I have the following code to split an address string in T-SQL. Excepting the unit number, which is already in its own field, it would affect too much of the application to split the address into different database fields. It's a bit of a long story, but it's also not possible to make it a parameterized query, or to write the equivalent application code in C#. Still, I'm curious if anyone can think of any edge case that would put things into the wrong fields.
The only case I've come across is "East End Ave", but even the US Postal Service suggests incorrectly parsing 'East' as a directional (for consistency) (reference: very long pdf, search for 'directional', or go to page 233).
I'm only worried about Canadian and American addresses, but in Canada, French-style street types before the street name are fair game (e.g. 'Rue Montreal'). For a tie-breaker, I default to the English style (e.g. 'Rue Street' is parsed with the name 'Rue' and type 'Street').
and StreetDirection
are tables which contain street types and street directions, as TypeName
and DirectionName
pairs respectively - I can post the values I've been using there if anyone's curious, but the StreetType
is quite long. StreetDirection
also includes French directions ('ouest', 'nord', 'sud', 'est', etc.), as well as their equivalents of 'northeast', 'northwest', etc.
DECLARE @CivicNum AS NVARCHAR(10) = ''
DECLARE @Predir AS NVARCHAR(10) = ''
DECLARE @FrenchType AS NVARCHAR(15) = ''
DECLARE @Postdir AS NVARCHAR(10) = ''
SET @Name = '123 E Fake St. S'
SET @CivicNum = SUBSTRING(@Name, 1, 1)
IF ISNUMERIC(@CivicNum) = 1
-- will assume an initial integer is a civic number
-- get the first token, and push it into @CivicNum
SET @LastSpace = 1
SET @NextSpace = CHARINDEX(' ', @Name)
SET @CivicNum = SUBSTRING(@Name, 1, @NextSpace)
-- get the next token, to check for a fractional @CivicNum
SET @LastSpace = @NextSpace + 1
SET @NextSpace = CHARINDEX(' ', @Name, @LastSpace)
SET @Temp = SUBSTRING(@Name, @LastSpace, @NextSpace - @LastSpace)
-- assumption: if the token contains a slash, it is a fraction
-- for @CivicNum
IF CHARINDEX('\\', @Temp) > 0 OR CHARINDEX ('/', @Temp) > 0
SET @CivicNum = @CivicNum + ' ' + @Temp
SET @NextSpace = @LastSpace
-- reverse the string to extract type, direction from right
SET @Name = REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@Name, @NextSpace, LEN(@Name)))
-- get the final token, check if it is a post directional (N, S, E, W)
SET @LastSpace = 1
SET @NextSpace = CHARINDEX(' ', @Name)
SET @Temp = RTRIM(LTRIM(REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@Name, 1, @NextSpace))))
-- strip period, if one exists
IF SUBSTRING(@Temp, LEN(@Temp), 1) = '.'
SET @Temp = SUBSTRING(@Temp, 1, LEN(@Temp) - 1)
-- check if it exists in the StreetDirection table
SELECT @PostDir=DirectionAbbr FROM StreetDirection WHERE UPPER(DirectionName) LIKE UPPER(@Temp)
IF NOT (@PostDir LIKE @Temp) -- try abbreviation
SELECT @PostDir=DirectionAbbr FROM StreetDirection WHERE UPPER(DirectionAbbr) LIKE UPPER(@Temp)
-- if @PostDir was found, get the next token
IF NOT (@PostDir LIKE '')
SET @LastSpace = @NextSpace + 1
SET @NextSpace = CHARINDEX(' ', @Name, @LastSpace + 1)
SET @Temp = RTRIM(LTRIM(REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@Name, @LastSpace, @NextSpace - @LastSpace))))
IF SUBSTRING(@Temp, LEN(@Temp), 1) = '.' -- strip period
SET @Temp = SUBSTRING(@Temp, 1, LEN(@Temp) - 1)
-- check if the current token is a StreetType
SELECT @Type=TypeName FROM StreetType WHERE UPPER(TypeName) LIKE UPPER(@Temp)
IF NOT (@Type LIKE @Temp) -- try abbreviation
SELECT @Type=TypeName FROM StreetType WHERE UPPER(TypeAbbr) LIKE UPPER(@Temp)
-- reverse address again to check for pre-directional and french street type
IF NOT (@Type LIKE '')
SET @LastSpace = @NextSpace + 1
SET @Name = RTRIM(LTRIM(REVERSE(SUBSTRING(@Name, @LastSpace, LEN(@Name)))))
-- get the next token, and check for a pre-directional
SET @LastSpace = 1
SET @NextSpace = CHARINDEX(' ', @Name)
SET @Temp = RTRIM(LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@Name, 1, @NextSpace)))
IF SUBSTRING(@Temp, LEN(@Temp), 1) = '.' -- strip period
SET @Temp = SUBSTRING(@Temp, 1, LEN(@Temp) - 1)
SELECT @PreDir=DirectionAbbr FROM StreetDirection WHERE UPPER(DirectionName) LIKE UPPER(@Temp)
IF NOT (@PreDir LIKE @Temp) -- try abbreviation
SELECT @PreDir=DirectionAbbr FROM StreetDirection WHERE UPPER(DirectionAbbr) LIKE UPPER(@Temp)
-- if a pre-directional was found, get the next token
IF NOT (@PreDir LIKE '')
SET @LastSpace = @NextSpace + 1
SET @NextSpace = CHARINDEX(' ', @Name, @LastSpace + 1)
SET @Temp = RTRIM(LTRIM(SUBSTRING(@Name, @LastSpace, LEN(@Name))))
IF SUBSTRING(@Temp, LEN(@Temp), 1) = '.' -- strip period
SET @Temp = SUBSTRING(@Temp, 1, LEN(@Temp) - 1)
-- check for French street type before address, if an
-- English street type has not already been found
IF (@Type LIKE '') -- only if not already found (prefer English type)
SELECT @FrenchType=TypeName FROM StreetType WHERE UPPER(TypeName) LIKE UPPER(@Temp)
IF NOT (@FrenchType LIKE @Temp) -- try abbreviation
SELECT @FrenchType=TypeName FROM StreetType WHERE UPPER(TypeAbbr) LIKE UPPER(@Temp)
-- if @FrenchType was found, get the final remaining token
IF NOT (@FrenchType Like '')
SET @LastSpace = @NextSpace
SET @Type = @FrenchType
-- assume it is the street name
SET @Name = SUBSTRING(@Name, @LastSpace, LEN(@Name))
SELECT @CivicNum AS CivicNum, @Name AS Address, @Type AS StreetType, @PostDir + @PreDir AS Direction
SELECT @CivicNum AS CivicNum, @Name AS Address, @Type AS StreetType, @PostDir + @PreDir AS Direction
If nothing else, I hope this is a snippet of code someone finds handy! Although they don't particularly apply in my case, here is a handy list of address edge cases from @200_success.