
How can I rewrite this in a cleaner way?

I have this function that takes a list of contacts of different types (are being called relationships. If there are contacts of type A the list should be filtered to only include contacts of type A, otherwise, it should only include contacts of type B.

const getContactNames = () => {
  let filteredContacts = contacts.filter(c => c.relationship === 'A')
  if (!filteredContacts.length) {
    filteredContacts = contacts.filter(
      c => c.relationship === 'B'
  return filteredContacts.map(contact => getContactName(contact))

The getContactName function:

const getContactName = contact =>
  `${contact?.title || ''} ${contact?.firstName || ''} ${
    contact?.lastName || ''

contact object:

const contact = {title:"Mr", firstName:"test", lastName: "test", relationship: "B", address: "test", city:"NY", state:"NY"}

How can I rewrite the getContactNames function in a cleaner way?

  • \$\begingroup\$ Please clarify: If contactNames contains any "type A" contacts then return all the "type B" contacts; then if there are no "type A" contacts then return nothing / an empty set? Also, "... should only leave contacts of type B" - "leave" implies to delete all contacts except "typeB" from contactNames. \$\endgroup\$
    – radarbob
    Commented Jan 5, 2022 at 22:32
  • \$\begingroup\$ Show the contact definition in the code. Without knowing that and how it one is created an answer is guesswork. The chaining operator ?. implies a contact contains other objects that may or may not be contact object(s). Then defaulting the property to an empty string implies these properties may or may not be initialized upon creation. \$\endgroup\$
    – radarbob
    Commented Jan 5, 2022 at 23:11
  • \$\begingroup\$ @radarbob the contacts list can contain contacts of 4 different types, A, B, C and D. If there are contacts of type A I want to remove all the other types and only get the ones with type A, If there are no type A contacts, I only want to get the type B contacts. If no type A and no type B then the list should return empty. I have edited my question and added the contact object. \$\endgroup\$ Commented Jan 6, 2022 at 11:06
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ Your comment reply I want to remove all the other types Again, "remove" means "delete". I think I know you do not mean that. And also that there is no such thing as "type" anywhere in the code itself; the description and the actual code conflict. I'm being a pedantic pain just to show how precision, terminology, etc. is so important to readers trying to evaluate correctness and suggest changes. \$\endgroup\$
    – radarbob
    Commented Jan 6, 2022 at 19:46
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ That contact object is not valid javascript. Is it a snippet from a JSON object? Are you unpacking the JSON to an array of proper JS objects? There is not enough context (code ) to tell how or if this works. \$\endgroup\$
    – radarbob
    Commented Jan 6, 2022 at 20:29

2 Answers 2


rewrite this in a cleaner way?

The contact object does all the work for itself: initializing properties, formatting name output. If some client code is doing something to an object's properties then it probably should be a method/function in that object.

function contact(fromJSON) {
       title: fromJSON.title     || "",
   firstName: fromJSON.firstName || "",
    lastName: fromJSON.lastName  || "",
relationship: fromJSON.relationship || "",

  contactName: function() { 
    return `${ this.title } ${ this.firstName } ${ this.lastName }`.trim()

New contact objects are initialized with blank string. The chaining operator is not needed as there are no nested objects in contact

Filtering for "A else B" types. The point is avoiding nesting when practical which naturally makes reading and understanding easier.

Yes, filtering for "B"s may sometimes be unnecessary but I don't care. I love how clean, simple, and clear the code feels. If performance might be an issue, well, that's what testing is for.

// if there are no type "A" contacts, give me type "B"s
const getContacts = () => {
   let ContactsA = contacts.filter( c => c.relationship === 'A' )
   let ContactsB = contacts.filter( c => c.relationship === 'B' )
   return ContactsA.length ? ContactsA : 
          ContactsB.length ? ContactsB :

Client code

const contacts = // array of contacts from JSON object
const AorBcontacts = getContacts()
AorBcontacts.forEach( x => console.log( x.contactName() ))

I'll address the two functions independently. Since you've asked "how can I rewrite this in a cleaner way", I've assumed you're interested in the process of determining a cleaner way, not just the end result. So I've written out my thought process.

(By the way, in a few places I've said "I don't like X", which I'm using as a short hand for "I have an intuition that we can do better, but I haven't fully explored the tradeoffs, I'd like to try changing it and see if it's better". I acknowledge that what I personally like and don't like is irrelevant to you, but there are definitely times when intuition leads us to a new solution which we can objectively conclude is preferable.)


