I would be grateful for a code review of my first "real" C# project (https://github.com/michaeljsiena/RockPaperScissors). It's a basic rock, paper, scissors console game. It's probably quite over-engineered for what it is, but I wanted to try applying some aspects of object-oriented design I've been learing in a simple console app.
I would especially appreciate comments on how I could further separate concerns in many of my methods. I also noticed much of the code involved in handling inputs is repeated so was hoping for some tips on how to reduce this.
Edit: I've already implemented theVBE-it'srightforme suggestion - thanks again!
using System;
namespace RockPaperScissors
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var gameManager = GameManager.Instance;
using System;
namespace RockPaperScissors
// Uses a singleton pattern
public sealed class GameManager
private GameMode gameMode;
private IPlayer player1, player2;
private readonly ScoreManager scoreManager = ScoreManager.Instance;
private static GameManager _instance = null;
public static GameManager Instance
get => _instance ??= new GameManager();
public void PlayGame()
// game loop
// set up game
gameMode = SetGameMode();
InitialisePlayers(gameMode, ref player1, ref player2);
// play game
int round = 1;
while (player1.Score < scoreManager.WinningScore && player2.Score < scoreManager.WinningScore)
ConsoleHelper.PrintColorTextLine($"\nROUND {round}", ConsoleColor.Blue);
// make moves
// update and showround information
scoreManager.UpdateGameScore(player1, player2);
scoreManager.ShowGameScore(player1, player2);
// show end of game information
scoreManager.ShowWinner(player1, player2);
scoreManager.ShowGameScore(player1, player2);
while (WillPlayAgain());
static GameMode SetGameMode()
ConsoleHelper.PrintColorText("GAME MODE ('1' = vs Computer, '2' = Simulation)?: ", ConsoleColor.Blue);
int playerInput;
while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out playerInput) || !(playerInput == 1 || playerInput == 2))
ConsoleHelper.PrintColorTextLine("Invalid input, try again...", ConsoleColor.Red);
return (GameMode)playerInput;
static void InitialisePlayers(GameMode gameMode, ref IPlayer player1, ref IPlayer player2)
switch (gameMode)
case GameMode.HumanVsComputer:
// get player name
ConsoleHelper.PrintColorText("PLAYER NAME: ", ConsoleColor.Blue);
string playerName = Console.ReadLine();
player1 = new HumanPlayer(playerName);
player2 = new ComputerPlayer("HAL 9000");
case GameMode.ComputerVsComputer:
player1 = new ComputerPlayer("Skynet");
player2 = new ComputerPlayer("HAL 9000");
static bool WillPlayAgain()
ConsoleHelper.PrintColorText("\nPLAY AGAIN ('1' = yes, '2' = no)?: ", ConsoleColor.Blue);
int playerInput;
while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out playerInput) || !(playerInput == 1 || playerInput == 2))
ConsoleHelper.PrintColorTextLine("Invalid input, try again...", ConsoleColor.Red);
return playerInput == 1;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace RockPaperScissors
// Uses a singleton pattern
public sealed class ScoreManager
private static ScoreManager _instance = null;
public static ScoreManager Instance
get => _instance ??= new ScoreManager();
private ScoreManager() { }
public int WinningScore { get; private set; }
public int PlayerScore { get; private set; }
public int ComputerScore { get; private set; }
public void SetWinningScore()
ConsoleHelper.PrintColorText("WINNING SCORE: ", ConsoleColor.Green);
int winningScore;
while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out winningScore) || winningScore < 1)
ConsoleHelper.PrintColorTextLine("Invalid input, must be a positive whole number...", ConsoleColor.Red);
WinningScore = winningScore;
public void UpdateGameScore(IPlayer player1, IPlayer player2)
if (player1.Move == player2.Move)
player1.Score += 1;
player2.Score += 1;
else if (player2.Move == Rules.MoveOutcomes[player1.Move].losingMove1 || player2.Move == Rules.MoveOutcomes[player1.Move].losingMove2)
player1.Score += 1;
player2.Score += 1;
public void ShowGameScore(IPlayer player1, IPlayer player2)
ConsoleHelper.PrintColorTextLine($"{player1.Name}'s Score: {player1.Score}\n{player2.Name}'s Score: {player2.Score}", ConsoleColor.Green);
public void ShowWinner(IPlayer player1, IPlayer player2)
string message = (player1.Score == player2.Score)
? $"{player1.Name} and {player2.Name} tie!"
