I am working with annotated text that has data describing changes on it. Changes are represented by lines consisting of groups of "+++" and "---", each referring to the characters in line above. Following is a small example of data:
"in": {
"fileLineNo": 58,
"text": "(foo\n {:a 1\n--\n :b 2})"
}}, {
"in": {
"fileLineNo": 71,
"text": "(foo)\n {:a 1\n++\n:b 2}"
Here is the code i am using:
(defun make-parse-error (line-no message)
(format "test parse error at line %d: %s" line-no message))
(defun parse-cursor-from-line (options input-line-no output-line-no line)
"Extracts cursor from LINE, returning cleaned line. Expects nonempty alist in OPTIONS. Signals error if cursor is already present"
(let* ((cursor-x (string-match "|" line))
(clean (replace-regexp-in-string "|" "" line)))
(when cursor-x
(when (alist-get :cursor-x options)
(throw 'parinferlib-error (make-parse-error input-line-no
(format "cursor already found at line %d" (alist-get :cursor-line options)))))
(when (string-match "|" line (1+ cursor-x))
(throw 'parinferlib-error (make-parse-error input-line-no
"only one cursor allowed")))
(setf (alist-get :cursor-x options) cursor-x
(alist-get :cursor-line options) output-line-no))
(defconst parinferlib--LOOSE_DIFF_MATCH
(defconst parinferlib--DIFF_MATCH
(defun make-change-struct ()
(mapcar 'list '(:line-no :x :old-text :new-text)))
(defun make-diff-struct ()
(mapcar 'list '(:end-line-char :start-line-char :code-line-no :input-line-no :code)))
(defun parse-diff-line (options input-line-no output-line-no line prev-line diff)
"Test if LINE is a diff line and if so return changed version of PREV-LINE. OPTIONS is updated to preserve cursor data and cullect changes; DIFF is filled if needed"
(when (string-match parinferlib--LOOSE_DIFF_MATCH line)
(unless prev-line
(throw 'parinferlib-error (make-parse-error input-line-no "Diff line must have preceding line")))
(unless (string-match parinferlib--DIFF_MATCH line)
(throw 'parinferlib-error (make-parse-error input-line-no "Diff chars must be adjancent with '-'s before '+'s")))
(let* ((total (length (match-string 1 line)))
(x (length (match-string 2 line)))
(old-len (length (match-string 3 line)))
(new-len (length (match-string 4 line)))
(new-x (+ x old-len))
(len (+ old-len new-len))
(x-end (1- (+ x len)))
(cursor-x (alist-get :cursor-x options))
(change (make-change-struct))
(end-line-char (when (= (length prev-line) x-end)
(aref line x-end))))
(when (> total (1+ (length prev-line)))
(throw 'parinferlib-error (make-parse-error input-line-no "Diff line longer then previous line with account of newline character")))
(when (equal (alist-get :cursor-line options)
(1- output-line-no))
(when (>= x-end cursor-x x)
(throw 'parinferlib-error (make-parse-error input-line-no "Cursor cannot be over diff annotation")))
(if (> x cursor-x)
(setf x (1- x) new-x (1- new-x) x-end (1- x-end))
(setf (alist-get :cursor-x options) (- cursor-x old-len))))
;; set diff fields
(setf (alist-get :start-line-char diff) (aref line 0)
(alist-get :end-line-char diff) end-line-char
(alist-get :code-line-no diff) (1- output-line-no)
(alist-get :input-line-no diff) input-line-no
(alist-get :code diff)
(concat (substring prev-line 0 x)
(substring prev-line new-x))
(alist-get :line-no change) (1- output-line-no)
(alist-get :x change) x
(alist-get :old-text change)
(concat (substring prev-line x (+ x old-len))
(when (equal end-line-char ?-) "\n"))
(alist-get :new-text change)
(concat (substring prev-line new-x (+ new-x new-len))
(when (equal end-line-char ?+) "\n")))
(push change (alist-get :changes options))
(alist-get :code diff)))))
