Following this SO post and this Wikipedia article, I wrote a Python script to simulate physics of 2D elastic balls.
I define the physical behaviour of each ball in the Ball
class. Then the function solve_step
enables to compute position and velocity of every ball for one time step.
The balls are moving inside a square. Two balls rebound elastically from each other (see compute_coll
function). When a ball hits one edge of the square, it bounces off elastically (see compute_refl
Note that I'm using 2 functions step1
and step2
for solve_step
because that makes the program faster.
Moreover I provide a main to run an example of simulation.
Here I don't show the code used to display the simulation in a window because I think this is another issue.
Any ideas on optimizing and simplifying this code?
import numpy as np
Ball class
class Ball:
"""Define physics of elastic collision."""
def __init__(self, mass, radius, position, velocity):
"""Initialize a Ball object
mass the mass of ball
radius the radius of ball
position the position vector of ball
velocity the velocity vector of ball
self._mass = mass
self._radius = radius
self._position = position
self._velocity = velocity
self._vafter = np.copy(velocity) # temp storage for velocity of next step
def compute_step(self, step):
"""Compute position of next step."""
self._position += step * self._velocity
def new_velocity(self):
"""Store velocity of next step."""
self._velocity = self._vafter
def compute_coll(self, ball, step):
"""Compute velocity after elastic collision with another ball."""
m1 = self._mass
m2 = ball._mass
r1 = self._radius
r2 = ball._radius
v1 = self._velocity
v2 = ball._velocity
x1 = self._position
x2 = ball._position
di = x2-x1
norm = np.linalg.norm(di)
if norm-r1-r2 < step*abs(,di))/norm:
self._vafter = v1 - 2.*m2/(m1+m2) *,di)/(np.linalg.norm(di)**2.) * di
def compute_refl(self, step, size):
"""Compute velocity after hitting an edge.
step the step of computation
size the size of a square edge
r = self._radius
v = self._velocity
x = self._position
projx = step*abs(,np.array([1.,0.])))
projy = step*abs(,np.array([0.,1.])))
if abs(x[0])-r < projx or abs(size-x[0])-r < projx:
self._vafter[0] *= -1
if abs(x[1])-r < projy or abs(size-x[1])-r < projy:
self._vafter[1] *= -1.
def step1(ball_list, step, size):
"""Detect reflection and collision of every ball."""
index_list = range(len(ball_list))
for i in index_list:
for j in index_list:
if i!=j:
return ball_list
def step2(ball_list, step):
"""Compute position of every ball."""
index_list = range(len(ball_list))
for i in index_list:
return ball_list
def solve_step(ball_list, step, size):
"""Solve a step for every ball."""
ball_list = step1(ball_list, step, size)
ball_list = step2(ball_list, step)
return ball_list
def init_list(N):
"""Generate N Ball objects in a list."""
ball_list = []
r = 10.
for i in range(N):
v = 10.*np.array([(-1.)**i,1.])
pos = 400./float(N+1)*np.array([float(i+1),float(i+1)])
ball_list.append(Ball(r, r, pos, v))
return ball_list
if __name__ == "__main__":
ball_list = init_list(10)
size = 400.
step = 0.05
for i in range(5000):
solve_step(ball_list, step, size)