This is a followup question to Arbitrary large unsigned integers. The feedback was very helpful and made me redesign large portions of the code.
I changed the struct
to distinguish between the number of meaningful elements (n
) and the number of elements there's space allocated for (s
struct hugeint
size_t s;
size_t n;
unsigned int e[];
And the helper function to change the size of an instance became a little more complex:
static hugeint *hugeint_scale(hugeint *self, size_t newSize)
if (newSize == self->n) return self;
if (newSize > self->s)
size_t s = self->s;
while (newSize > s) s *= 2;
self = xrealloc(self,
sizeof(hugeint) + s * sizeof(unsigned int));
self->s = s;
if (newSize > self->n)
memset(&(self->e[self->n]), 0,
(self->s - self->n) * sizeof(unsigned int));
else if (newSize < self->n)
memset(&(self->e[newSize]), 0,
(self->n - newSize) * sizeof(unsigned int));
self->n = newSize;
return self;
Now I have the following function for an "in place addition":
void hugeint_addToSelf(hugeint **self, const hugeint *other)
if ((*self)->n < other->n)
*self = hugeint_scale(*self, other->n);
unsigned int carry = 0;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < other->n; ++i)
unsigned int v = (*self)->e[i] + other->e[i];
unsigned int nextCarry = v < other->e[i];
(*self)->e[i] = v + carry;
if (!carry || (*self)->e[i]) carry = nextCarry;
for (; i < (*self)->n; ++i)
(*self)->e[i] = (*self)->e[i] + carry;
carry = carry && !(*self)->e[i];
if (carry)
*self = hugeint_scale(*self, (*self)->n + 1);
(*self)->e[(*self)->n - 1] = 1;
and a very similar function for "in place subtraction":
void hugeint_subFromSelf(hugeint **self, const hugeint *other)
if (hugeint_isZero(other)) return;
int comp = hugeint_compare(*self, other);
if (comp < 0)
*self = 0;
if (comp == 0)
*self = hugeint_scale(*self, 1);
(*self)->e[0] = 0;
unsigned int carry = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < (*self)->n; ++i)
unsigned int v = (*self)->e[i] + (i < other->n ? ~(other->e[i]) : ~0U);
unsigned int nextCarry = v < (*self)->e[i];
(*self)->e[i] = v + carry;
if (!carry || (*self)->e[i]) carry = nextCarry;
Basically, I have two questions left (and more ideas to improve the code are of course welcome as well!):
- Is there some better way to handle carry? As I aim for a pure C solution, I can't take advantage of a carry flag, but this "soft carry" kind of looks over-complicated?
- As pointed out in the comments on my earlier question, using
unsigned int
I do all calculations in 32bit on x86_64, therefore missing on better performance by using 64bit arithmetic instructions of the processor. Can somebody suggest me a good way to pick the "ideal" base int type, so I use the widest type with direct CPU support on any platform?
For reference, the whole code:
#ifndef HUGEINT_H
#define HUGEINT_H
#include <stddef.h>
typedef struct hugeint hugeint;
hugeint *hugeint_create(void);
hugeint *hugeint_clone(const hugeint *self);
hugeint *hugeint_fromUint(unsigned int val);
hugeint *hugeint_parse(const char *str);
hugeint *hugeint_parseHex(const char *str);
hugeint *hugeint_add(const hugeint *a, const hugeint *b);
hugeint *hugeint_sub(const hugeint *minuend, const hugeint *subtrahend);
hugeint *hugeint_mult(const hugeint *a, const hugeint *b);
hugeint *hugeint_div(const hugeint *dividend, const hugeint *divisor,
hugeint **remainder);
int hugeint_isZero(const hugeint *self);
int hugeint_compare(const hugeint *self, const hugeint *other);
int hugeint_compareUint(const hugeint *self, unsigned int other);
