BEGIN FUCNTION check_pb_numbers()=================#

def check_mm_numbers():
    with open("megamillions-numbers-180.csv") as f1:
        csv_f = csv.reader(f1)
        for i, row in enumerate(csv_f):
            print '{:<13}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^8}'.format(*row)
            if i >= 1:
                raw_input('press enter to continue')

# #===================END FUCNTION check_pb_numbers()=================#

def mmfm():
    f = open("megamillions-numbers-30.csv")
    csv_f = csv.reader(f)
    for row in csv_f:
        print '{:<13}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^8}'.format(*row)
    raw_input('press enter to continue')
''' #===========================GET ALL AVERAGAES FOR NUMBERS OVER 6

'''# This function is calls 6 functions that send back the average for a
6 month period for each ball in the powerball.'''

def get_allmm_avgs():
    print avg1mball(), ',', avg2mball(), ',', avg3mball(), ',', avg4mball(), ',', avg5mball(), ', MB', avgmmball()
    raw_input('press enter to continue')

def avg1mball():
    with open('powerball-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column1 = 1
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column1]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('megamillions-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 2)

    return least_value

def avg2mball():
    with open('megamillions-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column2 = 2
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column2]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('megamillions-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 2)

    return least_value

def avg3mball():
    with open('megamillions-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column3 = 3
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column3]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('megamillions-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 2)

    return least_value

def avg4mball():
    with open('megamillions-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column4 = 4
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column4]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('megamillions-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 2)

    return least_value

def avg5mball():
    with open('megamillions-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column5 = 5
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column5]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('megamillions-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 2)

    return least_value

def avgmmball():
    with open('megamillions-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        powerballs = 6
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[powerballs]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('megamillions-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 2)

    return least_value

# #======================================End get all averages============================#

# #---------------------------- END -  MEGA MILLIONS CODE-------------------------------#

def hotlotto_tool():
    print('\n' * 5)
    # #=====GRAB JACKPOT STRING CODE======Grabs the estimated Jackpot update
    # http://www.wvlottery.com/assets/diw/downloads/hotlotto-numbers-180.csv
    response = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.wvlottery.com/draw-games/hot-lotto/')
    html = response.readlines()
    jackpot = html[426]
    jackpot = jackpot.strip()  # strips whitespace from both sides
    jackpot1 = str(jackpot)[27:-7]  # This cuts the <span></span> tags.
    # #===EMD GRAB JACKPOT STRING CODE==== 'jackpot1' variable is used=====
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    print ('Welcome to the Hot Lotto Tool!')
    print '   ', jackpot1
    print ("Tool:                   Type")
    print ("----------------------------")
    print ("Easy Pick Tool ---------- 1")
    print ("Get Winning Numbers ----- 2")
    print ("See Month of HL Numbers-- 3")
    print ("6 Month Averages HL sets- 4")
    print ("Back to Main Menu ------- 5")
    print ("----------------------------")
    print ("\n" * 1)
    val = raw_input("Please select an option:")
        val = int(val)
    except ValueError:
        print("Please type a number from the menu above!")

    if val <= 0 or val >= 7:
        print ("Please choose a number from the above menu")
    if val == 1:
    if val == 2:
    if val == 3:
    if val == 4:
    if val == 5:

def hl_easy_pick():
    ball1 = randomhl_number_gen()
    ball2 = randomhl_number_gen()
    ball3 = randomhl_number_gen()
    ball4 = randomhl_number_gen()
    ball5 = randomhl_number_gen()
    pball = random.randint(1, 19)

    white_set = [ball1, ball2, ball3, ball4, ball5]
    white_sorted_set = sorted(white_set)
    turn2str = str(white_sorted_set)[1:-1]
    turnpb2str = str(pball)
    addpbtext = ', HB'
    finaloutput = turn2str + ' ' + addpbtext + ' ' + turnpb2str
    # print white_sorted_set
    # print len(white_sorted_set)
    code = [len(list(group)) for key, group in groupby(white_sorted_set)]

    if len(code) == 5:
        print finaloutput
    elif len(code) <= 4:

def randomhl_number_gen():
    ball = random.randint(1, 47)
    return ball

def quick_hl_pick():
    howmany = raw_input('How many Hot Lotto sets? (max of 5:)')
    # #--------check to see if the user entered the correct data.----------
        howmany = int(howmany)
    except ValueError:
        print("Please choose a number between 1 - 5 !")

