I started to make a C++ RPG game just for fun. It does have quests but it isn't just one long adventure that lasts like 30 minutes. I would like to know what I did well on and things on which I can do better on. This is my normal coding so I would like to know things I could work on.
// Warscape
// (c) 2017 by, Handge
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include <ctime>
#include <tuple>
using namespace std;
// Clears the screen
void clear() {
cout << string(50, '\n');
// Draw the ascii art
void draw(string type) {
if (type == "Lion") {
cout << R"(
,YWMMw ,M ,
_.---.._ __..---._.'MMMMMw,wMWmW,
_.-"" """ YP"WMMMMMMMMMb,
.-' __.' .' MMMMW^WMMMM;
_, .'.-'"; `, /` .--"" :MMM[==MWMW^;
,mM^" ,-'.' / ; ; / , MMMMb_wMW" @\
,MM:. .'.-' .' ; `\ ; `, MMMMMMMW `"=./`-,
WMMm__,-'.' / _.\ F"""-+,, ;_,_.dMMMMMMMM[,_ / `=_}
"^MP__.-' ,-' _.--"" `-, ; \ ; ;MMMMMMMMMMW^``; __|
/ .' ; ; ) )`{ \ `"^W^`, \ :
/ .' / ( .' / Ww._ `. `"
/ Y, `, `-,=,_{ ; MMMP`""-, `-._.-,
(--, ) `,_ / `) \/"") ^" `-, -;"\:
`""" `""" `"' `---"
)" << endl;
} else if (type == "Boar") {
cout << R"(
|`,-'_. ` ` `` `--'""".
; ,' | `` ` ` ` ``` `.
,-' ..-' ` ` `` ` `` ` ` |==.
,' ^ ` ` `` ` ` `. ; \
`}_,-^- _ . ` \ ` ` __ ` ; #
`"---"' `-`. ` \---""`.`. `;
\\` ; ; `. `,
||`; / / | |
//_;` ,_;' ,_;"
)" << endl;
} else if (type == "Spider") {
cout << R"(
/\ .-"""-. /\
//\\/ ,,, \//\\
|/\| ,;;;;;, |/\|
// \/ . \/ \\
(| ,-_| \ | / |_-, |)
// /.-(() ())-.\ \\
(\ |) '---' (| /)
` (| |) `
\) (/
)" << endl;
} else if (type == "Wolf") {
cout << R"(
, ,
/ , , |
__.-'| / \ /
__ ___.-' ._O|
.-' ' : _/
/ , . . |
: ; : : _/
| | .' __: /
| : /'----'| \ |
\ |\ | | /| |
'.'| / || \ |
| /|.' '.l \\_
|| || '-'
)" << endl;
} else if (type == "Elephant") {
cout << R"(
___.-~"~-._ __....__
.' ` \ ~"~ ``-.
/` _ ) `\ `\
/` a) / | `\
:` / | \
<`-._|` .-. ( / . `;\\
`-. `--'_.'-.;\___/' . . | \\
_ /:--` | / / .' \\
("\ /`/ | ' ' / :`;
`\'\_/`/ .\ /`~`=-.: / ``
`._.' /`\ | `\ /(
/ /\ | `Y / \
J / Y | | /`\ \
/ | | | | | | |
"---" /___| /___| /__|
)" << endl;
} else if (type == "Slime") {
cout << R"(
, - ~ ~ ~ - ,
, ' ' ,
, ! ! ,
, ,
, @@ @@ ,
, ! @@ @@ ,
, ! ,
, ,
, ! ,
, ! , '
' - , _ _ _ , '
)" << endl;
// Displays the abilities
pair<string, int> getability(string pclass, int mana, int inte, int level) {
string input;
string ability;
int cost;
cout << "Choose an ability" << endl;
if (pclass == "Champion") { // Champion Section
cost = inte*(level);
cout << "[1] Cleaving Strike [" << cost << " mana]" << endl;
cout << "[2] Melting Thrust [" << cost << " mana]" << endl;
cout << "[3] Critical Bash [" << cost << " mana]" << endl;
cost = inte*(level+1);
cout << "[4] Purify [" << cost << " mana]" << endl;
cost = inte*(level);
cin >> input;
if (input == "1") {
ability = "cleaving strike";
if (mana >= cost) {
mana = mana - cost;
return {ability, mana};
} else {
ability = "none";
return {ability, mana};
} else if (input == "2") {
ability = "melting thrust";
if (mana >= cost) {
mana = mana - cost;
return {ability, mana};
} else {
ability = "none";
return {ability, mana};
} else if (input == "3") {
ability = "critical bash";
if (mana >= cost) {
mana = mana - cost;
return {ability, mana};
} else {
ability = "none";
return {ability, mana};
} else if (input == "4") {
ability = "purify";
if (mana >= cost) {
cost = inte*(level+1);
mana = mana - cost;
return {ability, mana};
} else {
ability = "none";
return {ability, mana};
} else {
ability = "none";
return {ability, mana};
} else if (pclass == "Necromancer") { // Necromancer Section
cost = inte*(level);
cout << "[1] Shadow Strike [" << cost << " mana]" << endl;
cout << "[2] Cripple [" << cost << " mana]" << endl;
cout << "[3] Mutilate [" << cost << " mana]" << endl;
cost = inte*(level+2);
cout << "[4] Life Tap [" << cost << " mana]" << endl;
cost = inte*(level);
cin >> input;
if (input == "1") {
ability = "shadow strike";
if (mana >= cost) {
mana = mana - cost;
return {ability, mana};
} else {
ability = "none";
return {ability, mana};
} else if (input == "2") {
ability = "cripple";
if (mana >= cost) {
mana = mana - cost;
return {ability, mana};
} else {
ability = "none";
return {ability, mana};
} else if (input == "3") {
ability = "mutilate";
if (mana >= cost) {
mana = mana - cost;
return {ability, mana};
} else {
ability = "none";
return {ability, mana};
} else if (input == "4") {
