
Here is a class Bits that I wrote in order to deal with sequences of bits that also need to be interpreted as non-negative integers (in case you are familiar with VHDL, the class should be similar to the unsigned type from numeric_std).

Instances of Bits support:

  • The built-in int and len functions giving the integer value and the number of bits, respectively.
  • Formatting as strings using the built-in hex, bin and oct functions.
  • Indexing and iteration over the individual bits (the least significant bit – on the right – is at index 0, so that sum(b * 2**i for i, b in enumerate(x)) == int(x) for any instance x).
  • append and extend methods in analogy to the corresponding list and deque methods.
  • popleft in analogy to deque and a method which I called splitleft and is the reverse operation of extend (but on the left side).
  • The bitwise __xor__ operation with another instance that doesn't have more bits.
  • Conversion to and from bytes.

I deliberately did not implement any arithmetic operators, because I think the semantics are too ambiguous (e.g. should addition of instances with different numbers of bits be allowed, how many bits should the result have, what should happen in case of overflow, etc.). Also, in the special case of + and * confusion between the int and the list semantics could arise.

Other conceivable methods (appendleft, extendleft, pop(right), split(right)) or bitwise operators are not yet implemented because there wasn't any need yet.

Please have a look! Is the documentation clear? Are the error messages helpful? Are all corner cases handled properly?

from collections.abc import Sequence
from numbers import Integral

def _plural_bits(n):
    return '1 bit' if n == 1 else '{} bits'.format(n)

class Bits(Sequence):
    """Represent integer values as a sequence of bits."""

    def __init__(self, value=0, size=None):
        """Initialize instance with given integer value and number of bits.

        If size is left unspecified, the minimum number of bits necessary to
        represent the value is used.
        if size is None:
            size = value.bit_length()
        for x in [value, size]:
            if not isinstance(x, Integral):
                raise TypeError('Expected integer argument: {}'.format(x))
        if size < 0:
            raise ValueError('Size must not be negative.')
        if value < 0:
            raise ValueError('Cannot represent negative values.')
        elif value >= 2 ** size:
            raise ValueError('Cannot represent {} using {}.'
                             .format(value, _plural_bits(size)))
        self._value, self._size = value, size

    def copy(self):
        """Return a copy of self."""
        return Bits(value=self._value, size=self._size)

    def all_ones(cls, n):
        """Return an instance with n bits where every bit is 1.

        >>> b = Bits.all_ones(5)
        >>> len(b)
        >>> bin(b)
        return cls(value=2 ** n - 1, size=n)

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        """Return the i'th bit from the right (i = 0 -> LSB).

        >>> b = Bits(0b1101, 4)
        >>> [b[i] for i in reversed(range(4))]
        [1, 1, 0, 1]
        >>> all(int(x) == sum(b * 2**i for i, b in enumerate(Bits(x, 4)))
        ...     for x in range(16))
        if self._size == 0 or i >= self._size:
            raise IndexError('Bad index for {}-bit value: {}'
                             .format(self._size, i))
        i %= self._size  # support negative indexes
        return (self._value >> i) & 1

    def msb(self):
        """Return the most significant bit.

        >>> Bits(0b1000, 4).msb
        >>> Bits(0b0111, 4).msb
        return self[-1]

    def lsb(self):
        """Return the least significant bit.

        >>> Bits(0b0001, 4).lsb
        >>> Bits(0b1110, 4).lsb
        return self[0]

    def __len__(self):
        """Return the number of bits."""
        return self._size

    def __int__(self):
        """Return the integer value of the bits."""
        return self._value

    def __index__(self):
        """Support hex(), bin(), etc."""
        return self.__int__()

    def __xor__(self, other):
        """Return self ^ other.

        Integer arguments are implicitly converted to Bits.
        Argument must not have more bits than self.
        if isinstance(other, Integral):
            other = Bits(other)
        if self._size < len(other):
            raise ValueError('Other operand has too many bits: {!r}'
        return Bits(self._value ^ int(other), self._size)

    def reversed(self):
        """Return an instance with the bits in reverse order.

