I'm asking for suggestions on a random accessed vector with allocated elements sorted by its key obtained from its member function.
I use it with Qt tree view where the access, add and deletion of tree items is implemented via its index or row number. And I want all the tree items are automatically sorted under a tree node.
If I use std::set
, I need to calculate the index first (such as using distance function) when adding an item under a tree node and need a binary search when deleting and accessing an item.
Sorted pointer vectors can access items quickly but require moving pointers when adding and deleting an item. Compare all the advantages and disadvantages, I think this can give better performance
Am I right? Does anyone have experience on it or better suggestions?
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <algorithm>
//! A random accessed vector with allocated elements sorted by
//! its key obtained from its member function.
//! - Duplicate elements are not allowed.
template<class T, class K, K (T::*MemFun)() const>
class SortedPtrVector
SortedPtrVector() {}
//! Add an element, return its index.
bool Add(std::unique_ptr<T> element, int& index)
if (!Find((element.get()->*MemFun)(), index))
m_vector.insert(m_vector.begin() + index, std::move(element));
return true;
return false;
//! Find the element with a key.
//! - Return true when found and record its index;
//! - Return false when not found and record its lower bound.
bool Find(const K& key, int& index) const
if (m_vector.empty())
index = 0;
return false;
index = LowerBound(key);
if (index >= m_vector.size())
return false;
if ((m_vector[index].get()->*MemFun)() == key)
return true;
return false;
//! Return an index to the first element which does not compare less than the key.
int LowerBound(const K& key) const
int first = 0;
int count = m_vector.size();
while (count > 0)
int i = first;
int step = count / 2;
i += step;
if ((m_vector[i].get()->*MemFun)() < key)
first = ++i;
count -= step + 1;
count = step;
return first;
//! Delete an element at an index.
void DeleteAt(int index)
m_vector.erase(m_vector.begin() + index);
//! Delete an element with a key.
void Delete(const K& key)
int index;
if (Find(key, index))
//! Clear.
void Clear()
unsigned Size() {return m_vector.size();}
const T& operator [](unsigned i) const {return *m_vector[i];}
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<T>> m_vector;