ability = "life tap";
if (mana >= cost) {
cost = inte*(level+2);
mana = mana - cost;
return {ability, mana};
} else {
ability = "none";
return {ability, mana};
} else {
ability = "none";
return {ability, mana};
} else if (pclass == "Assassin") { // Assassin Section
cost = inte*(level);
cout << "[1] Back Stab [" << cost << " mana]" << endl;
cout << "[2] Headcrack [" << cost << " mana]" << endl;
cout << "[3] Poison [" << cost << " mana]" << endl;
cost = inte*10;
cout << "[4] Assassinate [" << cost << " mana]" << endl;
cost = inte*(level);
cin >> input;
if (input == "1") {
ability = "back stab";
if (mana >= cost) {
mana = mana - cost;
return {ability, mana};
} else {
ability = "none";
return {ability, mana};
} else if (input == "2") {
ability = "headcrack";
if (mana >= cost) {
mana = mana - cost;
return {ability, mana};
} else {
ability = "none";
return {ability, mana};
} else if (input == "3") {
ability = "poison";
if (mana >= cost) {
mana = mana - cost;
return {ability, mana};
} else {
ability = "none";
return {ability, mana};
} else if (input == "4") {
ability = "assassinate";
if (mana >= cost) {
cost = inte*10;
mana = mana - cost;
return {ability, mana};
} else {
ability = "none";
return {ability, mana};
} else {
ability = "none";
return {ability, mana};
}else if (pclass == "Cleric") { // Cleric Section
cost = inte*(level);
cout << "[1] Smite [" << cost << " mana]" << endl;
cout << "[2] Enflame [" << cost << " mana]" << endl;
cout << "[3] Atonement [" << cost << " mana]" << endl;
cout << "[4] Flash Heal [" << cost << " mana]" << endl;
cin >> input;
if (input == "1") {
ability = "smite";
if (mana >= cost) {
mana = mana - cost;
return {ability, mana};
} else {
ability = "none";
return {ability, mana};
} else if (input == "2") {
ability = "enflame";
if (mana >= cost) {
mana = mana - cost;
return {ability, mana};
} else {
ability = "none";
return {ability, mana};
} else if (input == "3") {
ability = "atonement";
if (mana >= cost) {
mana = mana - cost;
return {ability, mana};
} else {
ability = "none";
return {ability, mana};
} else if (input == "4") {
ability = "flash heal";
if (mana >= cost) {
mana = mana - cost;
return {ability, mana};
} else {
ability = "none";
return {ability, mana};
} else {
ability = "none";
return {ability, mana};
} else {
ability = "none";
return {ability, mana};
int main()
// Strings
string code; // Game save code
string name; // Player name
string etype; // Enemy Type (spider, giant)
string pclass; // Player class
string action; // Player ability / action
// Dungeons
string status = "arena"; // Status if in Dungeon or just Arena
int ckills; // Current amount of kills in Dungeon
int rkills; // Required amount of kills to complete a Dungeon
// Armor / Weapons
int bhp = 0; // Bonus hp
double bphp = 0; // Bonus precantage hp
double goldb = 0; // Bonus Gold
int slimychestplate = 0; // Slimy Chestplate (TRUE or FALSE)
int slimyhelmet = 0; // Slimy Helmet (TRUE or FALSE)
int oozinglegplates = 0; // Oozing Legplates
int oozingboots = 0; // Oozing Boots
string head = "Open"; // Whats on the head
string chest = "Open"; // Whats on the chest
string legs = "Open"; // Whats on the legs
string feet = "Open"; // Whats on the feet
// Player Variables
int piclass = 0;
int level = 1; // Level
int xp = 0; // Current XP
int rxp; // Reward XP
int xpb = 50; // Increases each level, adds to max hp to increase it
int xpl = 25; // XP Required till next level
int stre = 5; // Strength
int inte = 5; // Intelligence
int dext = 5; // Dexterity
int skill = 0; // Skillpoint points (used to increase Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity)
int dmg; // Damage
int hp = stre * 20; // Current hp
int mhp = stre * 20; // Max hp
int shp = stre * 20; // hp used to set enemy hp
int mana = inte * 10; // Mana
int mmana = inte * 10; // Max Mana
// Inventory / Shop
int hpotion = 1; // Healing Potions
int price; // Price of item(s)
// Resources
int gold = 25; // Gold
int rgold; // Reward Gold
// Saving / Loading Strings
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
string sslimychestplate = std::to_string(slimychestplate);
string sslimyhelmet = std::to_string(slimyhelmet);
string soozinglegplates = std::to_string(oozinglegplates);
string soozingboots = std::to_string(oozingboots);
string spiclass = std::to_string(piclass);
string slevel = std::to_string(level);