void hugeint_increment(hugeint **self);
void hugeint_decrement(hugeint **self);
void hugeint_addToSelf(hugeint **self, const hugeint *other);
void hugeint_subFromSelf(hugeint **self, const hugeint *other);
void hugeint_shiftLeft(hugeint **self, size_t positions);
void hugeint_shiftRight(hugeint **self, size_t positions);
char *hugeint_toString(const hugeint *self);
char *hugeint_toHexString(const hugeint *self);
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "hugeint.h"
#define HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(unsigned int))
struct hugeint
size_t s;
size_t n;
unsigned int e[];
static void *xmalloc(size_t size)
void *m = malloc(size);
if (!m) exit(1);
return m;
static void *xrealloc(void *m, size_t size)
void *m2 = realloc(m, size);
if (!m2) exit(1);
return m2;
static size_t copyNum(char **out, const char *str)
const char *p = str;
const char *start;
size_t length = 0;
while (*p && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == '0')) ++p;
if (*p < '0' || *p > '9') return 0;
start = p;
while (*p >= '0' && *p <= '9')
*out = xmalloc(length + 1);
(*out)[length] = 0;
memcpy(*out, start, length);
return length;
static hugeint *hugeint_scale(hugeint *self, size_t newSize)
if (newSize == self->n) return self;
if (newSize > self->s)
size_t s = self->s;
while (newSize > s) s *= 2;
self = xrealloc(self,
sizeof(hugeint) + s * sizeof(unsigned int));
self->s = s;
if (newSize > self->n)
memset(&(self->e[self->n]), 0,
(self->s - self->n) * sizeof(unsigned int));
else if (newSize < self->n)
memset(&(self->e[newSize]), 0,
(self->n - newSize) * sizeof(unsigned int));
self->n = newSize;
return self;
static void hugeint_autoscale(hugeint **self)
(*self)->n = (*self)->s;
while ((*self)->n > 1 && !(*self)->e[(*self)->n-1]) --(*self)->n;
static hugeint *hugeint_createSized(size_t size)
size_t s = size;
hugeint *self = xmalloc(sizeof(hugeint) + s * sizeof(unsigned int));
memset(self, 0, sizeof(hugeint) + s * sizeof(unsigned int));
self->s = s;
self->n = size;
return self;
hugeint *hugeint_create(void)
return hugeint_createSized(1);
hugeint *hugeint_clone(const hugeint *self)
hugeint *clone = xmalloc(sizeof(hugeint) + self->s * sizeof(unsigned int));
memcpy(clone, self, sizeof(hugeint) + self->s * sizeof(unsigned int));
return clone;
hugeint *hugeint_fromUint(unsigned int val)
hugeint *self = hugeint_create();
self->e[0] = val;
return self;
hugeint *hugeint_parse(const char *str)
char *buf;
hugeint *result = hugeint_create();
size_t bcdsize = copyNum(&buf, str);
if (!bcdsize) return result;
size_t scanstart = 0;
size_t n = 0;
size_t i;
unsigned int mask = 1;
for (i = 0; i < bcdsize; ++i) buf[i] -= '0';
while (scanstart < bcdsize)
if (buf[bcdsize - 1] & 1) result->e[n] |= mask;
mask <<= 1;
if (!mask)
mask = 1;
if (++n == result->n) result = hugeint_scale(result, result->n + 1);
for (i = bcdsize - 1; i > scanstart; --i)
buf[i] >>= 1;
if (buf[i-1] & 1) buf[i] |= 8;
buf[scanstart] >>= 1;
while (scanstart < bcdsize && !buf[scanstart]) ++scanstart;
for (i = scanstart; i < bcdsize; ++i)
if (buf[i] > 7) buf[i] -= 3;
return result;
static unsigned char hexNibble(const char *str)
unsigned char hex = *str;
if (hex >= 'a' && hex <='f')
hex -= ('a' - 10);
else if (hex >= 'A' && hex <= 'F')
hex -= ('A' - 10);
else if (hex >= '0' && hex <= '9')
hex -= '0';
hex = 0;
return hex;
hugeint *hugeint_parseHex(const char *str)
size_t len = strlen(str);
size_t bits = len * 4;
size_t n = HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS / bits;
size_t leading = HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS % bits;