    if howmany <= 0 or howmany >= 6:
        print ("Please choose a number between 1 - 5 !")

    if howmany == 1:
        print ''
        print ''
        hl_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
    if howmany == 2:
        print ''
        print ''
        for i in range(2):
            hl_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
    if howmany == 3:
        print ''
        print ''
        for i in range(3):
            hl_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
    if howmany == 4:
        print ''
        print ''
        for i in range(4):
            hl_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
    if howmany == 5:
        print ''
        print ''
        for i in range(5):
            hl_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')

# #===================BEGIN FUCNTION check_pb_numbers()=================#

def check_hl_numbers():
    with open("hotlotto-numbers-180.csv") as f1:
        csv_f = csv.reader(f1)
        for i, row in enumerate(csv_f):
            print '{:<13}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^8}'.format(*row)
            if i >= 1:
                raw_input('press enter to continue')
                break  # #keyword that ends this function and returns to the calling function.

# #===================END FUCNTION check_pb_numbers()=================#

def hlfm():
    f = open("hotlotto-numbers-30.csv")
    csv_f = csv.reader(f)
    for row in csv_f:
        print '{:<13}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^8}'.format(*row)
    raw_input('press enter to continue')

# #===========================GET ALL AVERAGAES FOR NUMBERS OVER 6 MONTHS=======start

# This function is calls 6 functions that send back the average for a 6 month period for each ball in the powerball.

def get_allhl_avgs():
    print avg1hlball(), ',', avg2hlball(), ',', avg3hlball(), ',', avg4hlball(), ',', avg5hlball(), ', HB', avghlball()
    raw_input('press enter to continue')

def avg1hlball():
    with open('hotlotto-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column1 = 1
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column1]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('hotlotto-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 2)

    return least_value

def avg2hlball():
    with open('hotlotto-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column2 = 2
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column2]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('hotlotto-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 2)

    return least_value

def avg3hlball():
    with open('hotlotto-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column3 = 3
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column3]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('hotlotto-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 2)

    return least_value

def avg4hlball():
    with open('hotlotto-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column4 = 4
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column4]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('hotlotto-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 2)

    return least_value

def avg5hlball():
    with open('hotlotto-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column5 = 5
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column5]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('hotlotto-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 2)

    return least_value

def avghlball():
    with open('hotlotto-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        powerballs = 6
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[powerballs]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('hotlotto-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 2)

    return least_value

def cash25_tool():
    print('\n' * 2)
    print ('Welcome to the Cash 25 Tool!')
    print '   '
    print ("Tool:                   Type")
    print ("----------------------------")
    print ("Easy Pick Tool ---------- 1")
    print ("Get Winning Numbers ----- 2")
    print ("Month of Cash 25 Numbers- 3")
    print ("6 Month Avg Cash 25 ----- 4")
    print ("Back to Main Menu ------- 5")
    print ("----------------------------")
    print ("\n" * 1)
    val = raw_input("Please select an option:")
        val = int(val)
    except ValueError:
        print("Please type a number from the menu above!")

    if val <= 0 or val >= 7:
        print ("Please choose a number from the above menu")
    if val == 1:
    if val == 2:
    if val == 3:
    if val == 4:
    if val == 5:

def c25_easy_pick():
    ball1 = random_c25number_gen()
    ball2 = random_c25number_gen()
    ball3 = random_c25number_gen()
    ball4 = random_c25number_gen()
    ball5 = random_c25number_gen()

    white_set = [ball1, ball2, ball3, ball4, ball5]
    white_sorted_set = sorted(white_set)
    turn2str = str(white_sorted_set)[1:-1]
    finaloutput = turn2str