string sxp = std::to_string(xp);
string sxpb = std::to_string(xpb);
string sxpl = std::to_string(xpl);
string sstre = std::to_string(stre);
string sinte = std::to_string(inte);
string sdext = std::to_string(dext);
string shpotion = std::to_string(hpotion);
string sgold = std::to_string(gold);
string sskill = std::to_string(skill);
// Questhall
int quest = 0; // The quest
int questr = 0; // The quest requirements (6 boars slain)
int questc = 0; // The current position on the requirements (3/6 boars slain)
int questreward = 0; // The quest's reward
string questmob; // Enemy that must be slain to complete the quest
string questdisplay; // Displays the quest
int qxpr; // Quest xp reward
int qgoldr; // Quest gold reward
// Monster Variables
int elevel; // Enemy level
int ehp; // Enemy hp
int mehp; // Max Enemy hp
int edmg; // Enemy dmg
string eability; // Enemy Ability
// Other Variables
int random; // Random Integer #1
int random2; // Random Integer #2
// Weapons
// Inputs
string input; // Standard Input
// Setup
cout << "Hello there please choose an option" << endl;
cout << "1- New Game" << endl;
cout << "2- Load Game" << endl;
cin >> input;
if (input == "1") {
goto setup;
} else if (input == "2") {
goto loadgame;
} else {
goto neworload;
cout << "Hello there, what is your name?" << endl;
cin >> input;
name = input;
cout << "Ahh, is it " << input << "? [y/n]" << endl;
cin >> input;
if (input == "n") {
goto setup;
// Class Setup
cout << endl;
cout << "Choose your Class" << endl;
cout << "=================" << endl;
cout << "[1] Champion" << endl;
cout << "[2] Necromancer" << endl;
cout << "[3] Assassin" << endl;
cout << "[4] Cleric" << endl;
cin >> input;
if (input == "1") {
pclass = "Champion";
piclass = 1;
} else if (input == "2") {
pclass = "Necromancer";
piclass = 2;
} else if (input == "3") {
pclass = "Assassin";
piclass = 3;
} else if (input == "4") {
pclass = "Cleric";
piclass =4;
goto menue;
// Main Menue
if (pclass == "Assassin") {
goldb = 1.25;
} else {
goldb = 1;
cout << R"(
___ ___ _____ _ _ _ _
| \/ || ___| \ | | | | |
| . . || |__ | \| | | | |
| |\/| || __|| . ` | | | |
| | | || |___| |\ | |_| |
\_| |_/\____/\_| \_/\___/
)" << endl;
cout << pclass << " " << name << endl;
cout << "[1] Traveller's Encounter" << endl;
cout << "[2] Inventory" << endl;
cout << "[3] Rest (Returns you to full health/mana)" << endl;
cout << "[4] Assign Skillpoints [" << skill << " available]" << endl;
cout << "[5] Shop" << endl;
cout << "[6] Questhall" << endl;
cout << "[7] Dungeons" << endl;
cout << "[98] Save Game" << endl;
cout << "[99] Exit" << endl;
cin >> input;
if (input == "1") {
goto sarena;
} else if (input == "99") {
goto leave;
} else if (input == "2") {
goto inventory;
} else if (input == "3") {
mhp = stre * 20;
mmana = inte * 10;
hp = mhp;
hp = hp * (bphp+1);
hp = hp + bhp;
mana = mmana;
goto menue;
} else if (input == "4") {
goto askill;
} else if (input == "5") {
goto shop;
} else if (input == "6") {
goto questhall;
} else if (input == "7") {
goto dungeonmenue;
} else if (input == "98") {
goto savegame;
goto menue;
// Setting Up Enemys
mmana = inte * 10;
shp = stre * 20;
mhp = stre * 20;
random = rand()%5+1;
switch (random) {
case 1:
etype = "Lion";
random2 = rand()%2+1;
eability = "gnaw";
if (random2 == 1) {
ehp = shp + rand()%(level*5);
} else {
ehp = shp - rand()%(level*5);
mehp = ehp;
case 2:
etype = "Boar";
random2 = rand()%2+1;
eability = "goar";
if (random2 == 1) {
ehp = shp + rand()%(level*3);
} else {
ehp = shp - rand()%(level*3);
mehp = ehp;
case 3:
etype = "Spider";
random2 = rand()%2+1;
eability = "webspin";
elevel = rand()%(level+3)+1;
if (random2 == 1) {
ehp = shp + rand()%(level*2);
} else {
ehp = shp - rand()%(level*2);
mehp = ehp;
case 4:
etype = "Wolf";
random2 = rand()%2+1;
eability = "growl";
elevel = rand()%(level+3)+1;
if (random2 == 1) {
ehp = shp + rand()%(level*4);
} else {
ehp = shp - rand()%(level*4);
mehp = ehp;
case 5:
etype = "Elephant";
random2 = rand()%2+1;
eability = "stomp";
if (random2 == 1) {
ehp = shp + rand()%(level*6);
} else {
ehp = shp - rand()%(level*3);
mehp = ehp;
elevel = rand()%(level+3)+1;
if ((elevel < (level-3)) || (elevel > (level+3))) {
elevel = level;
goto aarena;
// Arena Main
cout << "[" << etype << " " << elevel << "] >>> " << ehp << "/" << mehp << endl;
cout << "[" << name << " " << level << "] >>> " << hp << "/" << mhp << endl;
