
I am working with annotated text that has data describing changes on it. Changes are represented by lines consisting of groups of "+++" and "---", each referring to the characters in line above. Following is a small example of data:

"in": {
  "fileLineNo": 58,
  "text": "(foo\n  {:a 1\n--\n   :b 2})"
}}, {
"in": {
  "fileLineNo": 71,
  "text": "(foo)\n  {:a 1\n++\n:b 2}"

Here is the code i am using:

(defun make-parse-error (line-no message)
  (format "test parse error at line %d: %s" line-no message))

(defun parse-cursor-from-line (options input-line-no output-line-no line)
  "Extracts cursor from LINE, returning cleaned line. Expects nonempty alist in OPTIONS. Signals error if cursor is already present"
    (let* ((cursor-x (string-match "|" line))
           (clean (replace-regexp-in-string "|" "" line)))
      (when cursor-x
        (when (alist-get :cursor-x options)
          (throw 'parinferlib-error (make-parse-error input-line-no
                                                      (format "cursor already found at line %d" (alist-get :cursor-line options)))))
        (when (string-match "|" line (1+ cursor-x))
          (throw 'parinferlib-error (make-parse-error input-line-no
                                                      "only one cursor allowed")))
        (setf (alist-get :cursor-x options) cursor-x
              (alist-get :cursor-line options) output-line-no))

(defconst parinferlib--LOOSE_DIFF_MATCH

(defconst parinferlib--DIFF_MATCH

(defun make-change-struct ()
  (mapcar 'list '(:line-no :x :old-text :new-text)))

(defun make-diff-struct ()
  (mapcar 'list '(:end-line-char :start-line-char :code-line-no :input-line-no :code)))

(defun parse-diff-line (options input-line-no output-line-no line prev-line diff)
  "Test if LINE is a diff line and if so return changed version of PREV-LINE. OPTIONS is updated to preserve cursor data and cullect changes; DIFF is filled if needed"
    (when (string-match parinferlib--LOOSE_DIFF_MATCH line)
      (unless prev-line
        (throw 'parinferlib-error (make-parse-error input-line-no "Diff line must have preceding line")))
      (unless (string-match parinferlib--DIFF_MATCH line)
        (throw 'parinferlib-error (make-parse-error input-line-no "Diff chars must be adjancent with '-'s before '+'s")))
      (let* ((total (length (match-string 1 line)))
             (x (length (match-string 2 line)))
             (old-len (length (match-string 3 line)))
             (new-len (length (match-string 4 line)))
             (new-x (+ x old-len))
             (len (+ old-len new-len))
             (x-end (1- (+ x len)))
             (cursor-x (alist-get :cursor-x options))
             (change (make-change-struct))
             (end-line-char (when (= (length prev-line) x-end)
                              (aref line x-end))))
        (when (> total (1+ (length prev-line)))
          (throw 'parinferlib-error (make-parse-error input-line-no "Diff line longer then previous line with account of newline character")))
        (when (equal (alist-get :cursor-line options)
                     (1- output-line-no))
          (when (>= x-end cursor-x x)
            (throw 'parinferlib-error (make-parse-error input-line-no "Cursor cannot be over diff annotation")))
          (if (> x cursor-x)
              (setf x (1- x) new-x (1- new-x) x-end (1- x-end))
            (setf (alist-get :cursor-x options) (- cursor-x old-len))))
;; set diff fields
        (setf (alist-get :start-line-char diff) (aref line 0)
              (alist-get :end-line-char diff) end-line-char
              (alist-get :code-line-no diff) (1- output-line-no)
              (alist-get :input-line-no diff) input-line-no
              (alist-get :code diff)
              (concat (substring prev-line 0 x)
                      (substring prev-line new-x))
              (alist-get :line-no change) (1- output-line-no)
              (alist-get :x change) x
              (alist-get :old-text change)
              (concat (substring prev-line x (+ x old-len))
                      (when (equal end-line-char ?-) "\n"))
              (alist-get :new-text change)
              (concat (substring prev-line new-x (+ new-x new-len))
                      (when (equal end-line-char ?+) "\n")))
        (push change (alist-get :changes options))
        (alist-get :code diff)))))