    ''' The code below checks for duplicate numbers in the white_sorted_set variable,
        if there is less than 5 unique numbers the c25_easy_pick() is run again.'''
    code = [len(list(group)) for key, group in groupby(white_sorted_set)]
    if len(code) == 5:
        print finaloutput
    elif len(code) <= 4:

def random_c25number_gen():
    ball = random.randint(1, 25)
    return ball

def quick_c25_pick():
    howmany = raw_input('How many Cash 25 sets? (max of 5:)')
    # #--------check to see if the user entered the correct data.----------
        howmany = int(howmany)
    except ValueError:
        print("Please choose a number between 1 - 5 !")

    if howmany <= 0 or howmany >= 6:
        print ("Please choose a number between 1 - 5 !")

    if howmany == 1:
        print ''
        print ''
        c25_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
    if howmany == 2:
        print ''
        print ''
        for i in range(2):
            c25_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
    if howmany == 3:
        print ''
        print ''
        for i in range(3):
            c25_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
    if howmany == 4:
        print ''
        print ''
        for i in range(4):
            c25_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
    if howmany == 5:
        print ''
        print ''
        for i in range(5):
            c25_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')

# #===================BEGIN FUCNTION check_c25_numbers()=================#

def check_c25_numbers():
    with open("cash25-numbers-180.csv") as f1:
        csv_f = csv.reader(f1)
        for i, row in enumerate(csv_f):
            print '{:<13}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^8}'.format(*row)
            if i >= 1:
                raw_input('press enter to continue')

# #===================END FUCNTION check_pb_numbers()=================#

def c25fm():
    f = open("cash25-numbers-30.csv")
    csv_f = csv.reader(f)
    for row in csv_f:
        print '{:<13}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^8}'.format(*row)
    raw_input('press enter to continue')
    # #===========================GET ALL AVERAGAES FOR NUMBERS OVER 6 MONTHS=======start

# This function is calls 6 functions that send back the average for a 6 month period for each ball in the powerball.

def get_allc25_avgs():
    print avg1c25ball(), ',', avg2c25ball(), ',', avg3c25ball(), ',', avg4c25ball(), ',', avg5c25ball(), ',',\
    raw_input('press enter to continue')

def avg1c25ball():
    with open('cash25-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column1 = 1
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column1]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('cash25-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 2)

    return least_value

def avg2c25ball():
    with open('cash25-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column2 = 2
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column2]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('cash25-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 2)

    return least_value

def avg3c25ball():
    with open('cash25-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column3 = 3
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column3]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('cash25-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 2)

    return least_value

def avg4c25ball():
    with open('cash25-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column4 = 4
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column4]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('cash25-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 2)

    return least_value

def avg5c25ball():
    with open('cash25-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column5 = 5
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column5]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('cash25-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 2)

    return least_value

def avgc25ball():
    with open('cash25-numbers-180.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row http://www.wvlottery.com/assets/diw/downloads/cash25-numbers-180.csv
        powerballs = 6
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[powerballs]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('cash25-numbers-180.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 2)

    return least_value
# #---------------------------- END -  Cash 25 CODE-------------------------------#

def daily3_tool():
    print('\n' * 2)
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    print ('Welcome to the Daily 3 Tool!')
    print '   '
    print ("Tool:                   Type")
    print ("----------------------------")
    print ("Easy Pick Tool ---------- 1")
    print ("Get Winning Numbers ----- 2")
    print ("Month of Daily 3 Numbers- 3")
    print ("1 Month Avg Daily 3 ----- 4")
    print ("Back to Main Menu ------- 5")
    print ("----------------------------")
    print ("\n" * 1)
    val = raw_input("Please select an option:")
        val = int(val)
    except ValueError:
        print("Please type a number from the menu above!")