: $"{(player1.Score > player2.Score ? player1.Name : player2.Name)} wins!";
ConsoleHelper.PrintColorTextLine("\n" + new string('*', message.Length), ConsoleColor.Green);
ConsoleHelper.PrintColorTextLine(message, ConsoleColor.Green);
ConsoleHelper.PrintColorTextLine(new string('*', message.Length), ConsoleColor.Green);
namespace RockPaperScissors
public interface IPlayer
public string Name { get; }
public Move Move { get; }
public int Score { get; set; }
public void MakeMove();
namespace RockPaperScissors
public abstract class Player : IPlayer
public string Name { get; private set; }
public Move Move { get; protected set; }
public int Score { get; set; }
protected Player(string name) => Name = name;
public abstract void MakeMove();
using System;
namespace RockPaperScissors
public sealed class HumanPlayer : Player
public HumanPlayer(string name) : base(name) { }
public override void MakeMove()
ConsoleHelper.PrintColorText($"{this.Name}'s move: ", ConsoleColor.White);
int playerInput;
while (!int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out playerInput) || !Enum.IsDefined(typeof(Move), playerInput))
ConsoleHelper.PrintColorTextLine("Invalid input, please try again...", ConsoleColor.Red);
Move = (Move)playerInput;
using System;
namespace RockPaperScissors
public sealed class ComputerPlayer : Player
public ComputerPlayer(string name) : base(name) { }
public override void MakeMove()
Move = RandomMoveGenerator.GenerateRandomMove();
Console.WriteLine($"{this.Name} made a {this.Move}");
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace RockPaperScissors
public static class RandomMoveGenerator
private readonly static Random random = new Random();
private static readonly Move[] moves = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Move))
public static Move GenerateRandomMove() => moves[random.Next(moves.Length)];
using System;
// Made this to eliminate some of the clutter in GameManager.PlayGame()
namespace RockPaperScissors
public static class ConsoleHelper
public static void PrintColorText(string text, ConsoleColor color)
Console.ForegroundColor = color;
public static void PrintColorTextLine(string text, ConsoleColor color)
Console.ForegroundColor = color;
namespace RockPaperScissors
public enum GameMode
HumanVsComputer = 1,
ComputerVsComputer // simulation, mainly for testing
namespace RockPaperScissors
public enum Move
Rock = 1,
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace RockPaperScissors
public static class Rules
private static readonly Dictionary<Move, (Move losingMove1, Move losingMove2)> _moveOutcomes = new Dictionary<Move, (Move, Move)>
{ Move.Rock, (Move.Scissors, Move.Lizard)},
{ Move.Paper, (Move.Rock, Move.Spock)},
{ Move.Scissors, (Move.Paper, Move.Lizard)},
{ Move.Lizard, (Move.Paper, Move.Spock)},
{ Move.Spock, (Move.Rock, Move.Scissors)},
public static Dictionary<Move, (Move losingMove1, Move losingMove2)> MoveOutcomes
get => _moveOutcomes;
public static void ShowMoveOutcomes()
ConsoleHelper.PrintColorTextLine("\nMOVES", ConsoleColor.Blue);
foreach (KeyValuePair<Move, (Move losingMove1, Move losingMove2)> moveOutcome in Rules.MoveOutcomes)
ConsoleHelper.PrintColorTextLine($"{moveOutcome.Key} (key: '{(int)moveOutcome.Key}') beats {moveOutcome.Value.losingMove1} and {moveOutcome.Value.losingMove2}", ConsoleColor.DarkGray);
subclasses rather than holding references to them using the base class. The point of abstract base class is to implement common functionality while interface is to represent object confirming to an expected set of functionality. \$\endgroup\$public interface IPlayer
with same set of methods inPlayer
, havePlayer : IPlayer
, and change the references in the client classes fromPlayer
. \$\endgroup\$