This is the primary module for my APL interpreter. The general idea is motivated by my two Stack Overflow questions, but the details I fear are easy to get wrong and I suspect there are a few corners that my eyes simply don't observe critically since they have the authority of having lain in the file so long without change.
The data elements here are always int
s. "Everything is an int
" was a guiding mantra in designing the whole project. So, via a tag/value encoding (comp.lang.c code review thread newer code review), values of many types can be embedded in these arrays. They're not generic in the normal C programming sense of the word. But by operating over int
s, it achieves genericity by virtue of the way it is used by the other modules.
This code doesn't include garbage collection or any other lifetime tracking as I'm still figuring out how I want to do that. So these functions allocate their results and expect the caller to manage freeing appropriately.
The ppnarg.h file provides counting of arguments in variadic macros. This is used to provide an easy interface to these functions. In order to create a [2][3][4] array, one calls.
array a = array_new(2,3,4);
The values can be accessed with the elem
function which returns a pointer to the specified element, so that dereferencing the resulting pointer
is an l-value and can be the target of assignment.
*elem(a,1,1,1) = 'k';
Various other function families like slice*
and transpose*
provide other superpowers by creating new views of existing data for which the *elem()
function will index differently. One of my favorites is cast
which lets you hijack an existing C array and wrap the dynamic header around it.
In order to generically iterate through the row-major order of any array requires the coordinated use of several of these functions, but I haven't packaged this into its own function. The different places where I have needed to do this haven't really factored nicely into a separate function.
// assuming `a` as defined above, will iterate through all 2x3x4 elements
int n = productdims(a->rank,a->dims);
int scratch[a->rank];
for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
vector_index(i, a->dims, a->rank, scratch);
*elema(a,scratch) = 3;
returns its scratch
parameter so the two functions can be composed into a single line. But it makes for a really long, unreadable line. At each stage, the n-d coordinates are available in the scratch array.
And my most recent augmentation is function-type arrays, which do not store all their declared data, but generate it as a function of the index. Thus, a [2][3][4] array of the constant 42
can be created without actually storing 24 42
s in memory.
array b = array_new_function(3, (int[]){2,3,4},
(int[]){1,42}, 2, constant);
for each index will return 42
. An array which simply consists of sequential integers 0
can be created with the j_vector
function-type array. And a considerable degree of constant-folding can be done by modifying the elements of the ->weight
member array and the cons
member. Indeed the values of any polynomial can be enumerated by creation of suitable dimension and weight parameters.
array c = iota(10); // function-type array generating 0..9 for indices 0..9
c->cons = 1; // generate 1..10 for 0..9
c->weight[c->rank-1] = c->cons = 2; // generate 2..20 by 2s
Do any spots look fishy? Or are there improvements I could make to the overall design or style or anything else?
#ifndef AR_H_
#define AR_H_
#include "../ppnarg.h"
typedef struct ar {
int type;
int rank; // number of dimensions
int *dims; // size of each dimension
int cons; // constant term of the indexing formula
int *weight; // corresponding coefficient in the indexing formula
int *data; // address of first array element
int *(*func)(struct ar *,int); // data function (if function type)
} *array;
enum type {
int productdims(int rank, int dims[]);
array array_new_dims(int rank, int dims[]);
array array_new_function(int rank, int dims[],
int *data, int datan, int *(*func)(array,int)); // type=function
int *constant(array a,int idx);
int *j_vector(array a,int idx);
void loaddimsv(int rank, int dims[], va_list ap);
array (array_new)(int rank, ...);
#define array_new(...) (array_new)(PP_NARG(__VA_ARGS__),__VA_ARGS__)
array cast_dims(int data[], int rank, int dims[]); // type=indirect
array (cast)(int data[], int rank, ...); // type=indirect
#define cast(data,...) (cast)(data,PP_NARG(__VA_ARGS__),__VA_ARGS__)
array clone(array a); // type=indirect
array copy(array a);
int *elema(array a, int ind[]);
int *elemv(array a, va_list ap);
