Brief summary:
The vanilla GoF visitor is great for altering items within a tree of elements, but when the visitor visits an element it can only change the children of that element not the element itself. For example, a visitor altering the DOM of a webpage could search for everything that contains an image and replace it with an ascii art version of that image. However, <dim>
s can contains images, <table>
s can contain images, paragraphs (<p>
) can contain images. When the visitor is visiting the node for <image>
tag itself it cannot change the type of the image node, though you could change the content of the image node - this is just how visitors work. Instead you would have to find everything that could conceivably contain an image and then visit that - and on top of that anytime W3C added another item that could contain an image you would have to update your visitor.
This isn't a perfect example - there a lots of tools for altering webpage DOMs - but hopefully it is an intuitive one.
Sorry - there is a wall of text in the more complete description below. I'm trying to walk the line between brevity and fully explaining everything, but it looks like this post same out quite wordy.
What I have:
I have a class hierarchy that can be represented by the simplified classes below:
is the abstract base class for all visitable classes, and has an Accept
and LeafElementB
are concretes that are extremely simple. They don't do anything, but just represent that there can be different types of leaves.
and BinaryCompositeElement
are also concretes that can contain other Elements
- either a collection, or a Left and Right (respectively). The Accept
method overrides handle recursing to the contained Elements
I also have some Visitors that visit each of the Elements
. All vanilla GoF visitor so far...
(I'm not looking for feedback on this class hierarchy, I'm just setting the scene with a simplified version of the real classes that I am working with).
What I want:
I would like to use a visitor to alter the structure of the Element
tree. For example, in this toy example I might want to append a LeafElementA
to each composite element, and if the composite element is a BinaryCompositeElement
to convert it to a MultiCompositeElement
before (and also recursively visit all the children of each composite element too...).
The vanilla visitor does not cope with this well. When you visit an Element
you can alter the content of that Element
but not return a completely different Element
I could check the children of each MultiCompositeElement
and BinaryCompositeElement
as I visit them to see if any of the children need to be transformed from a BinaryCompositeElement
to a MultiCompositeElement
. However, this would violate the DRY principle as the check would have to be in both visit methods. This would be compounded by the fact that in the 'real' implementation there are many composite type elements - not just 2.
Finally the code:
DotNetFiddle (sorry for the terrible ToString implementation on this one) or download csproj/zip from dropbox (no terrible ToString, just put a breakpoint in the the end of the main method).
I have left out some "clutter" bits of code from the snippets below. There is no error checking or null checking.
Base classes (I've not included IVisitor
as it would also increase clutter. All of the methods on VisitorBase
are on IVisitor
// Element base class
public abstract class Element {
// I am returning an Element here (different from a "normal" GoF implementation)
internal abstract Element Accept(IVisitor visitor);
// Visitor base class
public abstract class VisitorBase: IVisitor
// Again, return an Element
// This is so that each visitor can choose to return a different type
// than the visited Element
public virtual Element Visit(Element element)
element = element.Accept(this);
return element;
// Another departure from vanilla visitor: Visit just this element
// (and don't recurse)
public virtual Element VisitNonRecursive(Element element)
return element;
// These can be individually overridden, and I have added these for transforming
// one type of Element into another
public virtual Element VisitNonRecursive(LeafElementA leafElementA)
return VisitNonRecursive(leafElementA as Element);
public virtual Element VisitNonRecursive(LeafElementB leafElementB)
return VisitNonRecursive(leafElementB as Element);
// ...similar methods for the other elements (removed to reduce clutter in the snippet)
Some concrete elements (I'm not including LeafElementB
as it is virtually identical to LeafElementA
public class LeafElementA : Element
internal override Element Accept(IVisitor visitor)
return visitor.VisitNonRecursive(this);
// Implementation of Element that contains multiple other Elements
public class CompositeElement : Element
public CompositeElement(params Element[] containedElements)
ContainedElements = containedElements.ToList();
public ICollection<Element> ContainedElements { get; private set; }
internal override Element Accept(IVisitor visitor)
ContainedElements = ContainedElements
// Recursively visit each child
// And non-recursively visit this
return visitor.VisitNonRecursive(this);
// Implementation of Element that contains exactly two other Elements
public class BinaryElement : Element
public BinaryElement(Element left, Element right)
Left = left;
Right = right;
public Element Left { get; private set; }
public Element Right { get; private set; }
internal override Element Accept(IVisitor visitor)
// Recursively visit the children
Left = visitor.Visit(Left);
Right = visitor.Visit(Right);
// And non-recursively visit this
return visitor.VisitNonRecursive(this);
And the concrete visitor:
// Implementation of Visitor that adds a LeafElementA to any composite element
public class AddOneMoreVisitor : VisitorBase
public override Element VisitNonRecursive(MultiCompositeElement multiCompositeElement)
multiCompositeElement.ContainedElements.Add(new LeafElementA());
return multiCompositeElement;
public override Element VisitNonRecursive(BinaryCompositeElement binaryCompositeElement)
// Here we are able to change the returned type from the visitor
var result = new MultiCompositeElement(
new LeafElementA()
return result;
// The rest of the recursion-based visiting can be delegated to the base
So, did you actually have a question?
Yes, I did.
Firstly, is there a name for this variant of the visitor pattern? I assume that I will not be the first person in the whole world to think of or implement this. And I assume that with the collective wisdom of all those who have gone before that this class can be done better.
Secondly, if this is not the case, then is there a way I can do this better? Doubling up the visit methods seems wasteful, but I always get stack overflow exceptions when I try an implementation without it.
Thirdly, I am concerned about type safety. In the toy example all the composites contain base Elements
. In the real-life code most Elements
that contain another hold a derived type. Is there a way of making the visitor type safe so that no upcasting is needed? I couldn't find one - but that does not mean that it doesn't exists. And if not, is there a way to make it easier for a developer to write correct code. This looks like a powerful pattern and as Uncle Ben* said: "With great power comes great responsibility". If it is not possible to make it provably typesafe according to the compiler, then the code should not get in the way of writing correct code.
*The Spiderman uncle, not the rice uncle