My solution for the topcoder ChessMetric challenge seems really slow. I feel like there should be a better way, but I'm not sure.
Challenge Description
Suppose you had an n by n chess board and a super piece called a kingknight. The kingknight can move either one space in any direction (vertical, horizontal or diagonally) or can make an 'L' shaped move. An 'L' shaped move involves moving 2 spaces horizontally then 1 space vertically or 2 spaces vertically then 1 space horizontally.
Given the size of the board, the start position of the kingknight and the end position of the kingknight, your method will return how many possible ways there are of getting from start to end in exactly numMoves moves. start and finish are int[]s each containing 2 elements. The first element will be the (0-based) row position and the second will be the (0-based) column position. Rows and columns will increment down and to the right respectively. The board itself will have rows and columns ranging from 0 to size-1 inclusive.
class Board:
def __init__(self, size):
self.size = size
self.board = [[0 for _ in xrange(size)] for _ in xrange(size)]
def copy(self):
c = Board(0)
board_copy = []
for val in self.board:
c.board = board_copy
c.size = self.size
return c
def is_valid(self, space):
i, j = space
return 0 <= i < self.size and 0 <= j < self.size
def set(self, space, val):
assert self.is_valid(space), "Invalid space: set()"
i, j = space
self.board[i][j] = val
assert self.get(space) == val, "Problems in set"
def get(self, space):
assert self.is_valid(space), "Invalid space: get()"
i, j = space
return self.board[i][j]
def get_adj(self, space):
assert self.is_valid(space), "Invalid space: get()"
i, j = space
result = [
(i+1, j),
(i-1, j),
(i, j+1),
(i, j-1),
(i+1, j+1),
(i-1, j-1),
(i+1, j-1),
(i-1, j+1),
(i+1, j+2),
(i+1, j-2),
(i-1, j+2),
(i-1, j-2),
(i+2, j+1),
(i-2, j+1),
(i+2, j-1),
(i-2, j-1),
result = filter(self.is_valid, result)
return result
def chess_metric(size, start, finish, move_limit):
board = Board(size)
board.set(start, 1)
aux = board.copy()
for _ in xrange(move_limit):
print _
for i in xrange(size):
for j in xrange(size):
current_space = (i, j)
current_val = board.get(current_space)
if current_val == 0:
for neighbor in board.get_adj(current_space):
neighbor_val = aux.get(neighbor)
new_val = current_val + neighbor_val
aux.set(neighbor, new_val)
board = aux.copy()
return aux.get(finish)