int *elem(array a, ...);
int *vector_index(int ind, int dims[], int n, int vec[]);
int ravel_index(int vec[], int dims[], int n);
void transpose2(array a);
void transpose(array a, int shift);
void transposea(array a, int spec[]);
array slice(array a, int i); // type=indirect
array slicea(array a, int spec[]); // type=indirect
array slices(array a, int s[], int f[]); // type=indirect
array extend(array a, int extra); // type=indirect
array cat(array x, array y);
array iota(int n); // type=function
array scalar(int n);
array (vector)(int n, ...);
#define vector(...) (vector)(PP_NARG(__VA_ARGS__),__VA_ARGS__)
int issolid(array a);
array makesolid(array a);
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "../ppnarg.h"
#include "ar.h"
int productdims(int rank, int dims[]){
int i,z=1;
for (i=0; i<rank; i++)
z *= dims[i];
return z;
// create new array object
array array_new_dims(int rank, int dims[]){
int datasz;
int i;
int x;
array z;
+ (rank+rank+datasz)*sizeof(int));
z->type = normal;
z->rank = rank;
z->dims = (int*)(z+1);
z->cons = 0;
z->weight = z->dims + rank;
z->data = z->weight + rank;
for(x=1, i=rank-1; i>=0; i--){
z->weight[i] = x;
x *= z->dims[i];
return z;
// as a convention, a->data[0]==1
// indicating 1 (additional) data item (after data[0])
// data[1] is the actual data
int *constant(array a,int idx){
return a->data+1;
int *j_vector(array a,int idx){
a->data[1] = idx;
return a->data+1;
// create special function-type array
array array_new_function(int rank, int dims[],
int *data, int datan, int *(*func)(array,int)){
int i,x;
array z;
+ (rank+rank+datan)*sizeof(int));
z->type = function;
z->rank = rank;
z->dims = (int*)(z+1);
z->cons = 0;
z->weight = z->dims + rank;
z->data = z->weight + rank;
memmove(z->data, data, datan+sizeof(int));
z->func = func;
for(x=1, i=rank-1; i>=0; i--){
z->weight[i] = x;
x *= z->dims[i];
return z;
void loaddimsv(int rank, int dims[], va_list ap){
int i;
for (i=0; i<rank; i++){
// create array, taking dims from variable argument list
array (array_new)(int rank, ...){
va_list ap;
int dims[rank];
return array_new_dims(rank,dims);
// create array object accessing existing array data
array cast_dims(int data[], int rank, int dims[]){
int i,x;
array z=malloc(sizeof*z
+ (rank+rank)*sizeof(int));
z->type = indirect;
z->rank = rank;
z->dims = (int*)(z+1);
z->cons = 0;
z->weight = z->dims + rank;
z->data = data;
for(x=1, i=rank-1; i>=0; i--){
z->weight[i] = x;
x *= z->dims[i];
return z;
// create array accessing existing data taking dims from varargs
array (cast)(int data[], int rank, ...){
va_list ap;
int dims[rank];
return cast_dims(data, rank, dims);
// create a duplicate descriptor sharing array data
array clone(array a){
array z=malloc(sizeof*z
+ (a->rank+a->rank)*sizeof(int));
z->type = indirect;
z->rank = a->rank;
z->dims = (int*)(z+1);
z->cons = 0;
z->weight = z->dims + z->rank;
z->data = a->data;
return z;
// convert a ravel index to an index vector
int *vector_index(int ind, int dims[], int n, int vec[]){
int i,t=ind, *z=vec;
for (i=0; i<n; i++){
z[n-1-i] = t % dims[n-1-i];
t /= dims[n-1-i];
return z;
// convert index vector to ravel index
int ravel_index(int vec[], int dims[], int n){
int i,z=*vec;
for (i=0; i<n-1; i++){
z *= dims[i];
z += vec[i+1];
return z;
// create a new array object with data copied from array a
array copy(array a){
int datasz = productdims(a->rank,a->dims);
array z=malloc(sizeof*z
+ (a->rank+a->rank+datasz)*sizeof(int));
int i;
int x;
int ind[a->rank];
z->type = normal;
z->rank = a->rank;
z->dims = (int*)(z+1);
z->cons = 0;
z->weight = z->dims + z->rank;
z->data = z->weight + z->rank;
for (x=1, i=z->rank-1; i>=0; i--){
z->weight[i] = x;
x *= z->dims[i];
for (i=0; i<datasz; i++){
z->data[i] = *elema(a,ind);
return z;
// nb. cannot run on the ravel with non-solid indirect array
int *elemr(array a, int idx){
if (a->type==function) return a->func(a,idx);
else return a->data+idx;
int *elema(array a, int ind[]){
int idx = 0;
int i;
for (i=0; i<a->rank; i++){
idx += ind[i] * a->weight[i];
idx += a->cons;
return elemr(a,idx);
int *elemv(array a, va_list ap){
int idx = 0;
int i;
for (i=0; i<a->rank; i++){
int ind;
ind = va_arg(ap, int);
idx += ind * a->weight[i];
idx += a->cons;
return elemr(a,idx);
int *elem(array a, ...){
va_list ap;
int *z;
z = elemv(a,ap);
return z;
// elem(a,i,j) -> elem(a,j,i)
void transpose2(array a){
int t;
t = a->dims[0],
a->dims[0] = a->dims[1],
a->dims[1] = t;
t = a->weight[0],
a->weight[0] = a->weight[1],
a->weight[1] = t;
// rotate indices by shift amount
void transpose(array a, int shift){