cout << "-Mana- >>> " << mana << "/" << mmana << endl;
cout << "[1] Attack" << endl;
cout << "[2] Do ability" << endl;
cout << "[3] Inventory" << endl;
cout << "[99] Flee" << endl;
cin >> input;
if (input == "1") {
dmg = (stre+inte) + rand()%(dext*2);
ehp = ehp - dmg;
// If enemy ehp < 0 then
if (ehp <= 0) {
cout << "[*] You killed the " << etype << endl;
cout << "Type [1] to continue" << endl;
cin >> input;
goto rarena;
random2 = rand()%2+1;
edmg = dmg;
// Setting up enemy damage
if (random2 == 1) {
edmg = edmg + rand()%(dext*2);
} else {
edmg = edmg - rand()%(dext*2);
hp = hp - edmg;
// If player hp < 0 then
if (hp <= 0) {
cout << "[*] You Died" << endl;
cout << "Type [1] to continue" << endl;
cin >> input;
if (status != "arena") {
status = "arena";
goto menue;
goto aarena;
} else if (input == "99") {
goto menue;
} else if (input == "2") {
goto darena;
} else if (input == "3") {
goto iarena;
} else {
goto aarena;
// Using items from Inventory
cout << "Inventory" << endl;
cout << "[1] Health Potion, " << hpotion << " (Heals you to max health)" << endl;
cout << "[99] Exit" << endl;
cin >> input;
if (input == "1") {
if (hpotion > 0) {
hpotion = hpotion - 1;
hp = mhp;
} else if (input == "99") {
goto aarena;
goto iarena;
// Picking spells and doing damage
tie(action, mana) = getability(pclass, mana, inte, level);
// Champion spells
if (action == "cleaving strike") {
dmg = (stre+inte+dext) + rand()%(dext*2);
} else if (action == "melting thrust") {
dmg = (stre+inte+dext) + rand()%(stre*2);
} else if (action == "critical bash") {
dmg = (stre+inte+dext) + rand()%(inte*2);
} else if (action == "purify") {
hp = hp + inte*(level)+(rand()%inte);
if (hp > mhp) {
hp = mhp;
goto aarena;
} else if (action == "none") {
goto aarena;
} else if (action == "shadow strike") {
dmg = (stre+inte+dext) + rand()%(dext*2);
} else if (action == "cripple") {
dmg = (stre+inte+dext) + rand()%(stre*2);
} else if (action == "mutilate") {
dmg = (stre+inte+dext) + rand()%(inte*2);
} else if (action == "life tap") {
dmg = (stre+inte) + rand()%(inte);
hp = hp + dmg;
if (hp > mhp) {
hp = mhp;
ehp = ehp - dmg;
// If enemy ehp < 0 then
if (ehp <= 0) {
cout << "[*] You killed the " << etype << endl;
cout << "Type [1] to continue" << endl;
cin >> input;
goto rarena;
goto aarena;
} else if (action == "back stab") {
dmg = (stre+inte+dext) + rand()%(dext*2);
} else if (action == "headcrack") {
dmg = (stre+inte+dext) + rand()%(stre*2);
} else if (action == "poison") {
dmg = (stre+inte+dext) + rand()%(inte*2);
} else if (action == "assassinate") {
dmg = (stre+inte+dext) + rand()%((inte+stre)*3);
ehp = ehp - dmg;
// If enemy ehp < 0 then
if (ehp <= 0) {
cout << "[*] You killed the " << etype << endl;
cout << "Type [1] to continue" << endl;
cin >> input;
goto rarena;
goto aarena;
} else if (action == "smite") {
dmg = (stre+inte+dext) + rand()%(dext);
} else if (action == "enflame") {
dmg = (stre+inte+dext) + rand()%(stre);
} else if (action == "atonement") {
dmg = (stre+inte+dext) + rand()%(inte);
} else if (action == "flash heal") {
hp = hp + ((stre * level) + (rand()%(inte*2)));
if (hp > mhp) {
hp = mhp;
goto aarena;
// Doing the damage (Enemy)
ehp = ehp - dmg;
// If enemy ehp < 0 then
if (ehp <= 0) {
cout << "[*] You killed the " << etype << endl;
cout << "Type [1] to continue" << endl;
cin >> input;
goto rarena;
random2 = rand()%2+1;
dmg = (stre+inte) + rand()%(dext*2);
edmg = dmg;
// Setting up enemy damage
if (random2 == 1) {
edmg = edmg + rand()%(dext*2);
} else {
edmg = edmg - rand()%(dext*2);
hp = hp - edmg;
// If player hp < 0 then
if (hp <= 0) {
cout << "[*] You Died" << endl;
cout << "Type [1] to continue" << endl;
cin >> input;
if (status != "arena") {
status = "arena";
goto menue;
goto aarena;
// Here you get arena awards
rxp = rand()%(level*2)+5;
rgold = rand()%(level*5);
rgold = rgold * goldb;
cout << R"(
| | | |
| | ,-"_,="" `"=.| |
|___________________|__"=._o`"-._ `"=.______________|___________________
| `"=._o`"=._ _`"=._ |
_________|_____________________:=._o "=._."_.-="'"=.__________________|_______
| | __.--" , ; `"=._o." ,-"""-._ ". |
|___________________|_._" ,. .` ` `` , `"-._"-._ ". '__|___________________
| |o`"=._` , "` `; .". , "-._"-._; ; |
_________|___________| ;`-.o`"=._; ." ` '`."\` . "-._ /_______________|_______
| | |o; `"-.o`"=._`` '` " ,__.--o; |