    if val <= 0 or val >= 7:
        print ("Please choose a number from the above menu")
    if val == 1:
    if val == 2:
    if val == 3:
    if val == 4:
    if val == 5:

def d3_easy_pick():
    ball1 = random_d3number_gen()
    ball2 = random_d3number_gen()
    ball3 = random_d3number_gen()

    white_set = [ball1, ball2, ball3]
    # white_sorted_set = sorted(white_set)
    turn2str = str(white_set)[1:-1]
    # turnpb2str = str(pball)
    # addpbtext = ', HB'
    # finaloutput = turn2str + ' '  ' ' + turnpb2str
    print turn2str

    # print len(white_sorted_set)

def random_d3number_gen():
    ball = random.randint(0, 9)
    return ball

def quick_d3_pick():
    howmany = raw_input('How many Daily 3 sets? (max of 5:)')
    # #--------check to see if the user entered the correct data.----------
        howmany = int(howmany)
    except ValueError:
        print("Please choose a number between 1 - 5 !")

    if howmany <= 0 or howmany >= 6:
        print ("Please choose a number between 1 - 5 !")

    if howmany == 1:
        print ''
        print ''
        d3_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
    if howmany == 2:
        print ''
        print ''
        for i in range(2):
            d3_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
    if howmany == 3:
        print ''
        print ''
        for i in range(3):
            d3_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
    if howmany == 4:
        print ''
        print ''
        for i in range(4):
            d3_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
    if howmany == 5:
        print ''
        print ''
        for i in range(5):
            d3_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')

# #===================BEGIN FUCNTION check_c25_numbers()=================#

def check_d3_numbers():
    with open("daily3-numbers-180.csv") as f1:
        csv_f = csv.reader(f1)
        for i, row in enumerate(csv_f):
            print '{:<13}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}'.format(*row)
            if i >= 1:
                raw_input('press enter to continue')

# #===================END FUCNTION check_pb_numbers()=================#

def d3fm():
    f = open("daily3-numbers-30.csv")
    csv_f = csv.reader(f)
    for row in csv_f:
        print '{:<13}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}'.format(*row)
    raw_input('press enter to continue')

    # #===========================GET ALL AVERAGAES FOR NUMBERS OVER 1 MONTH=======start

# This function is calls 6 functions that send back the average for a 6 month period for each ball in the powerball.

def get_alld3_avgs():
    print avg1d3ball(), ',', avg2d3ball(), ',', avg3d3ball()
    raw_input('press enter to continue')

def avg1d3ball():
    with open('daily3-numbers-30.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column1 = 1
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column1]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('daily3-numbers-30.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 2)

    return least_value

def avg2d3ball():
    with open('daily3-numbers-30.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column2 = 2
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column2]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('daily3-numbers-30.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 2)

    return least_value

def avg3d3ball():
    with open('daily3-numbers-30.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column3 = 3
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column3]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('daily3-numbers-30.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 2)

    return least_value

# #======================================End get all averages============================#
# #---------------------------- END -  Daily 3 CODE-------------------------------#

def daily4_tool():
    print('\n' * 2)
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------
    print ('Welcome to the Daily 4 Tool!')
    print '   '
    print ("Tool:                   Type")
    print ("----------------------------")
    print ("Easy Pick Tool ---------- 1")
    print ("Get Winning Numbers ----- 2")
    print ("Month of Daily 4 Numbers- 3")
    print ("1 Month Avg Daily 4 ----- 4")
    print ("Back to Main Menu ------- 5")
    print ("----------------------------")
    print ("\n" * 1)
    val = raw_input("Please select an option:")
        val = int(val)
    except ValueError:
        print("Please type a number from the menu above!")

