This is my solution to the Algorithmic Crush problem from HackerRank. Can I get any comments regarding where I can improve the code to be more efficient?
You are given a list of size \$N\$, initialized with zeroes. You have to perform \$M\$ operations on the list and output the maximum of final values of all the \$N\$ elements in the list. For every operation, you are given three integers \$a, b\$ and \$k\$ and you have to add value to all the elements ranging from index \$a\$ to \$b\$ (both inclusive).
Input Format
First line will contain two integers \$N\$ and \$M\$ separated by a single space. Next \$M\$ lines will contain three integers \$a, b\$ and \$k\$ separated by a single space. Numbers in list are numbered from \$1\$ to \$N\$.
\$3 \leq N \leq 10^7\$
\$1\leq M \leq 2*10^5\$
\$1 \leq a \leq b \leq N\$
\$ 0 \leq k \leq 10^9\$
Output Format
A single line containing maximum value in the updated list.
Sample Input
5 3 1 2 100 2 5 100 3 4 100
Sample Output
def updateList(seq, listA):
st, end, value = map(int, seq.split())
for i in range(st-1, end):
listA[i] = listA[i]+value
return listA
n, m = map(int, raw_input().split())
lis = [0 for i in range(n)]
for ins in range(m):
cmds = raw_input()
resultSet = updateList(cmds, lis)
lis = resultSet
print sorted(resultSet)[-1]