|___________________|_| ; (#) `-.o `"=.`_.--"_o.-; ;___|___________________
____/______/______/___|o;._ " `".o|o_.--" ;o;____/______/______/____
/______/______/______/_"=._o--._ ; | ; ; ;/______/______/______/_
____/______/______/______/__"=._o--._ ;o|o; _._;o;____/______/______/____
/______/______/______/______/____"=._o._; | ;_.--"o.--"_/______/______/______/_
)" << endl; // That chest looks amazing
if (status == "oozeworks") {
goto oozeworksr;
} else {
goto rrarena;
cout << "You recieved " << rxp << " xp" << endl;
cout << "You recieved " << rgold << " gold" << endl;
xp = xp + rxp;
gold = gold + rgold;
if (xp >= xpl) {
level = level + 1;
xpl = xpl + xpb;
xpb = xpb + 50;
skill = skill + 5;
cout << "You have leveled up to level " << level << endl;
cout << "Type [1] to continue to the menue" << endl;
if (etype == questmob) {
questc = questc + 1;
cin >> input;
goto menue;
// Inventory
cout << R"(
)_( _
| | [_ ]
.-'-'-. _ .-'. '-.
/-::_..-\ _[_]_ /:;/ _.-'\
)_ _( /_ _\ [-] |:._ .-|
|;:: | )_``'_( .-'-'-. (-) |:._ |
|;:: | |;: | :-...-: .-'-'-. |:._ |
|;:: | |;: | |;: | |-...-| |:._ |
|;::-.._| |;:.._| |;:.._| |;:.._| |:._ |
`-.._..-' `-...-' `-...-' `-...-' `-.____.-'
)" << endl;
if (xp >= xpl) {
level = level + 1;
xpl = xpl + xpb;
xpb = xpb + 50;
skill = skill + 5;
goto levelalert;
} else {
goto inventory2;
cout << "[Level] >>> " << level << endl;
cout << "[XP] >>> " << xp << "/" << xpl << endl;
cout << "[Gold] >>> " << gold << endl;
cout << "[Healing Potions] >>> " << hpotion << endl;
cout << "==================================" << endl;
cout << "Head- " << head << endl;
cout << "Chest- " << chest << endl;
cout << "Legs- " << legs << endl;
cout << "Feet- " << feet << endl;
cout << "==================================" << endl;
cout << "1- Armory" << endl;
cout << "99- Exit" << endl;
cin >> input;
if (input == "99") {
goto menue;
} else if (input == "1") {
goto armory;
goto inventory;
cout << R"(
, A {}
/ \, | , .--.
| =|= > /.--.\
\ /` | ` |====|
` | |`::`|
| .-;`\..../`;_.-^-._
/\\/ / |...::..|` : `|
|:'\ | /'''::''| .:. |
\ /\;-,/\ :: |..:::::..|
|\ <` > >._::_.| ':::::' |
| `""` / ^^ | ':' |
)" << endl;
cout << "1- Slimy Chestplate >>> [10% HP Increase] ";
if (slimychestplate == 1) {
cout << ">>> [Owned] ";
if (chest == "slimychestplate") {
cout << ">>> [Equiped]" << endl;
} else {
cout << endl;
} else {
cout << endl;
cout << "2- Slimy Helmet >>> [5% HP Increase] ";
if (slimyhelmet == 1) {
cout << ">>> [Owned] ";
if (head == "slimyhelmet") {
cout << ">>> [Equiped]" << endl;
} else {
cout << endl;
} else {
cout << endl;
cout << "3- Oozing Legplates >>> [15% HP Increase] ";
if (oozinglegplates == 1) {
cout << ">>> [Owned] ";
if (legs == "oozinglegplates") {
cout << ">>> [Equiped]" << endl;
} else {
cout << endl;
} else {
cout << endl;
cout << "4- Oozing Boots >>> [10% HP Increase] ";
if (oozingboots == 1) {
cout << ">>> [Owned] ";
if (feet == "oozingboots") {
cout << ">>> [Equiped]" << endl;
} else {
cout << endl;
} else {
cout << endl;
cout << "99- Back" << endl;
cin >> input;
if (input == "99") {
goto armor2;
} else if (input == "1") {
if (chest == "slimychestplate") {
chest = "Open";
goto armory;
} else if (slimychestplate == 1) {
chest = "slimychestplate";
goto armory;
} else {
goto armory;
} else if (input == "2") {
if (head == "slimyhelmet") {
head = "Open";
goto armory;
} else if (slimyhelmet == 1) {
head = "slimyhelmet";
goto armory;
} else {
goto armory;
} else if (input == "3") {
if (legs == "oozinglegplates") {
legs = "Open";
goto armory;
} else if (oozinglegplates == 1) {
legs = "oozinglegplates";
goto armory;
} else {
goto armory;
} else if (input == "4") {
if (feet == "oozingboots") {
feet = "Open";
goto armory;
} else if (oozingboots == 1) {
feet = "oozingboots";
goto armory;
} else {
goto armory;
bhp = 0;
bphp = 0;
// Head
if (head == "slimyhelmet") {
bphp = bphp + .10;
// Chest
if (chest == "slimychestplate") {
bphp = bphp + .05;
// Legs
if (legs == "oozinglegplates") {
bphp = bphp + .15;
// Feet
if (feet == "oozingboots") {
bphp = bphp + .10;
goto inventory;
cout << R"(
.__=\__ .__==__,
jf' ~~=\, _=/~' `\,
._jZ' `\q, /=~ `\__
j5(/ `\./ V\\,
.Z))' _____ | .____, \)/\
j5(K=~~ ~~~~\=_, | _/=~~~~' `~~+K\\,
.Z)\/ `~=L | _=/~ t\ZL
j5(_/.__/===========\__ ~q |j/ .__============___/\J(N,
4L#XXXL_________________XGm, \P .mXL_________________JXXXW8L
)" << endl; // Bedtime stories?
