For a lot of data dictionaries are faster than collections, and much more convenient as @RubberDuck mentioned. Lookup times are almost instantaneous, IF you do a lot of lookups, but both collections and dictionaries are slow to initialize
In your case though, the lookups are insignificant. The main issue is caused by updating the cell format in every iteration. I converted the range to an array to minimize interaction with the sheet. Here are the results using the same data set:
1. (Rng) - Total rows: 100,001 in 8.851 sec
2. (Arr) - Total rows: 100,001 in 0.398 sec
1. (Rng) - Total rows: 500,001 in 43.578 sec
2. (Arr) - Total rows: 500,001 in 2.023 sec
Invalid cells: 77,780 (out of 100,000)
the code
Option Explicit
Public Sub CompareValues()
Const MAX_SZ As Byte = 240
Const COL_ID As Byte = 1
Const COL_LTR As String = "A"
Const FIRST_ROW As Byte = 2
Const SRCH_LST As String = "%,%O,D,CMS"
Const LST_START As Byte = 0
Const LST_END As Byte = 3 '165
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim thisRow As Long
Dim thisItm As Long
Dim invalidSet As Long
Dim tmp As String
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim colArr As Variant
Dim searchItem As Variant
Dim isValid As Boolean
Dim invalidArr() As String
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
With ws
lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, COL_ID).End(xlUp).Row
colArr = .Range(.Cells(FIRST_ROW, COL_ID), .Cells(lastRow, COL_ID)).Value2
End With
searchItem = Split(SRCH_LST, ",")
ReDim Preserve invalidArr(lastRow)
invalidSet = 0
For thisRow = 1 To lastRow - FIRST_ROW + 1
isValid = False
For thisItm = LST_START To LST_END 'compare
If colArr(thisRow, COL_ID) = searchItem(thisItm) Then
isValid = True
Exit For
End If
If Not isValid Then 'if not valid build string of addresses (A1,A3,A7,...)
tmp = tmp & COL_LTR & thisRow + FIRST_ROW - 1 & ","
If Len(tmp) > MAX_SZ Then 'if string length > 240, split it
invalidArr(invalidSet) = Left(tmp, Len(tmp) - 1) 'remove last comma
invalidSet = invalidSet + 1
tmp = vbNullString
End If
End If
If Len(tmp) > 0 Or invalidSet > 0 Then 'if there are invalid values
Dim totalSets As Long
totalSets = invalidSet
If Len(tmp) > 0 Then 'store the last set, if tmp not empty
invalidArr(invalidSet) = Left(tmp, Len(tmp) - 1)
totalSets = totalSets - 1
End If
ReDim Preserve invalidArr(totalSets) 'cleanup (not needed)
With ws
For invalidSet = 0 To totalSets 'change cell colors in sets of ranges
.Range(invalidArr(invalidSet)).Interior.Color = 192
End With
End If
End Sub