I made a game in python which plays a bit like old terminal based RPGs, though a lot more basic. I had originally intended to implement a weapons and armour system and thus remnants of this can still be seen in the latest version of the code.
Please review this, from the documentation to the actual code.
from random import randrange
critter_names = ["JOHN CENA", "Shrek", "A Troll", "Maymay", "Ur mum", "A Pink guy", "A Roman bust", "A Rampant AI", "A NSA operative", "A Klu Klux Klan Member",
"An iPhone user","A Mac user", "Someone wearing a snapback", "Someone wearing an Unknown Pleasures T-shirt who hasn't even listened to the album",
"Larry Page","Someone who illegitimately won the NCSS", "A Lad", "An Illuminatus"]
character = {"name": "YUNG LEAN", "armour_name": "Boardies", "armour_rating": 1, "weapon_name": "Meaty fists", "weapon_rating" : 10, "hp": 100}
size = input("How big do you want the map? (recomended between 10 and 20): ")
char_xy = [0,0]
critter_list = {}
door = [randrange(0, int(size)), randrange(0, int(size))]
new_level = True
player_in_range = False
level = 0
def attack(name):
critter_list[name][2] = critter_list[name][2] - character["weapon_rating"]
def defend(name):
character["hp"] = character["hp"] - (critter_list[name][3]/character["armour_rating"])
def critter_gen():
for i in critter_names:
if randrange(1, 6) == 3:
critter_list[i] = [randrange(0, int(size)), randrange(0, int(size)), randrange(1, 100), randrange(1, 25)] #[xpos, ypos, hp, attack]
def player_input():
move = input("It's your move! ")
if move == "w" and char_xy[0] > 0:
char_xy[0] -= 1
elif move == "a" and char_xy[1] > 0:
char_xy[1] -= 1
elif move == "s" and char_xy[0] < int(size) - 1:
char_xy[0] += 1
elif move == "d" and char_xy[1] < int(size) - 1:
char_xy[1] += 1
elif move == "e":
if door[0] == char_xy[0] and door[1] == char_xy[1]:
new_level = True
elif move == "f":
for i in critter_list:
if critter_list[i][0] == char_xy[0] and critter_list[i][1] == char_xy[1]:
elif critter_list[i][0] == char_xy[0] + 1 and critter_list[i][1] == char_xy[1] + 1:
elif critter_list[i][0] == char_xy[0] - 1 and critter_list[i][1] == char_xy[1] + 1:
elif critter_list[i][0] == char_xy[0] + 1 and critter_list[i][1] == char_xy[1] - 1:
elif critter_list[i][0] == char_xy[0] - 1 and critter_list[i][1] == char_xy[1] - 1:
elif critter_list[i][0] == char_xy[0] and critter_list[i][1] == char_xy[1] + 1:
elif critter_list[i][0] == char_xy[0] and critter_list[i][1] == char_xy[1] - 1:
elif critter_list[i][0] == char_xy[0] + 1 and critter_list[i][1] == char_xy[1]:
elif critter_list[i][0] == char_xy[0] - 1 and critter_list[i][1] == char_xy[1]:
print("That is not a valid move")
def map_gen():
asc = '-'
gen = [int(size)*[asc] for i in range(int(size))]
gen[char_xy[0]][char_xy[1]] = '@'
for i in critter_list:
if critter_list[i][2] > 0:
gen[critter_list[i][0]][critter_list[i][1]] = "M"
gen[critter_list[i][0]][critter_list[i][1]] = "X"
gen[door[0]][door[1]] = "D"
print('\n'.join(' '.join(row) for row in gen))
def ai():
for i in critter_list:
if critter_list[i][2] > 0:
if critter_list[i][0] == char_xy[0] and critter_list[i][1] == char_xy[1]:
player_in_range = True
elif critter_list[i][0] == char_xy[0] + 1 and critter_list[i][1] == char_xy[1] + 1:
player_in_range = True
elif critter_list[i][0] == char_xy[0] - 1 and critter_list[i][1] == char_xy[1] + 1:
player_in_range = True
elif critter_list[i][0] == char_xy[0] + 1 and critter_list[i][1] == char_xy[1] - 1:
player_in_range = True
elif critter_list[i][0] == char_xy[0] - 1 and critter_list[i][1] == char_xy[1] - 1:
player_in_range = True
elif critter_list[i][0] == char_xy[0] and critter_list[i][1] == char_xy[1] + 1:
player_in_range = True
elif critter_list[i][0] == char_xy[0] and critter_list[i][1] == char_xy[1] - 1:
player_in_range = True
elif critter_list[i][0] == char_xy[0] + 1 and critter_list[i][1] == char_xy[1]:
player_in_range = True
elif critter_list[i][0] == char_xy[0] - 1 and critter_list[i][1] == char_xy[1]:
player_in_range = True
player_in_range = False
if player_in_range == False:
c_move = randrange(1, 6)
if c_move == 1 and critter_list[i][0] < int(size) - 1:
critter_list[i][0] += 1
elif c_move == 2 and critter_list[i][1] < int(size) - 1:
critter_list[i][1] += 1
elif c_move == 4 and critter_list[i][0] > 0:
critter_list[i][0] -= 1
elif c_move == 5 and critter_list[i][1] > 0:
critter_list[i][1] -= 1
while character["hp"] > 0:
if new_level == True:
door = [randrange(0, int(size)), randrange(0, int(size))]
critter_list = {}
level += 1
new_level = False
elif new_level == False:
print("N A M E: " + character["name"])
print("H E A L T H: " + str(character["hp"]))
print("W E A P O N: " + str(character["weapon_rating"]) + " " + character["weapon_name"])
print("A R M O U R: " + str(character["armour_rating"]) + " " + character["armour_name"])
for i in critter_list:
print("E N E M Y: " + str(i) + " " + "H P: " + str(critter_list[i][2]) + " " + "A T K: " + str(critter_list[i][3]))
if door[0] == char_xy[0] and door[1] == char_xy[1]:
new_level = True
print(" ________________________________________________")
print("| G A M E O V E R |")
print(" You Reached L E V E L: " + str(level))
How to use / manual
I SEE CLEARLY IN THE DARK: THE MANUAL DISPLAY @ = The Player Character M = A Monster X = A Dead Monster D = The Door to the next level - = An Empty Tile CONTROLS {_w_} = This moves the character closer to the top of the map. {_a_} = This moves the character closer to the right of the map. {_s_} = This moves the character closer to the bottom of the map. {_d_} = This moves the character closer to the left of the map. {_f_} = Attacks all enemies in range. You must reach the door on each level without being killed by the monsters. Doors are activated on contact so don't worry. There are no health refills or weapon upgrades in this game, so the primary concern is stealth. Monsters will only notice you if you come into range. If you are in range they WILL attack you and there is no way of telling what Monster you are dealing with until either you or the monster attacks. This requires careful monitoring of HP Player's HP: H E A L T H: 12.0 Monster's stats (HP): E N E M Y: An Illuminatus (H P: 48) A T K: 2 If you occupy the same tile as a monster, each time you or the enemy attacks both you and the enemy will be dealt damage. This allows for a quick kill if you are cornered but locks you in to a fight you can't avoid.