I use this bash script to review over vocabulary with my dental Spanish class. The script works great for me. However, I am wondering what other ways the same thing could be done. How could it be more efficient? Perhaps the script could me made more readable? Maybe other areas could be made more proper or elegant? If I have done something well, then that feedback too is appreciated. I am not particularly interested in adding in checks/tests of the formatting of my vocabulary sheet or checking to make sure the file exists. The comments have my English translations of the Spanish in the script.
This script reads each line of the vocabulary file from the top to the bottom and tests whether the user knows how to say the equivalent in Spanish. It is formatted like this, English: SpanishOpt1, SpanishOpt2, SpanishOpt3
. Any of the options between commas could count as correct.
This is a sample of what a vocab file looks like:
floor of the mouth: piso de la boca cheek: mejilla, cachete throat: garganta change in color: cambio en color, cambio de color taste buds: bulbos gustativos growth: crecimiento bruise: moretón, cardenal, magulladura, moradura, contusión
Here is the script:
read -r -p "1 - evaluación oral
2 - radiografía
Elige uno: " opt
# Choose one.
if ! [[ "$opt" =~ ^[1-2]$ ]]; then
# That is not an option. Choose 1 or 2.
echo "Eso no es una opción. Elige 1 o 2."
exit 1
fname=("" "evaluación-oral-vocabulario.txt" "radiografía-vocabulario.txt")
vocab_items=$(wc -l < "$file")
until (("$line_num" > "$vocab_items")); do
vocab_item=$(head -n"$line_num" "$file" | tail -n1)
english=$(echo "$vocab_item" | cut -d: -f1)
spanish=$(echo "$vocab_item" | cut -d: -f2 | sed 's/ //')
plural_options=$(echo "$spanish" | grep ,)
plural_vocab_item=$(echo "$spanish" | cut -d, -f1 | wc -w)
if [ -n "$plural_options" ] || (("$plural_vocab_item" > "1")); then
# The "s" is to make the subject below "Las palabras" plural if needed. The "n" is for the plural verb conjugation.
s="s"; n="n"
s=""; n=""
# How do you say ... in Spanish?
read -r -p "¿Cómo se dice \"$english\" en español? " r
answer_check=$(echo "_${spanish}_" | sed 's/, /_/g' | grep "_${r}_")
# The "y" means "and" which is added before the last item in a list with no serial comma.
spanish_feedback=$(echo "$spanish" | sed 's/\(.*\),/\1 y/')
if [ -n "$answer_check" ]; then
# You are correct. The word(s) ... mean ...
echo -e "\tTienes razón. La$s palabra$s \"$spanish_feedback\" quiere$n decir \"$english\".\n"
# You are not correct. The word(s) ... mean ...
echo -e "\tNo tienes razón. La$s palabra$s \"$spanish_feedback\" quiere$n decir \"$english\".\n"
# You know ... out of ... terms overall.
echo "Tú sabes $num_right de $vocab_items términos en total."
if [ -z "${pair_wrong[*]}" ]; then
# Incredible! One hundred percent!
echo "¡Increíble! ¡Cien por ciento!"
# You have to work more on:
echo -e "Tienes que trabajar más en:\n ${pair_wrong[*]}"