

This question comes from a HackerRank problem called Fibonacci Modified. I think I have coded a valid solution, but would like feedback about my approach, implementation, and of course, any errors / edge cases that I may have missed.


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public class FibonacciModifiedImpl implements FibonacciModified {

    public BigInteger calculateNextTerm(final BigInteger currentTerm, final BigInteger lastTerm) {
        if (-1 == lastTerm.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) ) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("last term must be non-negative");

        if (-1 == currentTerm.compareTo(lastTerm)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("current term must be greater than or equal to last term");

        final BigInteger squaredTerm = new BigDecimal(Math.pow(currentTerm.doubleValue(), 2)).toBigInteger();
        return squaredTerm.add(lastTerm);

    public BigInteger calculateNthTerm(final BigInteger firstTerm, final BigInteger secondTerm, final int n) {
        if (-1 == firstTerm.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) ) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("first term must be non-negative");

        if (-1 == secondTerm.compareTo(firstTerm)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("second term must be greater than or equal to last term");

        if (n < 1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("number of terms must be greater than 0");

        switch (n) {
            case 1: {
                return firstTerm;

            case 2: {
                return secondTerm;

            default: {
                int counter = 2;
                BigInteger currentTerm = secondTerm;
                BigInteger lastTerm = firstTerm;
                while (counter < n) {
                    BigInteger nextTerm = calculateNextTerm(currentTerm, lastTerm);
                    lastTerm = currentTerm;
                    currentTerm = nextTerm;

                return currentTerm;

1 Answer 1


Generally looks good. Except

    final BigInteger squaredTerm = new BigDecimal(Math.pow(currentTerm.doubleValue(), 2)).toBigInteger();

There is absolutely no reason to cast Math in. The computations are supposed to be exact, which Math is notoriously lacking. I recommend

    final BigInteger squaredTerm = currentTerm.multiply(currentTerm);

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