
I gave a shot at implementing Maybe for C++ and a slight twist in my implementation is that it uses thread_local static instance of Just and Nothing + placement new operator to minimize the number of (de)allocations.

This is the first time I'm using thread_local and placement new operator, so I could be doing something really wrong here. I would appreciate if you could take a look at the code and give your feedback.


#include <exception>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>

namespace ro {
   * A class that may or may not hold a value in it.
  template <typename T>
  class Maybe
       * A deleter that doesn't actually delete the pointer. This is used to make sure that
       * the thread_local static instance on the stack doesn't get deleted when going out
       * of scope
      struct NoopDeleter
          void operator()(Maybe<T>*) {}
      using pointer_t = std::shared_ptr<Maybe<T>>;

       * Gets an pointer to a Maybe that's nothing
      static pointer_t nothing();

       * Gets a pointer to a Maybe that just have a value.
      static pointer_t just(const T& value);

      Maybe() = default;
      virtual ~Maybe() = default;

       * Returns if this Maybe is nothing
      virtual bool isNothing() const = 0;

       * Gets the value, if this instance has one. Throws a runtimer_error otherwise.
      virtual T get() const = 0;

       * Gets the value held or the passed in value otherwise.
      T getOrElse(const T& defaultValue) const
          if (isNothing())
              return defaultValue;
          return get();

       * Gets the value stored or throws the exception as supplied by the method passed in
      T getOrThrow(const std::function<std::exception()>& exceptionSupplier) const
          if (isNothing())
              throw exceptionSupplier();
          return get();

       * Binds a function to convert the stored value (if any) to another of the same type
      pointer_t bind(const std::function < T(const T&)>& func) const
          return map<T>(func);

       * Binds a function to convert the stored value (if any) to another Maybe of the same type
      pointer_t flatBind(const std::function<pointer_t(const T&)>& func) const
          return flatMap<T>(func);

       * Maps the current value (if any) to another type.
      template <typename U>
      typename Maybe<U>::pointer_t map(const std::function<U(const T&)>& func) const
          return flatMap<U>([&](const T& val) { return Maybe<U>::just(func(val)); });

       * Maps the current value (if any) to another type, using the method that returns a
       * Maybe of the mapped type.
      template <typename U>
      typename Maybe<U>::pointer_t flatMap(const std::function<typename Maybe<U>::pointer_t(const T&)>& func) const
          if (isNothing())
              return Maybe<U>::nothing();
          return func(get());

  template <typename T>
  class Nothing : public Maybe<T>
      virtual bool isNothing() const override
          return true;

      virtual T get() const override
          throw std::runtime_error("No value has been set for this.");

  template <typename T>
  class Just : public Maybe<T>
      Just(const T& value)
          : mValue(value)

      virtual bool isNothing() const override
          return false;

      virtual T get() const override
          return mValue;

      const T mValue;

  template <typename T>
  typename Maybe<T>::pointer_t Maybe<T>::nothing()
      thread_local static Nothing<T> nothingInstance;
      static typename Maybe<T>::pointer_t nothing(&nothingInstance, NoopDeleter());
      return nothing;

  template <typename T>
  typename Maybe<T>::pointer_t Maybe<T>::just(const T& value)
      // Found out that thread_local isn't a good idea for 'just'.
      // thread_local static Just<T> justInstance(value);
      // typename Maybe<T>::pointer_t just(new (&justInstance) Just<T>(value), NoopDeleter());
      // return just;
      return std::make_shared<Just<T>>(value);

Here's a working example: ideone

  • \$\begingroup\$ Fair point. Admittedly, I really didn't look into the help-center for rules, never have, but I guess I learned my lesson. I think this question isn't off-topic. What I'm specifically looking for is correctness of my code. While I think this might work, I'm not sure of any edge-cases where this may go horribly wrong. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Aug 24, 2015 at 16:08
  • \$\begingroup\$ Aside: There are reviews of a number of optional/maybe-types for C++ on this site. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Oct 23, 2015 at 20:34

1 Answer 1



The thing that jumps out at me most is the need for memory allocation to create a Just<T> or Nothing<T>. That's a performance hit, which is why boost::optional and what will eventually be std::optional don't do it this way.

It additionally makes the usage of the class a bit awkward. What I want to do:

Maybe<int> result = foo(x);
if (isNothing(result)) { ... } // or any other way to check

but I have to write:

Maybe<int>::pointer_t result = foo(x);
if (result->isNothing()) { ... }

That's awkward.


You have get() returning by value, this incurs unnecessary copies at best, but if T isn't copyable makes Just<T> useless. You should instead prefer:

virtual T& get() = 0;
virtual T const& get() const = 0;

Returning T for getOrElse() makes sense though - as you may want to support the else case as a temporary. On the other hand, getOrThrow() will only ever return get() so it should return a reference.

std::function is for type erasure

Throughout, you use std::function. But std::function is for type erasure. It's for those cases where you need to store a functor. In none of your usages do you need this feature.

At the most basic, take getOrThrow(). Just take it as template argument:

template <typename F>
T& getOrThrow(F&& exceptionSupplier) {
    if (isNothing()) {
        throw std::forward<F>(exceptionSupplier)();
    return get();

template <typename F>
T const& getOrThrow(F&& exceptionSupplier) const {
    return const_cast<Maybe*>(this)->getOrThrow(std::forward<F>(exceptionSupplier));

If you want to add more SFINAE goodness here, you could additionally require that exceptionSupplier() gives you something that inherits from std::exception.

But this is just an overhead thing. Your implementations of map, flatMap, bind, and flatBind all take as arguments a std::function of some sort too. This is ok but inefficient for bind and flatBind, but makes map and flatMap much less usable:

Maybe<int>::pointer_t result = ...;
auto add1 = result->flatMap([](int i){ return just(i+1); }); // error

because I have to write it like:

auto add1 = result->flatMap<int>([](int i){ return just(i+1); }); // OK but blargh!

Prefer something like:

template <typename F,
          typename R = decltype(std::declval<F>()(std::declval<T&>()), // this is your Maybe<U>::pointer_t
          typename MaybeU = typename R::element_type // this is your Maybe<U>
R flatMap(F&& func)
    return isNothing()
        ? MaybeU::nothing()
        : std::forward<F>(func)(get());

This would let users call your functions with raw lambdas - which is what they'd expect to be able to use!


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