

A VSCode extension that uses Chance.JS to generate random data types.



  1. My main concern is that there are 4 levels of function references that feels like a hack. From registerCommand → insertFunc* → randomFunc* → processSelection.
  2. If the code is sensible TypeScript/JavaScript

The Code

export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
    context.subscriptions.push(vscode.commands.registerCommand('randomeverything.int', insertRandomInt));
    context.subscriptions.push(vscode.commands.registerCommand('randomeverything.letters', insertRandomLetters));
    context.subscriptions.push(vscode.commands.registerCommand('randomeverything.lettersAndNumbers', insertRandomLettersAndNumbers));
    context.subscriptions.push(vscode.commands.registerCommand('randomeverything.iPv4Address', insertRandomIPv4Address));
    context.subscriptions.push(vscode.commands.registerCommand('randomeverything.iPV6Address', insertRandomIPV6Address));
    /* More commands... */

function insertRandomInt(): void {

    var max:number;
    var min:number;

    Window.showInputBox({prompt: "Please enter [MIN-MAX]", value:"1-100"}).then(
                var args = txt.split("-");

                min = Number.parseInt(args[0]);
                max = Number.parseInt(args[1]);

                if(args.length != 2 || isNaN(min) || isNaN(max))
                    Window.showErrorMessage("Invalid format.");
                processSelection(randomIntString, [min, max]);


function insertRandomLetters(): void {
    processSelection(randomLetters, []);

function insertRandomLettersAndNumbers(): void {
    processSelection(randomLettersAndNumbers, []);

function insertRandomIPv4Address(): void {
    processSelection(randomIP, ['ipv4']);

function insertRandomIPV6Address(): void {
    processSelection(randomIP, ['ipv6']);
/* More inserters... */

 * Chance.js Wrappers
function randomIntString(min, max): string {
    var chance = require('chance').Chance();
    var randomVar: Number = chance.integer({
      min: min,
      max: max

    return randomVar.toString();

function randomIP(option?:string): string{
    var chance = require('chance').Chance();
    var randomVar:string;

    switch (option) {
        case 'ipv4':
            randomVar = chance.ip();
        case 'ipv6':
            randomVar = chance.ipv6();

    return randomVar;

/* More wrappers... */

function processSelection(formatCB, argsCB) {

    let e = Window.activeTextEditor;
    let d = e.document;
    let sel = e.selections;

    e.edit(function (edit) {
        // iterate through the selections
        for (var x = 0; x < sel.length; x++) {
            let txt: string = d.getText(new Range(sel[x].start, sel[x].end));

            if (argsCB.length > 0) {
                txt = formatCB.apply(this, argsCB);
            } else {
                txt = formatCB();

            //insert the txt in the start of the current selection
            edit.insert(sel[x].start, txt);

1 Answer 1


As for the architecture it seems good to me.

As for the TypeScript I have a few minor suggestions:

Avoid using var, use const or let instead.

function randomIntString(min: number, max: number): string {
    const chance = require('chance').Chance();
    const randomVar: number = chance.integer({
      min: min,
      max: max

    return randomVar.toString();

It is also preferable to use let for for-cycle control variables.

for (let x = 0; x < sel.length; x++) {
   // body

It would help readability and maintainability if you specified the types of all the arguments of all your functions.

function randomIntString(min: number, max: number): string {
    // body

Also prefer using lower case type names for built-in primitive types (e. g. number over Number) when specifying the type of something.

You could specify the IP option type more precisely (asuming you use TypeScript >= 2.0). This will help you prevent typos and also improves readability (the code is more self-documenting):

type IpAddressType = 'ipv4' | 'ipv6';
function randomIP(option?: IpAddressType): string{
    // body stays the same

When the property of the object being initialized has the same name as the variable assigned to it you can shorten it like so (see the chance.integer call):

var randomVar: number = chance.integer({

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