At the end of the Day 1 Go Course slides (pdf) there is an exercise stated as follows (NOTE: the course in the linked presentation is considered obsolete. If you are looking to learn Go the suggested route is first via
You all know what the Fibonacci series is. Write a package to implement it. There should be a function to get the next value. (You don't have structs yet; can you find a way to save state without globals?) But instead of addition, make the operation settable by a function provided by the user. Integers? Floats? Strings? Up to you.
How does the following solution rate with respect to its 'Go'-iness?
package fib
type BinOp func (uint64, uint64) uint64
func fib_intern(a, b uint64, op BinOp) uint64 {
Fib = func(opnew BinOp) uint64 {
return fib_intern(b, op(a,b), opnew)
return a
var Fib = func(op BinOp) uint64 {
return fib_intern(0,1,op)
Which can then be called like:
package main
import (
func add(a, b uint64) uint64 {
return a+b
func main() {
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {