Last night in The 2nd Monitor there was a discussion about postless users - I wanted to see how many there are, whether they're one-timers that showed up once, registered and never came back, and whether they vote at all.
So I whipped up this query on SEDE, showing voters and their post count, as well as other information:
with sub as (
select distinct
,datediff(day, cast(Users.CreationDate as date), cast(Users.LastAccessDate as date)) MembershipDays
,case when cast(Users.CreationDate as date) = cast(Users.LastAccessDate as date) then 1 else 0 end IsOneTimer
,sum(case when Posts.Id is null then 0 else 1 end) over (partition by Users.Id) PostCount
,Users.UpVotes + Users.DownVotes TotalVotes
from Users
left join Posts on Users.Id = Posts.OwnerUserId
where Users.Id > 0
), agg as (
,case when MembershipDays = 0 then TotalVotes else TotalVotes / cast(MembershipDays as decimal) end VotesPerDay
from sub
where TotalVotes > 0)
,round(VotesPerDay, 3) VotesPerDay
from agg
order by
,cast(VotesPerDay as int) desc
,cast(LastAccessDate as date) desc
,TotalVotes desc
Returns 26740 rows returned in 211 ms (cached). Is there any way it could be improved, performance or otherwise?
Postless Users query on SEDE.
50000 rows returned in <1 ms
. If I scroll down a bit, I seePostCount = 1
values. And I don't see any conditions onPostCount
. Am I missing something? \$\endgroup\$PostCount=0
would yield too many uninteresting rows, so I sorted byPostCount
instead. And, SQL Server caching works wonders doesn't it? ;-) \$\endgroup\$