This is code which must run on XP, so no GetTickCount64
, and which should correctly handle the value wrapping around after 49 days. Can it be improved?
// DWORD timeoutMs is a given parameter.
DWORD beginMs = (timeoutMs == INFINITE ? 0 : ::GetTickCount());
DWORD endMs = beginMs + timeoutMs; // unsigned arithmethic is Mod(MAX+1)
DWORD currentMs;
// Create Process, omitted for brevity
while ((waitResult = ::WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, DEFAULT_WAIT_MS)) == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
if (timeoutMs != INFINITE)
bool timeoutReached = false;
currentMs = ::GetTickCount();
if (beginMs <= endMs) // normal case
if (currentMs > endMs)
timeoutReached = true;
else // special case: tick count wrapped around after 49 days uptime
if (currentMs < beginMs && currentMs > endMs)
timeoutReached = true;
if (timeoutReached)
::TerminateProcess(pi.hProcess, 0);
waitResult = ::WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, timeoutMs);
? Why use::GetTickCount()
at all? \$\endgroup\$QueryPerformanceCounter
functions? Are they also unavailable on XP? \$\endgroup\$