cout << "Available Skillpoints [" << skill << "]" << endl;
cout << "1- Strength [" << stre << "]" << endl;
cout << "2- Intelligence [" << inte << "]" << endl;
cout << "3- Dexterity [" << dext << "]" << endl;
cout << "99- Exit" << endl;
cin >> input;
if (skill > 0) {
if (input == "1") {
stre = stre + 1;
skill = skill - 1;
} else if (input == "2") {
inte = inte + 1;
skill = skill - 1;
} else if (input == "3") {
dext = dext + 1;
skill = skill - 1;
} else if (input == "99") {
goto menue;
} else {
goto menue;
goto askill;
cout << R"(
_ |---|| _
/_ _ _ _ _ _ |:._|'_ _ _ _ _ _ _\`.
/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _\:`.
/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _\::`.
_.-'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _`::::::`-.._
_.-' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ `:::::::::`-._
`.'/ || |:::::`.'/::::::::`.'/::::::::`.'/::::::|.`.'/.| :|
|| || |::::::||::::::::::||::::::::::||:::::::|..||..| ||
|| || | __ || :: ___ || :: __ || :: |..||;|| ||
|| || | |::| || :: |:::| || :: |::| || :: |.|||:||_____||__
|| || | |::| || :: |:::| || :: |::| || :: |.|||:||_|_|_||,(
||_.|| | |::| || :: |:::| || :: |::| || :: |.'||..| _||,|
.-'::_.:'.:-.--.-::--.-:.--:-::--.--.--.-::--.--.-:.-::,'.--.'_|| |
);||_|__||_|__|_||__|_||::|_||__|__|__|_||__|__|_|;-'|__|_(,' || '-
|||| || |. . . ||. . . . . ||. . . . . ||. . . .|::||;''|| ||:'
||||.; _|._._._||._._._._._||._._._._._||._._._.|:'||,, ||,,
''''' ''- ''- ''- ''' '''
)" << endl;
price = level*5;
cout << "[Gold] >>> " << gold << endl;
cout << "1- Health Potion (" << price << " gold)" << endl;
cout << "99- Exit" << endl;
cin >> input;
if (input == "1") {
price = level*5;
if (gold >= price) {
hpotion = hpotion + 1;
gold = gold - price;
goto shop;
} else {
goto menue;
} else if (input == "99") {
goto menue;
goto shop;
// Receive / "Turn" in quests
cout << R"(
()==( (@==()
| |
| |
()==( (@==()
)" << endl;
cout << "Current Quest >>> ";
if (quest == 0) {
quest = rand()%5+1;
switch (quest) {
case 1:
questc = 0;
questr = 6;
questmob = "Boar";
questreward = rand()%4+1;
questdisplay = "Slay Boars";
case 2:
questc = 0;
questr = 6;
questmob = "Lion";
questreward = rand()%4+1;
questdisplay = "Slay Lions";
case 3:
questc = 0;
questr = 6;
questmob = "Elephant";
questreward = rand()%4+1;
questdisplay = "Slay Elephants";
case 4:
questc = 0;
questr = 6;
questmob = "Wolf";
questreward = rand()%4+1;
questdisplay = "Slay Wolves";
case 5:
questc = 0;
questr = 6;
questmob = "Spider";
questreward = rand()%4+1;
questdisplay = "Slay Spiders";
cout << questdisplay << " [" << questc << "/" << questr << "]" << endl;
cout << "Reward >>> ";
switch (questreward) {
case 1:
qgoldr = rand()%(level*10)+(level*10);
cout << qgoldr << " Gold" << endl;
case 2:
qxpr = rand()%(level*5)+(level*5);
cout << qxpr << " XP" << endl;
case 3:
cout << "Slimy Chestplate >>> [10% HP Increase]" << endl;
case 4:
cout << "Slimy Helmet >>> [5% HP Increase]" << endl;
if (questc >= questr) {
quest = 0;
switch (questreward) {
case 1:
gold = gold + qgoldr;
goto questhall;
case 2:
xp = xp + qxpr;
goto questhall;
case 3:
slimychestplate = 1;
goto questhall;
case 4:
slimyhelmet = 1;
goto questhall;
cout << "99- Exit" << endl;
cin >> input;
goto menue;
cout << R"(
| , |
| .-'````````'. '(` .-'```````'-. |
| .` | `. `)' .` | `. |
| / | () \ U / | () \ |
| | | ; | o T o | | ; | |
| | | ; | . | . | | ; | |
| | | ; | . | . | | ; | |
| | | ; | .|. | | ; | |
| | |____;_________| | | |____;_________| |
| | / __ ; - | ! | / `'() _ - | |
| | / __ () -| - | / __-- - | |
| | / __-- _ | _- _ - | / __--_ | |
/ _ - lc \
/ -_- _ - _- _--- -_- -_ \
)" << endl;
cout << "Available Dungeons" << endl;
cout << "[1] Oozing Oozeworks >>> [150 Gold, Oozing Gear]" << endl;
cout << "[99] Return to Menue" << endl;
cin >> input;
if (input == "99") {