        >>> b = Bits(0b1011, 4).reversed()
        >>> b
        Bits(value=13, size=4)
        >>> '{:04b}'.format(int(b))
        value = sum(2 ** i * b for i, b in enumerate(reversed(self)))
        return Bits(value, self._size)

    def extend(self, other):
        """Extend self on the right side by other bits.

        >>> b = Bits(0x3, 2)
        >>> b.extend(Bits(0x10, 8))
        >>> hex(b)
        >>> len(b)
        self._value = (self._value << len(other)) + int(other)
        self._size += len(other)

    def append(self, bit):
        """Append a single bit on the right side.

        >>> b = Bits(0x3, 2)
        >>> b.append(1)
        >>> int(b)
        >>> len(b)
        self.extend(Bits(int(bit), size=1))

    def splitleft(self, n):
        """Remove and return the n leftmost bits.

        >>> b = Bits(0x310, 12)
        >>> b.splitleft(4)
        Bits(value=3, size=4)
        >>> b
        Bits(value=16, size=8)
        remaining_size = self._size - n
        if remaining_size < 0:
            raise ValueError('Cannot split {} from {}-bit value.'
                             .format(_plural_bits(n), self._size))

        result_value = (self._value >> remaining_size) % (1 << n)
        self._value %= (1 << remaining_size)
        self._size = remaining_size
        return Bits(result_value, n)

    def popleft(self):
        """Remove and return the leftmost bit.

        >>> b = Bits(value=4, size=3)
        >>> b.popleft()
        Bits(value=1, size=1)
        >>> b
        Bits(value=0, size=2)
        return self.splitleft(1)

    def to_bytes(self, byteorder):
        """Return an array of bytes representing the bits.

        >>> b = Bits(value=0x1abc, size=13)
        >>> b.to_bytes(byteorder='big').hex()
        >>> b.to_bytes(byteorder='little').hex()
        num_bytes = -(-self._size // 8)  # rounding up
        return self._value.to_bytes(num_bytes, byteorder)

    def from_bytes(cls, bytes, size, byteorder):
        """Create an instance with the given size from an array of bytes.

        >>> Bits.from_bytes(bytes([0xbc, 0x1a]), size=13, byteorder='little')
        Bits(value=6844, size=13)
        return cls(value=int.from_bytes(bytes, byteorder), size=size)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '{}(value={!r}, size={!r})'.format(
            self.__class__.__name__, self._value, self._size)
  • 2
    \$\begingroup\$ That's pretty nice IMHO \$\endgroup\$
    – FunkySayu
    Commented Jan 18, 2017 at 11:02
  • \$\begingroup\$ looks nice, you can do just some minor thing: group up methods (magic_methods, properties, classmethods, staticmethods) \$\endgroup\$
    – Alex
    Commented Jan 18, 2017 at 13:27

1 Answer 1


This is pretty good code and I do not have much to say besides nitpicks:

  • __init__ could be simplified a bit if you focused a bit more on size rather than value:

    def __init__(self, value=0, size=None):
            min_size = value.bit_length()
        except AttributeError:
            raise TypeError('Bits requires ints as \'value\'') from None
        if size is None:
            size = min_size
        if size < min_size:
            # Mimics int.to_bytes
            raise OverflowError('Cannot represent {} using {}.'.format(...))
        if value < 0:
            raise ValueError('Cannot represent negative values')
        self._value = value
        self._size = size
  • Since instances of Bits are ints, you should have:

    def __int__(self):
        return self._value
    __index__ = __int__
  • You may want to provide an __iter__ method rather than relying on __len__ + __getitem__ to enable the iteration protocol. It allows to provide an "optimized" method, where you only >> 1 for self._size times in a row instead of performing >> n for n in range(self._size). Not sure if it is worth it, though, you may want to time it. Same remarks applies to __reversed__.

  • I would have spelled splitleft and popleft: split_left and pop_left.
  • You may want to consider using self.__class__ instead of plain Bits when returning new instances.
  • I’d add a __str__ method allong the lines of:

    def __str__(self):
        return 'Bits({}:{})'.format(int(self), bin(self))

    Or something similar that allows to easily see both the int and digits sequence in one call.


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