    if val <= 0 or val >= 7:
        print ("Please choose a number from the above menu")
    if val == 1:
    if val == 2:
    if val == 3:
    if val == 4:
    if val == 5:

def d4_easy_pick():
    ball1 = random_d4number_gen()
    ball2 = random_d4number_gen()
    ball3 = random_d4number_gen()
    ball4 = random_d4number_gen()

    white_set = [ball1, ball2, ball3, ball4]
    # white_sorted_set = sorted(white_set)
    turn2str = str(white_set)[1:-1]
    # turnpb2str = str(pball)
    # addpbtext = ', HB'
    # finaloutput = turn2str + ' '  ' ' + turnpb2str
    print turn2str

    # print len(white_sorted_set)

def random_d4number_gen():
    ball = random.randint(0, 9)
    return ball

def quick_d4_pick():
    howmany = raw_input('How many Daily 4 sets? (max of 5:)')
    # #--------check to see if the user entered the correct data.----------
        howmany = int(howmany)
    except ValueError:
        print("Please choose a number between 1 - 5 !")

    if howmany <= 0 or howmany >= 6:
        print ("Please choose a number between 1 - 5 !")

    if howmany == 1:
        print ''
        d4_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
    if howmany == 2:
        print ''
        for i in range(2):
            d4_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
    if howmany == 3:
        print ''
        for i in range(3):
            d4_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
    if howmany == 4:
        print ''
        for i in range(4):
            d4_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')
    if howmany == 5:
        print ''
        for i in range(5):
            d4_easy_pick(), '\n'
        print ''
        raw_input('press enter to continue')

# #===================BEGIN FUCNTION check_c25_numbers()=================#

def check_d4_numbers():
    with open("daily4-numbers-180.csv") as f1:
        csv_f = csv.reader(f1)
        for i, row in enumerate(csv_f):
            print '{:<13}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}'.format(*row)
            if i >= 1:
                raw_input('press enter to continue')

# #===================END FUCNTION check_pb_numbers()=================#

def d4fm():
    f = open("daily4-numbers-30.csv")
    csv_f = csv.reader(f)
    for row in csv_f:
        print '{:<13}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}{:^10}'.format(*row)
    raw_input('press enter to continue')

    # #===========================GET ALL AVERAGAES FOR NUMBERS OVER 6 MONTHS=======start

# This function is calls 6 functions that send back the average for a 6 month period for each ball in the powerball.

def get_alld4_avgs():
    print avg1d4ball(), ',', avg2d4ball(), ',', avg3d4ball(), ',', avg4d4ball()
    raw_input('press enter to continue')

def avg1d4ball():
    with open('daily4-numbers-30.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column1 = 1
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column1]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('daily4-numbers-30.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 1)

    return least_value

def avg2d4ball():
    with open('daily4-numbers-30.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column2 = 2
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column2]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('daily4-numbers-30.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 1)

    return least_value

def avg3d4ball():
    with open('daily4-numbers-30.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column3 = 3
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column3]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('daily4-numbers-30.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 1)

    return least_value

def avg4d4ball():
    with open('daily4-numbers-30.csv', 'rb') as inf:
        has_header = csv.Sniffer().has_header(inf.read(1024))
        inf.seek(0)  # rewind
        incsv = csv.reader(inf)
        if has_header:
            next(incsv)  # skip header row
        column4 = 4
        datatype = float
        data1 = (datatype(row[column4]) for row in incsv)
        least_value = sum(data1) / file_len('daily4-numbers-30.csv') - 1
        least_value = round(least_value, 1)

    return least_value

# #======================================End get all averages============================#
# #---------------------------- END -  Daily 4 CODE-------------------------------#

def file_len(fname):
    with open(fname) as f:
        for i, l in enumerate(f):
    return i + 1
  • \$\begingroup\$ I don't know python, but won't most of these functions stack overflow given sufficient time and (in)correct inputs? Most of them seem to call themselves at one point or another. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 11, 2017 at 23:58

3 Answers 3


First, if you use the context manager (the with statement), it will safely close your file for you, so in

with open('powerball-numbers-180.csv', 'wb') as a:

(and similar blocks) the statement


is useless.