goto menue;
} else if (input == "1") {
if (gold >= 150) {
status = "oozeworks";
gold = gold - 150;
ckills = 0;
rkills = 6;
goto oozeworks;
} else {
goto menue;
goto dungeonmenue;
cout << R"(
_____ _ _____ _
| _ | (_) | _ | | |
| | | | ___ _____ _ __ __ _ | | | | ___ ______ _____ _ __| | _____
| | | |/ _ \_ / | '_ \ / _` | | | | |/ _ \_ /\ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ / __|
\ \_/ / (_) / /| | | | | (_| | \ \_/ / (_) / / \ V V / (_) | | | <\__ \
\___/ \___/___|_|_| |_|\__, | \___/ \___/___| \_/\_/ \___/|_| |_|\_\___/
__/ |
)" << endl;
if (ckills >= rkills) {
goto oozeworksc;
cout << "[1] Continue [" << ckills << "/" << rkills << " slimes killed]" << endl;
cout << "[2] Adrenalin (Heals all missing hp/mana)" << endl;
cout << "[99] Exit" << endl;
cin >> input;
if (input == "1") {
mmana = inte * 10;
shp = stre * 20;
mhp = stre * 20;
etype = "Slime";
random2 = rand()%2+1;
eability = "ooze";
if (random2 == 1) {
ehp = shp + rand()%(level*8);
} else {
ehp = shp + rand()%(level*6);
mehp = ehp;
elevel = rand()%(level+3)+1;
if ((elevel < (level-3)) || (elevel > (level+3))) {
elevel = level;
goto aarena;
} else if (input == "99") {
goto menue;
} else if (input == "2") {
mhp = stre * 20;
mmana = inte * 10;
hp = mhp;
hp = hp * (bphp+1);
hp = hp + bhp;
mana = mmana;
goto oozeworks;
status = "arena";
cout << "You have completed the Oozing Oozworks" << endl;
rxp = rand()%(level*6)+5;
rgold = rand()%(level*9);
cout << "You recieved " << rxp << " xp" << endl;
cout << "You recieved " << rgold << " gold" << endl;
xp = xp + rxp;
gold = gold + rgold;
random = rand()%2+1;
switch (random) {
case 1:
cout << "New legplates unlocked! >>> [Oozing Legplates, increases hp by 15%]" << endl;
oozinglegplates = 1;
case 2:
cout << "New boots unclocked! >>> [Oozing Boots, increases hp by 10%]" << endl;
oozingboots = 1;
cout << "Type [1] to return to the menue" << endl;
cin >> input;
goto menue;
ckills = ckills + 1;
rxp = rand()%(level*4)+5;
rgold = rand()%(level*7);
rgold = rgold * goldb;
cout << "You recieved " << rxp << " xp" << endl;
cout << "You recieved " << rgold << " gold" << endl;
xp = xp + rxp;
gold = gold + rgold;
if (xp >= xpl) {
level = level + 1;
xpl = xpl + xpb;
xpb = xpb + 50;
skill = skill + 5;
cout << "You have leveled up to level " << level << endl;
cout << "Type [1] to continue your adventure" << endl;
cin >> input;
goto oozeworks;
// Saving / Loading Strings
sslimychestplate = std::to_string(slimychestplate);
sslimyhelmet = std::to_string(slimyhelmet);
soozinglegplates = std::to_string(oozinglegplates);
soozingboots = std::to_string(oozingboots);
spiclass = std::to_string(piclass);
slevel = std::to_string(level);
sxp = std::to_string(xp);
sxpb = std::to_string(xpb);
sxpl = std::to_string(xpl);
sstre = std::to_string(stre);
sinte = std::to_string(inte);
sdext = std::to_string(dext);
shpotion = std::to_string(hpotion);
sgold = std::to_string(gold);
sskill = std::to_string(skill);
code = "";
code = code + sgold + ":" + sstre + ":" + sinte + ":" + sdext + ":" + sskill + ":" + sxp + ":" + sxpl + ":" + sxpb + ":" + slevel + ":";
code = code + shpotion + ":";
code = code + spiclass + sslimyhelmet + sslimychestplate + soozinglegplates + soozingboots;
cout << code << endl;
cout << "Type [1] to return to the menue" << endl;
cin >> input;
goto menue;
// Loading the game code they input
sslimychestplate = "";
sslimyhelmet = "";
soozinglegplates = "";
soozingboots = "";
spiclass = "";
slevel = "";
sxp = "";
sxpb = "";
sxpl = "";
sstre = "";
sinte = "";
sdext = "";
shpotion = "";
sgold = "";
sskill = "";
cout << "Please input your game code EXACTLY (if you don't this may corrupt your game save)" << endl;
cin >> input;
code = input;
goto compile;
cout << code << endl;
// Loading Game Save FILE
x = 0;
cout << sgold << endl;
if (code[x] == ':') { // If the character is a pipe