size_t i = n;
if (leading) ++n;
hugeint *result = hugeint_createSized(n);
if (leading)
unsigned int shift = leading;
while (shift)
shift -= 4;
unsigned char nibble = hexNibble(str++);
result->e[i] |= ((unsigned int)nibble << shift);
while (i)
unsigned int shift = HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS;
while (shift)
shift -= 4;
unsigned char nibble = hexNibble(str++);
result->e[i] |= ((unsigned int)nibble << shift);
return result;
hugeint *hugeint_add(const hugeint *a, const hugeint *b)
if (a->n < b->n)
const hugeint *tmp = a;
a = b;
b = tmp;
hugeint *result = hugeint_clone(a);
hugeint_addToSelf(&result, b);
return result;
hugeint *hugeint_sub(const hugeint *minuend, const hugeint *subtrahend)
hugeint *result = hugeint_clone(minuend);
hugeint_subFromSelf(&result, subtrahend);
return result;
static hugeint *multUint(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
if (!a || !b) return hugeint_create();
if (a < b)
unsigned int tmp = a;
a = b;
b = tmp;
unsigned int halfMask = (1 << (HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS / 2)) - 1;
unsigned int maskA = halfMask;
unsigned int maskB = halfMask;
unsigned int direct = 0;
while (maskB)
if (a > maskA && b > maskB) break;
if (a <= maskA && b <= maskB)
direct = 1;
maskA = (maskA << 1) | 1;
maskB >>= 1;
if (direct)
return hugeint_fromUint(a * b);
unsigned int ah = a >> (HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS / 2);
unsigned int al = a & halfMask;
unsigned int bh = b >> (HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS / 2);
unsigned int bl = b & halfMask;
hugeint *p1 = multUint(ah, bh);
hugeint *p2 = multUint(al, bl);
unsigned int p3f1u = ah + al;
unsigned int p3f2u = bh + bl;
hugeint *p3;
if (p3f1u < ah || p3f2u < bh)
hugeint *p3f1;
hugeint *p3f2;
if (p3f1u < ah)
p3f1 = hugeint_createSized(2);
p3f1->e[0] = p3f1u;
p3f1->e[1] = 1;
else p3f1 = hugeint_fromUint(p3f1u);
if (p3f2u < bh)
p3f2 = hugeint_createSized(2);
p3f2->e[0] = p3f2u;
p3f2->e[1] = 1;
else p3f2 = hugeint_fromUint(p3f2u);
p3 = hugeint_mult(p3f1, p3f2);
p3 = multUint(p3f1u, p3f2u);
hugeint_subFromSelf(&p3, p2);
hugeint_subFromSelf(&p3, p1);
hugeint_shiftLeft(&p3, HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS - (HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS / 2));
hugeint_shiftLeft(&p1, HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS);
hugeint_addToSelf(&p3, p1);
hugeint_addToSelf(&p3, p2);
return p3;
hugeint *hugeint_mult(const hugeint *a, const hugeint *b)
if (hugeint_isZero(a) || hugeint_isZero(b)) return hugeint_create();
if (b->n > a->n)
const hugeint *tmp = a;
a = b;
b = tmp;
if (a->n == 1) return multUint(a->e[0], b->e[0]);
size_t nh = a->n / 2;
size_t nl = a->n - nh;
size_t bnl = nl;
if (b->n < bnl) bnl = b->n;
hugeint *ah = hugeint_createSized(nh);
memcpy(&(ah->e), &(a->e[nl]), nh * sizeof(unsigned int));
hugeint *al = hugeint_createSized(nl);
memcpy(&(al->e), &(a->e), nl * sizeof(unsigned int));
hugeint *bh;
if (b->n > nl)
bh = hugeint_createSized(b->n - nl);
memcpy(&(bh->e), &(b->e[nl]), (b->n - nl) * sizeof(unsigned int));
bh = hugeint_create();
hugeint *bl = hugeint_createSized(bnl);
memcpy(&(bl->e), &(b->e), bnl * sizeof(unsigned int));
hugeint *p1 = hugeint_mult(ah, bh);
hugeint *p2 = hugeint_mult(al, bl);
hugeint_addToSelf(&ah, al);
hugeint_addToSelf(&bh, bl);
hugeint *p3 = hugeint_mult(ah, bh);
hugeint_subFromSelf(&p3, p2);
hugeint_subFromSelf(&p3, p1);
hugeint_shiftLeft(&p3, nl * HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS);