(defun postprocess-diffs (options output-lines input-line-no output-line-no diff prev-diff)
  "Merge changes, lines and diffs as necessary. OUTPUT-LINES is a stack which top is last processed line. Return number of last output line"
  ;; check diffs
  (let ((prev-diff-line (alist-get :input-line-no prev-diff))
        (prev-diffed-line (alist-get :code-line-no prev-diff))
        (cur-diff-line (alist-get :code-line-no diff))
        (cur-diffed-line (alist-get :input-line-no diff))
        (prev-last-char (alist-get :end-line-char prev-diff))
        (cur-first-char (alist-get :start-line-char diff))
        (result output-line-no))
    (if (and prev-diffed-line cur-diffed-line)
        (if (> 2 (- cur-diffed-line prev-diffed-line))
            (throw 'parinferlib-error (make-parse-error cur-diffed-line "diff lines must be directly below a code line"))))
          ;; check if there is conflict
    (when (equal prev-last-char ?+)
        (if (equal cur-first-char ?-)
            (throw 'parinferlib-error (make-parse-error cur-diffed-line "diff line starts with '-', which cannot come after '+' which previous diff line ends with"))))
            ;; now chack for merge
    (when (and (equal prev-last-char ?-))
      (if (and cur-diff-line (= 2 (- cur-diff-line pref-diff-line)))
          (setcar output-lines (concat (pop (cdr output-lines))
                                       (car output-lines)))
          (decf result)
          (if cur-first-char
             (let ((cur-change (pop (alist-get :changes options)))
                   (prev-change (pop (alist-get :changes options))))
               (setf (alist-get :old-text prev-change)
                     (concat (alist-get :old-text prev-change)
                             (alist-get :old-text cur-change))
                     (alist-get :new-text prev-change)
                     (concat (alist-get :new-text prev-change)
                             (alist-get :new-text cur-change)))
               (push prev-change (alist-get :changes options)))
           (let ((change (pop (alist-get :changes options))))
             (setf (alist-get :x change)
                   (+ (length (alist-get :code prev-diff))
                      (alist-get :x change))
                   (alist-get :line-no change) prev-diffed-line)
             (push change (alist-get :changes options)))))
        (when (= 2 (- input-line-no pref-diff-line))
          (let ((joined-line (pop (cdr output-lines))))
            (setcar (cdr output-lines)
                    (concat (cadr output-lines) joined-line))
            (decf result))))
      (unless (= result output-line-no)
        (when (equal (1+ prev-diffed-line) (alist-get :cursor-line options))
          (setf (alist-get :cursor-line options) prev-diffed-line
                (alist-get :cursor-x options)
                (+ (alist-get :cursor-x options) (length (alist-get :code prev-diff)))))))

(defun prepare-in (in)
  "Process IN, extracting all interesting data from text"
  (let* ((line-no (plist-get in :fileLineNo))
         (text (plist-get in :text))
         (in-lines (save-match-data
                     (split-string text parinferlib--LINE_ENDING_REGEX)))
         (options '((:cursor-x) (:cursor-dx) (:cursor-line) (:changes)))
         (out-lines '()))
    (loop for prev-line = nil then cur-line
          for cur-line in in-lines
          for i = 0 then (1+ i)
          with j = 0
          with out-line = nil
          with prev-diff = (make-diff-struct)
          for diff = (make-diff-struct) then (make-diff-struct)
            (setq cur-line (parse-cursor-from-line options i j cur-line))
            (setq out-line (parse-diff-line options i j cur-line prev-line diff))
            (if out-line
                (setf (car out-lines) out-line)
              (push cur-line out-lines)
              (incf j))
            (setq j (postprocess-diffs options out-lines i j diff prev-diff))
            (when (or (alist-get :input-line-no diff)
                      (not (alist-get :input-line-no prev-diff))
                      (> 1 (- i (alist-get :input-line-no prev-diff))))
              (setq prev-diff diff)))
          (postprocess-diffs options out-lines (+ i 2) j nil prev-diff))
    (list :options options :lines (reverse out-lines))))
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ I'm kind of struggling to figure out what this code is supposed to do. Can you give more context? Few things that are noticeable without understanding of the code: you seem to want to create structures--there's cl-defstruct macro for that. throw is for intentional jumps in control flow. If you want to report errors to the user, you need to use conditions and error to report them: gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Errors.html \$\endgroup\$
    – wvxvw
    Commented Dec 4, 2017 at 13:13


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