I gave a shot at implementing Maybe
for C++ and a slight twist in my implementation is that it uses thread_local static
instance of Just
and Nothing
+ placement new
operator to minimize the number of (de)allocations.
This is the first time I'm using thread_local
and placement new
operator, so I could be doing something really wrong here. I would appreciate if you could take a look at the code and give your feedback.
#include <exception>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
namespace ro {
* A class that may or may not hold a value in it.
template <typename T>
class Maybe
* A deleter that doesn't actually delete the pointer. This is used to make sure that
* the thread_local static instance on the stack doesn't get deleted when going out
* of scope
struct NoopDeleter
void operator()(Maybe<T>*) {}
using pointer_t = std::shared_ptr<Maybe<T>>;
* Gets an pointer to a Maybe that's nothing
static pointer_t nothing();
* Gets a pointer to a Maybe that just have a value.
static pointer_t just(const T& value);
Maybe() = default;
virtual ~Maybe() = default;
* Returns if this Maybe is nothing
virtual bool isNothing() const = 0;
* Gets the value, if this instance has one. Throws a runtimer_error otherwise.
virtual T get() const = 0;
* Gets the value held or the passed in value otherwise.
T getOrElse(const T& defaultValue) const
if (isNothing())
return defaultValue;
return get();
* Gets the value stored or throws the exception as supplied by the method passed in
T getOrThrow(const std::function<std::exception()>& exceptionSupplier) const
if (isNothing())
throw exceptionSupplier();
return get();
* Binds a function to convert the stored value (if any) to another of the same type
pointer_t bind(const std::function < T(const T&)>& func) const
return map<T>(func);
* Binds a function to convert the stored value (if any) to another Maybe of the same type
pointer_t flatBind(const std::function<pointer_t(const T&)>& func) const
return flatMap<T>(func);
* Maps the current value (if any) to another type.
template <typename U>
typename Maybe<U>::pointer_t map(const std::function<U(const T&)>& func) const
return flatMap<U>([&](const T& val) { return Maybe<U>::just(func(val)); });
* Maps the current value (if any) to another type, using the method that returns a
* Maybe of the mapped type.
template <typename U>
typename Maybe<U>::pointer_t flatMap(const std::function<typename Maybe<U>::pointer_t(const T&)>& func) const
if (isNothing())
return Maybe<U>::nothing();
return func(get());
template <typename T>
class Nothing : public Maybe<T>
virtual bool isNothing() const override
return true;
virtual T get() const override
throw std::runtime_error("No value has been set for this.");
template <typename T>
class Just : public Maybe<T>
Just(const T& value)
: mValue(value)
virtual bool isNothing() const override
return false;
virtual T get() const override
return mValue;
const T mValue;
template <typename T>
typename Maybe<T>::pointer_t Maybe<T>::nothing()
thread_local static Nothing<T> nothingInstance;
static typename Maybe<T>::pointer_t nothing(¬hingInstance, NoopDeleter());
return nothing;
template <typename T>
typename Maybe<T>::pointer_t Maybe<T>::just(const T& value)
// Found out that thread_local isn't a good idea for 'just'.
// thread_local static Just<T> justInstance(value);
// typename Maybe<T>::pointer_t just(new (&justInstance) Just<T>(value), NoopDeleter());
// return just;
return std::make_shared<Just<T>>(value);
Here's a working example: ideone