At the moment I'm learning Python and I made this script to workout my skills. Since it is one of my first programs I would love some feedback and tips, like more organization, less lines of code or more optimization, anything I could improve.
print "Do you want to encrypt or decrypt the message (e/d)"
action = raw_input("> ")
while action != "e" and action != "d":
action = raw_input( "(e/d): ")
abc_l_e = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
abc_l_d = "zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbazyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba"
chars = "!\"#$%&'()*+-'-./:;<=>?@[]^_{}|~1234567890"
if action == "e":
print "\nEnter the message to encrypt"
message = raw_input("> ")
print "\nEnter the key"
key = input("> ")
while not (key >= 1 and key <= 26):
print "Number not in range (1-26). Try again"
key = input("> ")
print "That's not a correct integer. Try again."
e_message = ""
for char in message:
if char in abc_l_e:
e_message += abc_l_e[(abc_l_e.index(char) + key)]
if char in abc_u_e:
e_message += abc_u_e[(abc_u_e.index(char) + key)]
elif char == " ":
e_message += " "
elif char in chars:
e_message += char
print "Your encrypted message is:\n", e_message
elif action == "d":
print "\nEnter the message to decrypt"
message = raw_input("> ")
print "\nEnter the key (enter \"n\" if you don't know)"
key = raw_input("> ")
if key != "n":
while not (int(key) >= 1 and int(key) <= 26):
print "Number not in range (1-26). Try again"
key = input("> ")
print "That's not a correct integer nor \"n\". Try again."
d_message = ""
if key != "n":
key = int(key)
for char in message:
if char in abc_l_d:
d_message += abc_l_d[(abc_l_d.index(char) + key)]
elif char in abc_u_d:
d_message += abc_u_d[(abc_u_d.index(char) + key)]
elif char == " ":
d_message += char
elif char in chars:
d_message += char
print "Your decrypted message is:\n", d_message
if key == "n":
results = []
for turn in range(1,26):
d_message = ""
for char in message:
if char in abc_l_d:
d_message += abc_l_d[(abc_l_d.index(char) + turn)]
elif char in abc_u_d:
d_message += abc_u_d[(abc_u_d.index(char) + turn)]
elif char == " ":
d_message += char
elif char in chars:
d_message += char
print "\nYour decrypted message is between one of the following:"
for result in results:
print "%d." % (results.index(result) + 1), result