hugeint_shiftLeft(&p1, 2 * nl * HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS);
hugeint_addToSelf(&p3, p1);
hugeint_addToSelf(&p3, p2);
return p3;
hugeint *hugeint_div(const hugeint *dividend, const hugeint *divisor,
hugeint **remainder)
if (hugeint_isZero(divisor)) return 0;
hugeint *scaledDivisor = hugeint_clone(divisor);
hugeint *remain = hugeint_clone(dividend);
hugeint *result = hugeint_create();
hugeint *multiple = hugeint_fromUint(1);
while (hugeint_compare(scaledDivisor, dividend) < 0)
hugeint_shiftLeft(&scaledDivisor, 1);
hugeint_shiftLeft(&multiple, 1);
if (hugeint_compare(remain, scaledDivisor) >= 0)
hugeint_subFromSelf(&remain, scaledDivisor);
hugeint_addToSelf(&result, multiple);
hugeint_shiftRight(&scaledDivisor, 1);
hugeint_shiftRight(&multiple, 1);
} while (!hugeint_isZero(multiple));
if (remainder) *remainder = remain;
else free(remain);
return result;
int hugeint_isZero(const hugeint *self)
for (size_t i = 0; i < self->n; ++i)
if (self->e[i]) return 0;
return 1;
int hugeint_compare(const hugeint *self, const hugeint *other)
size_t n;
if (self->n > other->n)
for (size_t i = other->n; i < self->n; ++i)
if (self->e[i]) return 1;
n = other->n;
else if (self->n < other->n)
for (size_t i = self->n; i < other->n; ++i)
if (other->e[i]) return -1;
n = self->n;
else n = self->n;
while (n > 0)
if (self->e[n] > other->e[n]) return 1;
if (self->e[n] < other->e[n]) return -1;
return 0;
int hugeint_compareUint(const hugeint *self, unsigned int other)
for (size_t i = self->n - 1; i > 0; --i)
if (self->e[i]) return 1;
if (self->e[0] > other) return 1;
if (self->e[0] < other) return -1;
return 0;
void hugeint_increment(hugeint **self)
int carry = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < (*self)->n; ++i)
carry = !++(*self)->e[i];
if (!carry) break;
if (carry)
size_t n = (*self)->n;
*self = hugeint_scale(*self, n + 1);
(*self)->e[n] = 1;
void hugeint_decrement(hugeint **self)
if (hugeint_isZero(*self)) return;
for (size_t i = 0; i < (*self)->n; ++i)
if ((*self)->e[i]--) break;
void hugeint_addToSelf(hugeint **self, const hugeint *other)
if ((*self)->n < other->n)
*self = hugeint_scale(*self, other->n);
unsigned int carry = 0;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < other->n; ++i)
unsigned int v = (*self)->e[i] + other->e[i];
unsigned int nextCarry = v < other->e[i];
(*self)->e[i] = v + carry;
if (!carry || (*self)->e[i]) carry = nextCarry;
for (; i < (*self)->n; ++i)
(*self)->e[i] = (*self)->e[i] + carry;
carry = carry && !(*self)->e[i];
if (carry)
*self = hugeint_scale(*self, (*self)->n + 1);
(*self)->e[(*self)->n - 1] = 1;
void hugeint_subFromSelf(hugeint **self, const hugeint *other)
if (hugeint_isZero(other)) return;
int comp = hugeint_compare(*self, other);
if (comp < 0)
*self = 0;
if (comp == 0)
*self = hugeint_scale(*self, 1);
(*self)->e[0] = 0;
unsigned int carry = 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < (*self)->n; ++i)
unsigned int v = (*self)->e[i] + (i < other->n ? ~(other->e[i]) : ~0U);
unsigned int nextCarry = v < (*self)->e[i];
(*self)->e[i] = v + carry;
if (!carry || (*self)->e[i]) carry = nextCarry;
void hugeint_shiftLeft(hugeint **self, size_t positions)
if (!positions) return;
if (hugeint_isZero(*self)) return;
size_t shiftElements = positions / HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS;
unsigned int shiftBits = positions % HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS;
size_t oldSize = (*self)->n;
unsigned int topBits = 0;
if (shiftBits) topBits = (*self)->e[oldSize - 1]