x=x+1; // Go to next variable
goto strer;
} else {
sgold = sgold + code[x]; // If not add the variables
x=x+1; // Go to next charcter
goto goldr;
if (code[x] == ':') { // If the character is a pipe
x=x+1; // Go to next variable
goto inter;
} else {
sstre = sstre + code[x]; // If not add the variables
x=x+1; // Go to next charcter
goto strer;
if (code[x] == ':') { // If the character is a pipe
x=x+1; // Go to next variable
goto dextr;
} else {
sinte = sinte + code[x]; // If not add the variables
x=x+1; // Go to next charcter
goto inter;
if (code[x] == ':') { // If the character is a pipe
x=x+1; // Go to next variable
goto skillr;
} else {
sdext = sdext + code[x]; // If not add the variables
x=x+1; // Go to next charcter
goto dextr;
if (code[x] == ':') { // If the character is a pipe
x=x+1; // Go to next variable
goto xpr;
} else {
sskill = sskill + code[x]; // If not add the variables
x=x+1; // Go to next charcter
goto skillr;
if (code[x] == ':') { // If the character is a pipe
x=x+1; // Go to next variable
goto xplr;
} else {
sxp += code[x]; // If not add the variables
x=x+1; // Go to next charcter
goto xpr;
if (code[x] == ':') { // If the character is a pipe
x=x+1; // Go to next variable
goto xpbr;
} else {
sxpl = sxpl + code[x]; // If not add the variables
x=x+1; // Go to next charcter
goto xplr;
if (code[x] == ':') { // If the character is a pipe
x=x+1; // Go to next variable
goto levelr;
} else {
sxpb = sxpb + code[x]; // If not add the variables
x=x+1; // Go to next charcter
goto xpbr;
if (code[x] == ':') { // If the character is a pipe
x=x+1; // Go to next variable
goto hpotionr;
} else {
slevel = slevel + code[x]; // If not add the variables
x=x+1; // Go to next charcter
goto levelr;
if (code[x] == ':') { // If the character is a pipe
x=x+1; // Go to next variable
goto items;
} else {
shpotion = shpotion + code[x]; // If not add the variables
x=x+1; // Go to next charcter
goto hpotionr;
spiclass += code[x];
sslimyhelmet += code[x];
sslimychestplate += code[x];
soozinglegplates += code[x];
soozingboots += code[x];
goto settingvaribles;
gold = atoi(sgold.c_str()); // Gold
stre = atoi(sstre.c_str()); // Strength
inte = atoi(sinte.c_str()); // Intelligence
dext = atoi(sdext.c_str()); // Dexterity
skill = atoi(sskill.c_str()); // Skillpoints
xp = atoi(sxp.c_str()); // Xp
xpl = atoi(sxpl.c_str()); // Xp till level
xpb = atoi(sxpb.c_str()); // Increases xpl
level = atoi(slevel.c_str()); // Level
hpotion = atoi(shpotion.c_str()); // HP potions
piclass = atoi(spiclass.c_str()); // Class
slimyhelmet = atoi(sslimyhelmet.c_str()); // Slimy Helmet
slimychestplate = atoi(sslimychestplate.c_str()); // Slimy Chestplate
oozinglegplates = atoi(soozinglegplates.c_str()); // Oozing Legplates
oozingboots = atoi(soozingboots.c_str()); // Oozing Boots
if (piclass == 1) {
pclass = "Champion";
} else if (piclass == 2) {
pclass = "Necromancer";
} else if (piclass == 3) {
pclass = "Assassin";
} else if (piclass == 4) {
pclass = "Cleric";
gold = arr[1];
stre = arr[2];
inte = arr[3];
dext = arr[4];
skill = arr[5];
xp = arr[6];
xpl = arr[7];
xpb = arr[8];
level = arr[9];
hpotion = arr[10];
piclass = arr[11];
slimyhelmet = arr[12];
slimychestplate = arr[13];
oozinglegplates = arr[14];
oozingboots = arr[15];
goto compilend;
cout << R"(
db .d88b. .d8b. d8888b. d888888b d8b db d888b
88 .8P Y8. d8' `8b 88 `8D `88' 888o 88 88' Y8b
88 88 88 88ooo88 88 88 88 88V8o 88 88
88 88 88 88~~~88 88 88 88 88 V8o88 88 ooo
88booo. `8b d8' 88 88 88 .8D .88. 88 V888 88. ~8~
Y88888P `Y88P' YP YP Y8888D' Y888888P VP V8P Y888P
)" << endl;
y = 0;
if (y < 101) {
y = y + 1;
goto loadingload2;
cout << "-------~ Process Complete ~-------" << endl;
cout << "Please re-input your name" << endl;
cin >> input;
name = input;
goto menue;
cout << "See you later!" << endl;
return 0;