The first thing I would do is to write your code in English. This is the best way I know of to write readable code, because I'm good at assessing whether English is awkward.

function getContactNames() {
   // if there are any contacts with relationship A
   // use only the As
   // otherwise use only the Bs
   // return the contact names for whatever contacts you chose

I've noticed that you're filtering the list twice, but we don't have to. For a marginal performance improvement, and because I consider this to make the code simpler, I would suggest looping once instead (and assigning to the appropriate list in the loop).

function getContactNames() {
   const typeAContacts = [];
   const typeBContacts = [];
   // for each of the contacts, put them into the correct contact list
   // if there are any type A contacts, use those
   // otherwise, use the type B contacts
   // return the contact names for whatever contacts you chose

The next thing I'd like to address is that this method is doing two things (choosing the contact list; mapping to names). I'll split the method:

function getContactNames() {
   const filteredContacts = chooseContactsOfOneMostAppropriateType(contacts);
   return filteredContacts.map(getContactName);

// This method name I chose is awkward, but it's a placeholder for now
function chooseContactsOfOneMostAppropriateType(contacts) {
   const typeAContacts = [];
   const typeBContacts = [];
   // for each of the contacts, put them into the correct contact list
   // if there are any type A contacts, return those
   // otherwise, return the type B contacts

I wrote filteredContacts.map(getContactName) instead of filteredContacts.map(contact => getContactName(contact)) because they are functionally equivalent but the former is more concise. It's a style preference though.

OK, I've finished with getContactNames and will now focus on the private chooseContactsOfOneMostAppropriateType method:

function chooseContactsOfOneMostAppropriateType(contacts) {
   const typeAContacts = [];
   const typeBContacts = [];
   contacts.forEach(contact => {
     if (contact.relationship === 'A') {
     } else if (contact.relationship === 'B') {
   return typeAContacts.length ? typeAContacts : typeBContacts;

Decisions like using the ternary expression and the format of the if/else should match whatever your project style guide specifies. Some teams may prefer you omit the curly braces on the one line if/else, or use switch. Other teams may disallow the use of ternary expressions, so you would need another if/else.

At this point, I don't like how long this is and may choose to split it:

function chooseContactsOfOneMostAppropriateType(contacts) {
   const { B: typeBContacts, A: typeAContacts } = groupByRelationship(contacts);
   return typeAContacts.length ? typeAContacts : typeBContacts;

function groupByRelationship(contacts) {
   return contacts.reduce((all, one) => {
     all[one.relationship] = all[one.relationship] || [];
     return all;
   }, {});

Since groupByRelationship is very generic, I would extract it to a separate file and unit test it independently.


I prefer the function syntax over anonymous functions. When debugging, this function is named, whereas the anonymous function assigned to a constant is not a named function. However, it's mostly a team preference thing. I'd say go with whatever is conventional in your context.

function getContactName(contact) {
  return `${contact?.title || ''} ${contact?.firstName || ''} ${
    contact?.lastName || ''

First, to English

function getContactName(contact) {
  // return the title, first name, and last name (if present) joined by spaces

I like to use filter/join for this sort of thing because it's closer to the English version:

function getContactName(contact) {
  // return the tile, first name, and last name
  const { title, firstName, lastName } = contact;
  const nameParts = [title, firstName, lastName];
  return nameParts
    // if present
    .filter(x => !!x)
    // joined by spaces
    .join(' ');
  • .filter(x => !!x) is equivalent to || ''
  • join(' ') is equivalent to the } ${ between the terms in the original code.
function getContactName(contact) {
  const { title, firstName, lastName } = contact;
  const nameParts = [title, firstName, lastName];
  return nameParts.filter(x => !!x).join(' ');

Putting it all together:

function getContactNames() {
   const filteredContacts = chooseContactsOfOneMostAppropriateType(contacts);
   return filteredContacts.map(getContactName);

function chooseContactsOfOneMostAppropriateType(contacts) {
   const { B: typeBContacts, A: typeAContacts } = groupByRelationship(contacts);
   return typeAContacts.length ? typeAContacts : typeBContacts;

function groupByRelationship(contacts) {
   return contacts.reduce((all, one) => {
     all[one.relationship] = all[one.relationship] || [];
     return all;
   }, {});
function getContactName(contact) {
  const { title, firstName, lastName } = contact;
  const nameParts = [title, firstName, lastName];
  return nameParts.filter(x => !!x).join(' ');

We now have some generic contact stuff and some thing specific to this code you're working on. I would extract groupByRelationship and getContactName into a separate contact utility, and leave getContactNames and chooseContactsOfOneMostAppropriateType in the current spot. Also, since chooseContactsOfOneMostAppropriateType is now so short, I think we could inline it. Thus:

// main code
function getContactNames() {
   const { B: typeBContacts, A: typeAContacts } = groupByRelationship(contacts);
   const filteredContacts = typeAContacts.length ? typeAContacts : typeBContacts;
   return filteredContacts.map(getContactName);
// contactManagement.js (or something like that)
function groupByRelationship(contacts) {
   return contacts.reduce((all, one) => {
     all[one.relationship] = all[one.relationship] || [];
     return all;
   }, {});
function getContactName(contact) {
  const { title, firstName, lastName } = contact;
  const nameParts = [title, firstName, lastName];
  return nameParts.filter(x => !!x).join(' ');

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