I have built a JavaScript PNG sequence engine that allows for playing, pausing and stopping and a time change event. I am asking for genuine opinions if the code is actually good. Its ONLY for the iDevice range (not for desktop browsers or anything) and here is the code and a link to the gist if you wanted to edit it for examples.
Hope its as good as I think it is!
* @param slides ~ Array (ARRAY) of image locations
* @param duration ~ Number - in milliseconds how long to run for
* @param element ~ jQuery object - The <img> tag to change the src of.
* @returns void
* @example
* <img src="#" id="sequence" data-loop="true" data-autoplay="true" />
* <script>var vid = new PNGSequence(tiffanyCrystal, 4, $('#sequence'));</script>
var PNGSequence = function (slides, duration, element) {
this.slides = slides;
this.NSlides = slides.length;
this.duration = duration;
this.interval = (this.duration * 1000) / this.NSlides;
this.element = element;
this.index = 0;
this.loop = this.element.data('loop') == true;
this.autoplay = this.element.data('autoplay') == true;
var inter;
this.interGo = function () {
var self = this;
return setTimeout(function () {
// Update the image
"src": slides[self.index]
// Increase the index
// Call the onTimeChange event
if (self.hasOwnProperty('onTimeChange')) {
if (self.onTimeChange) {
self.onTimeChange.call(self, self.index, self.NSlides);
// Check if its the end of the animation
if (self.index > self.NSlides) {
// If we're not looping, clear the interval
if (!self.loop) {
} else {
// If we're looping then start the loop from the beginning
self.index = 0;
//Fire the timeout again
}, this.interval);
* Pauses the sequence
this.pause = function () {
return this.index;
* Plays the sequence from last known point
this.play = function () {
return inter = this.interGo();
* Stops the sequence and sets the pointer
* at the beginning again
this.stop = function () {
this.index = 0;
return 0;
this.onTimeChange = function () {
return this;
if (this.autoplay) {
inter = this.interGo();
return this;
And here is the link to the gist https://gist.github.com/3360011