>> (HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS - shiftBits);
size_t newSize = oldSize + shiftElements + !!topBits;
if (newSize > oldSize) *self = hugeint_scale(*self, newSize);
if (shiftElements)
memmove(&((*self)->e[shiftElements]), &((*self)->e[0]),
oldSize * sizeof(unsigned int));
memset(&((*self)->e[0]), 0, shiftElements * sizeof(unsigned int));
if (shiftBits)
unsigned int overflowBits = 0;
for (size_t i = shiftElements; i < newSize; ++i)
unsigned int nextOverflow = (*self)->e[i]
>> (HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS - shiftBits);
(*self)->e[i] <<= shiftBits;
(*self)->e[i] |= overflowBits;
overflowBits = nextOverflow;
void hugeint_shiftRight(hugeint **self, size_t positions)
if (!positions) return;
if (hugeint_isZero(*self)) return;
size_t shiftElements = positions / HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS;
if (shiftElements >= (*self)->n)
*self = hugeint_scale(*self, 1);
(*self)->e[0] = 0;
unsigned int shiftBits = positions % HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS;
if (shiftElements)
memmove(&((*self)->e[0]), &((*self)->e[shiftElements]),
((*self)->n - shiftElements) * sizeof(unsigned int));
if (shiftBits)
unsigned int overflowBits = 0;
size_t i = (*self)->n - shiftElements;
while (i)
unsigned int nextOverflow = (*self)->e[i]
<< (HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS - shiftBits);
(*self)->e[i] >>= shiftBits;
(*self)->e[i] |= overflowBits;
overflowBits = nextOverflow;
char *hugeint_toString(const hugeint *self)
if (hugeint_isZero(self))
char *zero = malloc(2);
zero[0] = '0';
zero[1] = 0;
return zero;
size_t nbits = HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS * self->n;
size_t bcdsize = nbits/3;
size_t scanstart = bcdsize - 2;
char *buf = xmalloc(bcdsize + 1);
memset(buf, 0, bcdsize + 1);
size_t i, j;
i = self->n;
unsigned int mask = 1 << (HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS - 1);
while (mask)
int bit = !!(self->e[i] & mask);
for (j = scanstart; j < bcdsize; ++j)
if (buf[j] > 4) buf[j] += 3;
if (buf[scanstart] > 7) scanstart -= 1;
for (j = scanstart; j < bcdsize - 1; ++j)
buf[j] <<= 1;
buf[j] &= 0xf;
buf[j] |= (buf[j+1] > 7);
buf[bcdsize-1] <<= 1;
buf[bcdsize-1] &= 0xf;
buf[bcdsize-1] |= bit;
mask >>= 1;
for (i = 0; i < bcdsize - 1; ++i)
if (buf[i]) break;
bcdsize -= i;
memmove(buf, buf + i, bcdsize + 1);
for (i = 0; i < bcdsize; ++i) buf[i] += '0';
buf = xrealloc(buf, bcdsize + 1);
return buf;
char *hugeint_toHexString(const hugeint *self)
size_t len = self->n * HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS / 4;
unsigned int mask = 0xfU << (HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS - 4);
while (mask && !(self->e[self->n-1] & mask))
mask >>= 4;
if (!len)
char *result = malloc(2);
result[0] = '0';
result[1] = 0;
return result;
char *result = malloc(len + 1);
result[len] = 0;
size_t i = 0;
while (len)
unsigned int v = self->e[i];
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS / 4; ++j)
unsigned char nibble = v & 0xf;
result[--len] = nibble > 9 ? nibble - 10 + 'a' : nibble + '0';
if (!len) break;
v >>= 4;
return result;
The code is also available on Github, in the revision corresponding to this question and in the current revision, maybe based on answers and comments.
for ( int i=0;i<count&~7;i++ ) { }
signals to the compiler that the loop always runs a multiple of 8 times) \$\endgroup\$typedef
is already there in the newest revision :) Thanks for the further idea, this indeed sounds interesting! \$\endgroup\$