
I have completed a FreeCodeCamp exercise to create a tomato timer and chosen to do so with vanilla Javascript. Although it works, I don't like in how many places I am checking against two state variables onBreak and isPaused in many areas of the application.

 (function() {

   "use strict";

   // Initialisation
   var breakLength = 300;
   var sessionLength = 1500;
   var clockTime = sessionLength;
   var timerPaused = true;
   var onBreak = false;
   var CLOCK_PIXEL_HEIGHT = 286;

   // Setters / Getters
   function setBreakLength(newLength) {
     breakLength = (newLength <= 0) ? 0 : newLength;

   function setSessionLength(newLength) {
     sessionLength = (newLength <= 0) ? 0 : newLength;

   function setClockTime(secs) {
     clockTime = secs;

   function getClockTime() {
     return clockTime;

   // Timer
   var intervalTimer;

   window.toggleTimer = function() {
     timerPaused = !timerPaused;
     if (!timerPaused) startTimer();
     else stopTimer();

   function startTimer() {
     intervalTimer = setInterval(tick, 1000);

   function stopTimer() {

   function tick() {
     if (getClockTime() <= 0) {
     setClockTime(getClockTime() - 1);

   function toggleBreak() {
     onBreak = !onBreak;
     setClockTime(onBreak ? breakLength : sessionLength);


   window.breakMinus = function() {
   window.breakPlus = function() {
   window.sessionMinus = function() {
   window.sessionPlus = function() {

   window.reset = function() {
     timerPaused = true;
     onBreak = false;

   // Increment break length. If on break, and timer paused, reset clock to new length.
   function incrementBreakLength(increment) {
     setBreakLength(breakLength + increment);
     if (timerPaused && onBreak) {

   // Increment session length. If in session, and timer paused, reset clock to new length.
   function incrementSessionLength(increment) {
     setSessionLength(sessionLength + increment);
     if (timerPaused && !onBreak) {

     Update View Function
   var notify = (function() {
     var prevBreakLength;
     var prevSessionLength;

     return function() {
       // Just always update clock.
       document.getElementById('timer').innerHTML = formatClockDisplay();
       document.getElementById('title').innerHTML = onBreak ? 'Break' : 'Session';
       document.getElementById('fill').style.backgroundColor = onBreak ? 'red' : 'green';
       document.getElementById('fill').style.height = fillHeight();

       // Update Break Length
       if (prevBreakLength !== breakLength) {
         document.getElementById('break-length').innerHTML = breakLength /  60;
         prevBreakLength = breakLength;

       // Update Session Length
       if (prevSessionLength !== sessionLength) {
         document.getElementById('session-length').innerHTML = sessionLength / 60;
         prevSessionLength = sessionLength;

   function formatClockDisplay() {
     var time = getClockTime();
     var mins = Math.floor(time /  60);
     var secs = clockTime % 60;
     secs = secs <  10 ? '0' + secs : secs;
     return (timerPaused && time === sessionLength) ? mins : mins + ':' + secs;

   var fillHeight = (function() {
     var fillBreakLength = breakLength;
     var fillSessionLength = sessionLength;
     var prevOnBreak = onBreak;

     return function() {
       if (timerPaused || prevOnBreak !== onBreak) {
         fillBreakLength = breakLength;
         fillSessionLength = sessionLength;
         prevOnBreak = onBreak;
       var period = onBreak ? fillBreakLength : fillSessionLength;
       var left = getClockTime();
       return (period - left) /  period * CLOCK_PIXEL_HEIGHT + 'px';


   // init view
   document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
   }, false);


  <div id="control-panel">
    <table align="center">
        <td>BREAK LENGTH</td>
        <td>SESSION LENGTH</td>
          <button onclick="breakMinus()">-</button> <span id="break-length">3</span> 
          <button onclick="breakPlus()">+</button>
          <button onclick="sessionMinus()">-</button> <span id="session-length">7</span> 
          <button onclick="sessionPlus()">+</button>
  <div id="pomodoro" onclick="toggleTimer()">
    <div class="pomoinner">
      <p id="title">Session</p>
      <p id="timer">7</p>
      <span id="fill"></span>
  <div id="reset">
      <button onclick="reset()">RESET</button>

See the end product: http://danielrob.github.io/pomodoro-timer/site/

My key question: is there a way I could reduce my global variables or manage the four possible states [(on session, timer running), (on session, timer paused), (on break, timer running), (on break, timer paused) ] more elegantly?