(defun postprocess-diffs (options output-lines input-line-no output-line-no diff prev-diff)
"Merge changes, lines and diffs as necessary. OUTPUT-LINES is a stack which top is last processed line. Return number of last output line"
;; check diffs
(let ((prev-diff-line (alist-get :input-line-no prev-diff))
(prev-diffed-line (alist-get :code-line-no prev-diff))
(cur-diff-line (alist-get :code-line-no diff))
(cur-diffed-line (alist-get :input-line-no diff))
(prev-last-char (alist-get :end-line-char prev-diff))
(cur-first-char (alist-get :start-line-char diff))
(result output-line-no))
(if (and prev-diffed-line cur-diffed-line)
(if (> 2 (- cur-diffed-line prev-diffed-line))
(throw 'parinferlib-error (make-parse-error cur-diffed-line "diff lines must be directly below a code line"))))
;; check if there is conflict
(when (equal prev-last-char ?+)
(if (equal cur-first-char ?-)
(throw 'parinferlib-error (make-parse-error cur-diffed-line "diff line starts with '-', which cannot come after '+' which previous diff line ends with"))))
;; now chack for merge
(when (and (equal prev-last-char ?-))
(if (and cur-diff-line (= 2 (- cur-diff-line pref-diff-line)))
(setcar output-lines (concat (pop (cdr output-lines))
(car output-lines)))
(decf result)
(if cur-first-char
(let ((cur-change (pop (alist-get :changes options)))
(prev-change (pop (alist-get :changes options))))
(setf (alist-get :old-text prev-change)
(concat (alist-get :old-text prev-change)
(alist-get :old-text cur-change))
(alist-get :new-text prev-change)
(concat (alist-get :new-text prev-change)
(alist-get :new-text cur-change)))
(push prev-change (alist-get :changes options)))
(let ((change (pop (alist-get :changes options))))
(setf (alist-get :x change)
(+ (length (alist-get :code prev-diff))
(alist-get :x change))
(alist-get :line-no change) prev-diffed-line)
(push change (alist-get :changes options)))))
(when (= 2 (- input-line-no pref-diff-line))
(let ((joined-line (pop (cdr output-lines))))
(setcar (cdr output-lines)
(concat (cadr output-lines) joined-line))
(decf result))))
(unless (= result output-line-no)
(when (equal (1+ prev-diffed-line) (alist-get :cursor-line options))
(setf (alist-get :cursor-line options) prev-diffed-line
(alist-get :cursor-x options)
(+ (alist-get :cursor-x options) (length (alist-get :code prev-diff)))))))
(defun prepare-in (in)
"Process IN, extracting all interesting data from text"
(let* ((line-no (plist-get in :fileLineNo))
(text (plist-get in :text))
(in-lines (save-match-data
(split-string text parinferlib--LINE_ENDING_REGEX)))
(options '((:cursor-x) (:cursor-dx) (:cursor-line) (:changes)))
(out-lines '()))
(loop for prev-line = nil then cur-line
for cur-line in in-lines
for i = 0 then (1+ i)
with j = 0
with out-line = nil
with prev-diff = (make-diff-struct)
for diff = (make-diff-struct) then (make-diff-struct)
(setq cur-line (parse-cursor-from-line options i j cur-line))
(setq out-line (parse-diff-line options i j cur-line prev-line diff))
(if out-line
(setf (car out-lines) out-line)
(push cur-line out-lines)
(incf j))
(setq j (postprocess-diffs options out-lines i j diff prev-diff))
(when (or (alist-get :input-line-no diff)
(not (alist-get :input-line-no prev-diff))
(> 1 (- i (alist-get :input-line-no prev-diff))))
(setq prev-diff diff)))
(postprocess-diffs options out-lines (+ i 2) j nil prev-diff))
(list :options options :lines (reverse out-lines))))
macro for that.throw
is for intentional jumps in control flow. If you want to report errors to the user, you need to use conditions anderror
to report them: gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Errors.html \$\endgroup\$