Second, your long series of blocks, starting with

with open('powerball-numbers-180.csv', 'wb') as a:
with open('megamillions-numbers-180.csv', 'wb') as b:
with open('hotlotto-numbers-180.csv', 'wb') as c:

will be more clear if you first create a lists of the corresponding files and urls, something as

files_urls = [
    ('powerball-numbers-180.csv',    pb6),
    ('megamillions-numbers-180.csv', mm6),
    ('hotlotto-numbers-180.csv',     h16),

and then use them in a loop:

for file, url in files_urls:
    with open(file, 'wb') as f:
  • \$\begingroup\$ files_urls = [ ('powerball-numbers-180.csv', pb6), ('megamillions-numbers-180.csv', mm6), ('hotlotto-numbers-180.csv', h16), ] <----not familiar with this, does this auto assign variables to the files like this?? \$\endgroup\$
    – Danny
    Commented Aug 14, 2017 at 1:52
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Danny - No, this is only a list of tuples (particularly pairs) then used in the loop for file, url in files_urls: where first members of pairs are sequentially assigned to the variable file and second ones to the variable url. \$\endgroup\$
    – MarianD
    Commented Aug 14, 2017 at 2:22

Try keeping the DRY principle (Don't Repeat Yourself):

You use the same csv names both for remote sites, as in this excerpt:

pb_30 = 'http://www.wvlottery.com/assets/diw/downloads/powerball-numbers-30.csv'
mm_30 = 'http://www.wvlottery.com/assets/diw/downloads/megamillions-numbers-30.csv'
hl_30 = 'http://www.wvlottery.com/assets/diw/downloads/hotlotto-numbers-30.csv'

and for your local files, as in this excerpt:

with open('powerball-numbers-30.csv', 'wb') as a:
with open('megamillions-numbers-30.csv', 'wb') as b:
with open('hotlotto-numbers-30.csv', 'wb') as c:

Why don't make a list of them, e. g.

names = [

give a name for the common prefix

prefix = 'http://www.wvlottery.com/assets/diw/downloads/'

and then (see my previous answer - this is just the next step in the improvement) use that list in a loop

for name in names:
    with open(name, 'wb') as f:
        f.wirte(urllib2.urlopen(prefix + name).read())

(So the assignments as in the first excerpt of this answer - for names pb_30, mm_30, and so on become superfluous and may be deleted from your code.)


Notes to the definition of your function quick_d3_pick():

if howmany <= 0 or howmany >= 6:


if howmany not in range(1, 6):

Instead of

print ''

you may use simply


Instead of long if series starting with

if howmany == 1:
    print ''
    print ''
    d3_easy_pick(), '\n'
    print ''
    print ''
    raw_input('press enter to continue')
if howmany == 2:
    print ''
    print ''
    for i in range(2):
        d3_easy_pick(), '\n'
    print ''
    print ''
    raw_input('press enter to continue')

you may use the howmany value without testing it in if statements - directly in range() function of the for loop, so your whole series will be reduced to

for __ in range(howmany):
    d3_easy_pick(), '\n'
raw_input('press enter to continue')

Note the use of __ (2 consecutive underlines characters) instead of the name i in the for loop - it is a good practice to use it in the place of not used names.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Yes, i am just now getting comfortable with the range(). All very good advice, and will make me be a better python coder. Learning a lot from your comments, so thank you very much. \$\endgroup\$
    – Danny
    Commented Aug 11, 2017 at 18:30
  • \$\begingroup\$ You're welcome. Python is a beautiful language. \$\endgroup\$
    – MarianD
    Commented Aug 11, 2017 at 19:06
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ The first suggestion may also be if not 0 < howmany < 6 \$\endgroup\$
    – Quelklef
    Commented Aug 12, 2017 at 0:29
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Quelklef - May be - it is a matter of personal style. For me it is a little less straightforward. \$\endgroup\$
    – MarianD
    Commented Aug 12, 2017 at 16:58

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