  • \$\begingroup\$ Can you expand on the purpose of the code? What is "break length" and "session length"? \$\endgroup\$
    – Spike
    Commented Oct 27, 2015 at 17:21
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Spike and those confused: Pomodoro Technique. \$\endgroup\$
    – ferada
    Commented Oct 27, 2015 at 17:33
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Spike I have also added a link to the end product. \$\endgroup\$
    – Dan
    Commented Oct 27, 2015 at 17:38

1 Answer 1


A few notes on your current code:

  • IIFE and "use strict" - excellent!
  • Use of onclick - less excellent. Better to use addEventListener and keep javascript and HTML separate.
  • You can skip the DOMContentLoaded handling by simply putting your script tag at the end of the body tag. That way, all the preceding DOM content will have been loaded when the script starts executing.

Other than that, the icky bits are the state-keeping that you yourself mentioned.

I should add that the UI makes more sense on the page you linked, than it does in the unstyled snippet. Still, even with styling, it wasn't clear what I was supposed to click to actually start the timer. Consider making the big button more "button-like". I know buttons these days are often flat-looking circles, but this flat circle is so large it fails to register as a button - looks more like a purely aesthetic thing. Anyway, that's neither here nor there.

Now, suggestions. I'd suggest wrapping the timers in objects which can encapsulate state for you:

function Timer(duration) {
  this.duration = duration;
  this.remaining = duration;

  this.onupdate = function () {};
  this.onfinish = function () {};

Timer.prototype = {
  isRunning: function () {
    return !!this.timer;
  hasFinished: function () {
    return this.remaining === 0;
  reset: function () {
    this.remaining = this.duration;

  start: function () {
    if(this.isRunning() || this.hasFinished()) {
    this.lastTime = Date.now();
    this.timer = setInterval(this.update.bind(this), 100);

  stop: function () {
    this.timer = null;

  update: function () {
    var delta = Date.now() - this.lastTime;
    this.remaining = Math.max(0, this.remaining - delta);
    this.lastTime = Date.now();
    if(this.remaining <= 0) {
      this.remaining = 0;
      this.running = false;
  toString: function () {
    var total = this.remaining / 1000 | 0,
        minutes = total / 60 | 0,
        seconds = total % 60;
    return String(minutes) + ":" + ("00" + seconds).slice(-2);

// Test (just a 10sec timer)

var t = new Timer(10*1000);

t.onupdate = function () {
  document.getElementById("time").innerHTML = this.toString();

t.onfinish = function () {
  document.getElementById("toggle").disabled = true;

document.getElementById("toggle").addEventListener("click", function () {
  var clock = document.getElementById("time");
  if(t.isRunning()) {
    clock.style.color = "gray";
  } else {
    clock.style.color = "black";
}, false);
<span id="time">0:10</span>
<button id="toggle">Toggle timer</button>

You could also easily add a progress method to the prototype which return a 0-1 number indicating how far in the session/break you are.

As for keeping track of sessions/breaks. I'd create 2 of those Timer instances. You can add a name argument to the constructor, which you can display on-update, if you want.

Point is, if the session timer hasFinished(), then check the break timer. If it too hasFinished(), then reset and start the session timer again.

  • \$\begingroup\$ This is truly excellent, and very much confirms the direction I had taken in the meantime - but a very nice clean presentation of that here, thank you. I was partly getting sidetracked with trying to get more functional: having session/break functions that instantiated a timer with a callback for when it finished which starts a break/session respectively. Worth pursuing? And would it be possible to do all of this fully functionally do you think? \$\endgroup\$
    – Dan
    Commented Oct 27, 2015 at 19:24
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Dan Your callback-idea is basically the same as the above; onfinish is a callback. It's not passed as an argument to another function, but the result is the same. You probably could do it completely functionally with no explicit object instantiation, only closures - but would you want to? There's no reason to force it in such a direction if you ask me. I'd just stick to modelling it pretty plainly: Two timers, taking turns. Seems more straightforward to me, and easier to extend. \$\endgroup\$
    – Flambino
    Commented Oct 27, 2015 at 20:03
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ It seems to me that it's really only one timer, with the label and duration toggling between two values. With a one small change (e.g. give reset a duration argument), this could be easily implemented. \$\endgroup\$
    – Edward
    Commented Oct 28, 2015 at 11:37
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Edward True, that could be even cleaner. And it'd remove the risk of both timers accidentally running simultaneously. \$\endgroup\$
    – Flambino
    Commented Oct 28, 2015 at 12:11

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