int i;
int t;
if (shift>0){
for(i=1; i<a->rank; i++)
for(i=1; i<a->rank; i++)
} else {
for (i=a->rank-2; i>=0; i--)
for (i=a->rank-2; i>=0; i--)
// select new order of indexing with array of dimension indices
void transposea(array a, int spec[]){
int dims[a->rank];
int weight[a->rank];
int i;
for (i=0; i<a->rank; i++){
dims[i] = a->dims[spec[i]];
weight[i] = a->weight[spec[i]];
memcpy(a->dims, dims, a->rank*sizeof(int));
memcpy(a->weight, weight, a->rank*sizeof(int));
// return new indirect array of one item of array
array slice(array a, int i){
int rank = a->rank-1;
array z=malloc(sizeof(struct ar)
+ (rank+rank)*sizeof(int));
z->rank = rank;
z->dims = (int *)(z+1);
z->weight = z->dims + z->rank;
memcpy(z->dims, a->dims+1, z->rank*sizeof(int));
memcpy(z->weight, a->weight+1, z->rank*sizeof(int));
z->cons = i*a->weight[0];
z->data = a->data;
return z;
// return new indirect array selecting a single item (if 0<=spec[i]<dims[i])
// or all items (if spec[i]==-1) from each dimension
array slicea(array a, int spec[]){
int i,j;
int rank;
for (i=0, rank=0; i<a->rank; i++)
rank += spec[i]==-1;
int dims[rank];
int weight[rank];
for (i=0,j=0; i<rank; i++,j++){
while (spec[j]!=-1) j++;
if (j>=a->rank) break;
dims[i] = a->dims[i];
weight[i] = a->weight[j];
array z = cast_dims(a->data, rank, dims);
for (j=0; j<a->rank; j++){
if (spec[j]!=-1)
z->cons += spec[j] * a->weight[j];
return z;
// select a contiguous range from s[i] to f[i] of each dimension
array slices(array a, int s[], int f[]){
int rank = 0;
int i;
for (i=0; i<a->rank; i++){
rank += s[i] != f[i];
int dims[rank];
int weight[rank];
int j=0;
for (i=0; i<rank; i++){
while (s[j]==f[j]) ++j;
dims[i] = 1 + (s[j]<f[j] ? f[j]-s[j] : s[j]-f[j] );
weight[i] = s[j]<f[j] ? a->weight[j] : -a->weight[j];
array z = cast_dims(a->data, rank, dims);
memcpy(z->weight, weight, rank*sizeof(int));
for (i=0; i<a->rank; i++){
z->cons += s[i] * a->weight[i];
return z;
// prepend extra unit axes
// extend(vector(...),1) -> 1xN row vector
array extend(array a, int extra){
int rank = a->rank + extra;
int dims[rank];
int i;
for (i=0; i<extra; i++)
dims[i] = 1;
memcpy(dims+extra, a->dims, a->rank*sizeof(int));
return cast_dims(a->data, rank, dims);
// yield ravelled concatenation of two arrays
array cat(array x, array y){
int xsz = productdims(x->rank,x->dims);
int ysz = productdims(y->rank,y->dims);
int datasz = xsz + ysz;
array z=array_new(datasz);
int scratch[x->rank+y->rank];
int i;
for (i=0; i<xsz; i++)
*elem(z,i) = *elema(x,vector_index(i,x->dims,x->rank,scratch));
for (i=0; i<ysz; i++)
*elem(z,xsz+i) = *elema(y,vector_index(i,y->dims,y->rank,scratch));
return z;
// generate a j-vector
// which yields iota values as a function of argument indices
array iota(int n){
#if 0
array z = array_new(n);
int i;
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
*elem(z,i) = i;
return z;
return array_new_function(1,&n,(int[]){1,0},2,j_vector);
// generate a 1 element vector, ie. a scalar array object
array scalar(int n){
array z = array_new(1);
*elem(z,0) = n;
return z;
// create a vector array object initialized with variable arguments
array (vector)(int n, ...){
va_list ap;
array z = array_new(n);
int i;
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
*elem(z,i) = va_arg(ap, int);
return z;
int issolid(array a){
int i,x;
for (i=a->rank-1,x=1; i>=0; i--){
if (a->weight[i] != x)
return 0;
x *= a->dims[i];
return 1;
array makesolid(array a){
if (a->type==function || !issolid(a))
return copy(a);
return a;
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "minunit.h"
int tests_run = 0;
static char *test_basic(){
array a = array_new_dims(1, (int[]){4});
*elem(a,3) = 12;
array b = array_new(4,5);
*elem(b,3,4) = 5;
array c = iota(4);
//array d = iota(64);
//array e = cast(d->data, 2,2,2,2,2,2); // no longer works with j_vector iota
//test_case(*elem(e, 1,1,1,1,1,1) != 63);
//array f = cast(d->data, 4,4,4); // no longer works with j_vector iota
//test_case(*elem(f, 3,3,3) != 63);
return 0;
static char *all_tests(){
return 0;
int main(){
char *result=all_tests();
if (result != 0) {
} else {
printf("ALL TESTS PASSED\n");
printf("Tests run: %d\n", tests_run);
return result != 0;
#endif //defined TESTMODULE
/* file: minunit.h
cf. */
#define mu_assert(message, test) do { if (!(test)) return message; } while (0)
#define mu_run_test(test) do { char *message = test(); tests_run++; \
if (message) return message; } while (0)
#define test_case(c) do { if(c)return #c; } while(0)
extern int tests_run;
Additional related modules have been posted for review here and in comp.lang.c.